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... LI TE RAT U RE. ScoTTIc1sMIS CORRECTED. London: John F. Shaw. ToIS publication (a part of a series, entitled, Never too late to Learn), begins by defining a Scotticism in tvo wsays. The first definition, that of Dr. Beattie, the well-known poet of the last century wepresume, is, a Scotticism is an idiom or peculiar expression of the natives of Scotland. The second definition is stated to ...


... THE SHADOW ON TIlE WALL. Was the Shadow kissed by child or maiden? Infantine caressing! By pale dreamer, liro's full sun forbidden? Twilight of half-blessing! Or by votaries' lips a saintly image pressing? M1enl like fiends who Ieap o'er dead and dying Still new heaps to pile, Tossing a fierce laugh to Death's defying, Wild with wrath erewhile- Now like children lie and wait the nurso's smile. ...


... . THE 'OPERA. Since our last notice of the Opera Roberto was put on the sta ic fir tile first time on Monday, and again on Thursday yenitig. Mfasndiello was performed on ''uesday, and Fidelio on lridiy. We have very little space to devote to the opera this morning, as the crowded state of our columns will ft showe. Loberto is one of the most popular of Mleyerbeer's h operas, and justly so, ...


... Brigbt-raying through the rayless night, Like to a sudden sutl upspringing, Down-bornc oil willgs of heavenly light Through J oda's lind glad tidings bringing; Before whose feet the clouds dispel, g Thy herald comes, Euniumcuel ! b God is %with zsu /-Ilark, hark the sonod sl Proclaiming Christ's celestial birth; d WNhile chorus angfls, hovering round, e Swell the full strai, of P1 Peace on ...


... A D- --a- -T B A SHADOW' FLITlS BEFORE MIE. 'a n OlA IJUI' ?? (Teenysoli's Maud.) A shadow flits before me, Not thou, but like to thee; Ali Christ, that it were possible For one short hour to see TI he soils Nye loved, that they might tell us What and where they be. It Icads me forth at evening, It lightly winds and steals In a cold white robe before me, When all my spirit reels At the shouts, ...


... Sometimes in halls of beauty and of love, Where many fair and many proud ones be, And where the reckless and the thoughtless move, I picture thee. Thy memory comes to my lone heart enfolden In strains of sweetest music; murmuring low, Strange tales of dames and knights in pageants olden, And courtly show. The lonely wind that sighs in murmurs deep * Round some old ruin dear to love and fame, ...


... ?? . _ -1.1- St I.._ o ._t. Y Ul'1Z UA'iV'LA BIIUWi. If The annual exhibition, under the auspices of the Bute Farimers' e Soclety, took place onl Friday, in Mr. ]ilpatrick's field, near the ?? of Ease. The day was, npon the whole, favourable, although a littla rain fell in tbo afternoon; and the turn out of both stock and Y epotators vao good-i77 ceattlo, IS shoep, end 20 hortcs having ...


... LIT TERA TU RE. T1mE ENCYCLOrPXDlA BITANNICA; on DICTIONARY oF ARTS, a Sci13NC9s, AND GENERAL LITERATuRE. Eighth Edition, i With Extensive Improvements and Additions, and Numerous Ii Engravings. Adam & Charles Black, Edinburgh. v W E have so often had occasion to describe the peculiar and V valuable features of this now edition of a great national work, C that we need now do little more than ...


... THE HEllO LABOUR. (From 1 a Nation Boutiquiere,:) BY llENHIY LUS1INGTON. For the plague of Varna, Scutari's bell of woes, For the autumn's battles, for the winter's snows, For her noble thousands dead, and yet to die, She must have a vAlVE, Oln A REASON WIHY. Great in truth is Mammon, great, but not the Mvhole: Nay, at times, in Mammon wvakes the sleeping soul. Mammon's broad keen forehead, ...


... While Mr. Dickens begins his new serial, Little Dorrit, in November, Mr. Thackeray's publishers announce a collected edition of his Ad Miscellanics, in four voIlmes, to consist of Prose and Verse; Stories, Essays, and Sketchles, Satirical, Burlesque, and Sentimental. The Athenteum furnishes us with the following:- Foremost amongst Messrs. Longmans' announcements stand Volumes 1IL. and IV. ...


... T'eiE TICKET OF LEAVE. (as ung by ite Holder anodd a convivial Circle, in the Sltrua.) Yen a prig has come to grief,- Hie's no call for desperation Though I'm a conivicted thiie, Still I've 'opes of liberation. The Reverend Chnaplieg to deceive A certain dodge and safe resource is, Whereby you gets a Ticket of Leave, And theia resumes your wieious !courses. ?? I was lagged, my beloved pals, on ...


... 2 &Among the features-of this meeting of the British Associa- r tion, the collecti 5ppbotograpbs exhibited in the upper e galleries of Mesrsra! ie & Lochhead's magnificent ware- ;, house in BucbanauA t, cele for more than a mere notice, 8 and is well worthy f re than a merely passing visit; For s those interested in phtography there are excellent examples I of all the known processesad of ...