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Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette



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Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette


... The following, we are informed, is the composition of the new Ministry, so far as it had been arranged on Tuesday :— Lord Palmerston, First Lord of the Treasury, Lord Cranworth, Lord Chancellor. Lord Clarendon, Secretary of State for Foreign AfTairo. Lord Paumure, Secetary of State for the War Depart- ment. Sir George Grey, Secretary of State for the Home De. partment. Lord John Russell, ...


... CARDIFF LOCAL BOARD OF HF.AI.TH A MARE'S NF.ST.—The Star of Gwent, in a letter II J Ustltin, which appeared in its last number, and which is thought by many to be from the pen of the Local Editor himself, devotes half a column of its valuable space to the discovery of a veritable metre's next. Bitf with the important discovery, the writer thus announces it:— It must surprise every ...


... SIR, —Mr. Sidney Herbert, when quoting passages from my History of the Peninsular War, showing the bad condition of the British army after Talavera, forgot an important consideration—namely, that the tioops had been marchinz for months, had traversed a great part of Portugal and Spain, and their exhaustion and sufferings arose from Spanish civil mismanagement and breach of promises answering ...

[No title]

... The Catholic Standard, the only organ of the Roman Catholics of Engtund, witt in future be edited by Mr. H. W. Wilberforce, brother to the Bishop of Oxford. SUDDEN DEATH OF SIR UBOUGE WOMBWELL.—WE have to announce tbe sudden death of Sir George Womb- well, who was found dead in his bed yesterday morning, at his town residence in Geofge-street, liaoovet-square. Weare informed that Sir George ...


... GLOUCESTER SPRING ASSIZES. THURSDAY, MARCH 29. COLEMAN V. RICHES. In this case Mr. Gray was couasel for the plaintiff, and Mr. Phipson appeared 00 behaif of the defendant. The action was brought to recover £124 15s. under the follow- ing circumstances. Tbe plaintiff is a corn dealer living at Uandaff, and the defendant is a carrier between Bristol and Cardiff, but living at tbe latter place. ...


... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, fjUIAT the EIGHTEENTH HALF-YEARLY £ ORDtNARY GEN ERA I, MEETING of the PROPRIETORS of the VALE OF NEAl'H lUlL. WAY COMPANY will be held at the CASTLE HOTEL, NEAIII, iu the County of Glamorgan, on WEDNESDAY, Ihe 28lh day of February instant, at t.Op.m..for general purposes of business and the Books kept by the Company for the Registration of Tl ansfers of Shares will be ...


... THOMAS CAMP8RI.L AND THE ET TRICK SHEPHERD. As soon aø the arrival ot tne Ettrick Shepherd became known in London, in 1832, he was greeted with acclamation, and was at once installed as the lion of the metropolis. He made his debut at a literay &uiree, given by his publisher in Waterloo-place, in honour ot his arrival. Here he was troduced for the first time to the poet Campbell, James ...

[No title]

... EXPENSE OF the NATIONAL nBT COMMISSIONERS; — The charge for the management uf the Office of Ihe Commissiouers tor the ilebt lust year was about £ 4,701. AN ACTION FOR ASSAULT 10 the Court of Queen's Ueuch, Wednesday, a seaman obtained £ 100 Ja t-ages from th captain of Ihe vessel in whicb he plaintiff sailed, for n assault. It appeared that tbe plaintiff, in 18o3, eugaged all chief ...


... 1855. £ 9. Ù. A: S. in 0 0- 0 II Ditto.tuinrtve. 715 O-H 0 8 10 U 01 ill Lozi,lo,i 10 o 0-12 0 (); Nail ltuds ditt. 0 0-10 It) (I Hoop-i ditto Il 0 O-ll \9 W U 3 8 .Nu. I, 4 1.; Hetineù Metal. ditto 0 (J lIan cornuwo. ùltto a Uitt«,r:u)W.tY,ditto. Dittu, Swedish, ill Loudun Lá 1u 0- 0 btiriiiig's Non.lamiuatiug, or Iiiirdeiied Surfce lti,it 9 0 0- 9 2 5 5 0- 0 U U 4 0 0- 4 5 6 10 0- 0 0 0' 2 ...


... MAR. 25.—FIFTH SUNDAY IN LUNT.—Mor»iing» 1st lesson, 3rd ch. Exod.; 2nd lesson, 12th ch. John. Evening, 1st lesson, 6th ch. Exod.} 2nd lesson, 3rd ch. II. Tim. FAIRS.—Glamorganshire: Morriston, 29 Mar.; NEATH, 28 Mar. — Monmouthshire: None-— Breconshire None. ...


... Numerous, and of course conflicting rumours, have been freely circulated in rel'ereuce to expected Ministerial changes, Home of the weekly newspapers, pretending to official knowledge, having even gonpfo far as to publish reconstructed lists. The genel al opinion is that in the event of Mr. Roebuck's motion beitijr canied the Govern- ment will resign, but that if it is rejected the Duke of New ...

[No title]

... We read in the Edinburgh Advertiser-Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton having handsomely placed in the hands of the Senatus Academicus the power of determining the ablest treatise out of all the matriculated students of (he College of Edinburgh, it is understood that the decision will be given forll. in the course of a few weeks. The linal award has been made in ibe competition for the Burnett Prizes. ...