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... ENIGMAS. I. Take a preposition from an oath, and leave an interjection. . ?? My first is a female; a neuter my second; The sum of my third few desire to be reckoned My whole of the children of wealth is the lot, But hopes of a better in heaven, cheer the cot. Myflrst, a happy joyons thing, A general favourite's reckoned, Oft have I heard its cheerful voice, When resting on my second. But if ...


... On Friday,. Northernbay, for the third. and last time this season, was made the fitting site of a botanical and horti- cultural exhibition, under the auspices of the Devon and Exeter Society, and the resort, accordingly, of-under alli the cireurnstances-a considerable number of visitors both from town and country. Notwithstanding that, up till noon the sly bad been ominous of an' unfavourable ...


... I it a at tit t. The Works of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke. Vol. ITV. (Boin's British Classics,)-Henry G. Bohn, York-street, Covent-garden, London. THis new instalment of the works of Burke contains im- portant performances of the great statesmen, viz., the elaborate reports prepared by him in 1783 for a Select Committee of the House of Commons, on the Administra- tion of Justice in India; and ...


... ERooek., I' ets, dfjizc, Sc., for reriiew, are requestc't to be ItR at l/r. J1 Red Lion Court, Fleet -otreef, London, adrlresscd 1' the Editor o!f the ExErii FLYINO POST.' ThIee o! t1 t , feortrardi, and receive on eaily notice. srn s : 1-III(, the lUv. i . J. 13toclk, B.A., Curate of St. Georgeo '-Cllrefi, itarnolcy, Yorkshire. London: Long.- soan. Ilrcovno, o~reen. anld Lon-iuan.-The autbor ...


... - THE CO.UIC ARTIST. I. A wittv picture! What a merry soul ie muist have been, that made it! Think ye so? With your permission, Sirs, I sill unroll One chapter of his history. You shall know Its preguant uteanings. This young artist had A trick of painting things the ;vorld weas glad To laugh at, but not buy. The crowd would staud Antd eye thern archly, and applaud their fun, And laugh, arid ...


... LITERATU RE. S-ook1, Iriolts, .ll3sic, C, c., fior review, are requeoted to be lef at dIr. ?? Mikhlod's, Red Lion Court, Fleel-etreet, London, ?? J o the Editor qf the ExrTrn FLYINS POST. These ci i.7 e dudy for ardeed, and receive an early notice. AlARGAItET Al AITLAND : b v the author of Merkland, &-c. ]'arlour Library, No. CXXV. London: Thomas 1lodgson.-Whuat is recoguised as one of the ...


... htottt. GOOD NIGHT. GOOD NIGHT is but a little word, Yet beautiful, though brief; And falls upon the gentle heart Like dew upon the leaf- Loves farewell note of tenderness Upon Affection's chords; The clasp that knits the daily chain Of kindly deeds and words. A verdant olive-branch of peace Up on our pillows prest, Shedding its grateful fragrance round Before we sink to rest- A kindly wvlS1 ...


... WESTON SUPFERMAs E HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION. ' The fourth annual exhibition Of this society took place On Tuesday Iett aind, notwithstanding the stormy morning, attract,- ed, a company which, for, numbers and fashion, was never excelled. The fite waso held ini the. d.od favourite ground termed 1The Lynoh, wbich~for the. 0c0ailon,'Was planted whith fire and other treest, and presented quite a ...


... WPBaokT, Prints, Music, teo., for reviere, are requested to be left at afr. C. .41itchell's, Red Lion Court, Fteeit-sreet, London, ?? I lhs Editor of the EXETSR FLYING POST. Thee will be daul forwarded, and receive an eartiy notice. 'The worke of 71illiam Cowper. Comprising his Poemi, Correfspondrne, and Traoslations. With a Life of the Author, 6y the Editor, Robert Soulhey, L.L.D. Vols. ...


... A SCENL >F1(J)r THlE LlrE OF A COUNTRY 'e tonal} ?? I -. A - - ;OiL antivprsary of the lloval Theatrical Fund was 1 e Mor M l. by thie usull dinner at tle London ~lr. h hi; thle Uisul amiount of funny speochmaling from i 0' ri Mr. hiarles Dickens.-M r. PRobert Bell, and 'r~gioalir rh 01 pl'lywrights. The most amusing and s 1 th oratory was a description given by Mr. Iipz11~ trials Onld ...


... THE CRIM.EAN MEDALS. Oh the glorious May morning wvhen the Sun's unwonted splendour M With a halo seem'd to gild the giant city's misty crown, S Wthen the softened summer air seemed fraught wlth feelings high in and tender, down. And eyes now fashed with patriot pride. now tearfuly ooked h Whentheclarions' shrillblast,nudthebrightpernons gatlyfOotI I; Andthetramplingof the horsemen, and the ...


... LITER ATURE. UflBooOs, Prints. ilugic, 5r,., for reniew, are requested to be keft at Mr. C. Mfdehell'i, Red Lion Court, Fleet-streol, London, addressed To the Editor of the EXETRa FLYING POST. These vill be du!tl fi,'earl.d, andreceive an earip notice. TIIE BRtiTsH HAND PLACE-BOOK. Glasgow, &c.: Blackie and SoD.-The most eomplete little broehlsre we have wet seen in the shape of a gszetteer ...