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The Examiner

Advertisements & Notices

... MRS TROLLOPE'S NEW NOVEL. This day is published, in 3 vols. GERTRUDE; or, Family Pride. Bv Mrs TnOLLOrs', Author of' The Life and Adventures of a Clever Woman,' &o . HFurst and Blackett, Publishers, Successors to Henry Colburn, 13 Great Marlborough street. Now ready in 2 vols. post rvo, THE WABASH; or, Adventures of an English Gentleman's Family in the Interior of America. By J. R. BmES, Esq. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day, foolscap octavo, 45. 6d. ELLAS: the Home, the History, the Literature, and the Arts of the Ancient Greeks. T roime lated from the German of JAcons,by JOIN OXENFOBD. London: John W. Parker and Son, West Strand. ANNOTATED }EDITION OF THE ENGLISH TPOETS. This day, the Second and Concluding Volume, Ys. 6d., of TrnHOMSON'S POETICAL WORKS- Edited, with Hemoir and Notes, by RoaIsr BRLL. On ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP EDITIONS . 0, .or POPULAR WORKS. The HEIR of REDCLYFFE. 6s. COMPANIONS of MY SOLITUDE. 3s. 6d. FRIENDS in COUNCIL. 2 vols. Os. C H A R I C L E S, a Tale of Private LIfe amongst the Ancient Greeks. By Frofessor BECKER. i0s. 6d. GAZPACHO; or, Summer Months in Spain. By Rev. W. G. CuARE. 5S. YEAST. By Rev. C. KINGSLEY. 5S. BACON'S ESSAYS; the References, and Notes, by T. MAREzY, M.A. Cloth, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Trap. Ire 3,. 6d. IDYLS and SO\GS. 'By FRANICIS T. PAL- GRvAE. Fellow oF Ee'er College. Oxford, Mondo : J.ahn W. Parker ask ?? West StIand. T'i s day. i15 i'slo Ns osour, dIe, Ss. of tbe fUAR[IERLY JOURNAL of PURE and Q APPLIED MATHEMATICS. Edited by J. ?? SeLVErTEO, M.A. F.R.S. late Professor of Natural Philosophy in Univelsity College. L.edoso; and N. IlL FEalOES, M.oA. Fellow or Gonville ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l ALLERY of BRONZES d'ART.-F. kX BARBEDIENNE and CO. of Paris, respectfully inform the British public that a complete collection of their MATHE- MATICAL REDUCTIONS, by the process of M. Collas, from the chefs-d'euvre of Antique and Modern Statuary in the Galleries of the Louvres,Plorence and Rome, Museum of Naples, and British Museum, to which a Council Medal was awarded at the Great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G ALLERY of BRONZES d'ART.-P. BARBEDIENNE nnd CO. of Paris, respectfully inform the British public that a coiplote collection of their MATEIE- 31AI1CAJ, REDUCTIONS, by the process of M. Collas, from the chefs-dcesuvre of Anetisqe and Modern Statuary in the Galleries ofthe Louvres,Flirzcce and Rome Muscum of Naples, and British Museum, to which a Council M'edal was awarded at the Great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~E HE CONSERVATIVE LANDI T. SOCIETY.-The OLD FORD ESTATE, in the Parish of St Idary, STIIATPORD-I.E-BOW. liddlesex within the Bearoutih of the Tower Hamlets, will e d llotted' at the OffOes, No 13 loclslk Itreet, Stranid, next WEDNESDAy the 24th of January. The land is divided into on illot of io'sZ.* four of 1301. each; one of 2041.; three of tON. earls; three ef tel. OOOh fifteen at 751. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE NEW NOVELS. Now ready, at all the libraries, in 3 vols. THE JEALOUS WIFE. B y iiss PARDOE. Il. THE NEXT DOOR NEIGH- BOURS. By Mrs GASCOIGNE, Author of Temptation,' &C. III' EUSTACE CONYERS. -By JAMES HANNAY, Esq. Author of ' Singleton Fontenoy,' &c. Also, Just ready, in 9 vols. DISPLAY. By Mrs Maberly. Also, immnediately, in 2 vols. MR. LEIGf HUNT'S NEW WORK, 'THE OLD COURT SUBURB.' Hurst ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G ALLERY of BRONZES d'ART.-F. BARBBDIENNE and CO. of Paris, respectfully Inform the British public that .a complete collection of their MATHE- MATICAL REDUUTIONS. by the process of Mt. Colian, from the chlef-d'meuvre ?? and Modern Statuary in the Galleries oftbe Louvres,2iorence and Rome, Museum of Naples, and British Museum, to which a Council Medal was awarded at the Great Exhibition, may be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GALLERY of BRONZES d'ART.-F. BtARBEDIENNE and CO. of Paeis, respectfully ioform the British public that a conplete collection of their MIATHE- MATICAL REDUCTIONS, by the process of DI. Collas,from the chefs-d'oeuvre of Antique and Mlodern Statuary in the Galleries of the Louvres,Florence and Rome, Museum ofRaples, end BNitish Museumn, to which a Council Medal 'was awarded .t the Great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REAT EXHIBITION of 1S55-COUNCIL 31EDEtAL.-EXPOSITTION UNIVERSELLE, 18iS- GRANDE MEDAILLE d'HONNEUR. G ALLE:RY of BRONZES d'ART.-F. G BARBEDIENNE and CO. of Poris, respectfully inform the British public that a complete collection of their MATHE- MATICAL REDUCTIONS, by the process of M. Callas, from the chefs dweurre of Antique and Modern Statuary in ice Galleries of the Louvres, Florence and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G ALLERY of BRONZES d'ART.-F. BARBEDIENNE and 00. of Paris, respectfully inform the British public that a complete collection of their MATiHE- lITATICAL REDUC'TIoNs, by the process of M. Collas, from the chefs-d'enuvre of Antique and Modern Statuary in the Galleries of the Leuvres.Fiorsnce and Rome, Mu~seum of Naples, and British ilusrum, to which a Couscil IMedal was awarded at the Great ...