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Daily News (London)


... On Saturday an inquest was held at Thorpe Hes. ley, rear Rotherham, Yorkshire, on the body of a young woman, named Harriet Ardron. Deceased was between 21 and 22 years of age, the eldest of five children, and daughter of William Ardron, a farming man living at Thorpe. She was a girl of pleasing appearance and man- ners, and was a general favourite not only amongst her family and the immediate ...


... BXTRAORDINARY CHARGE OF FORGERY. The magistrates of Hertford were engaged on Friday in investigating a charge against Mrs. Emily Har- riet Geraldine Morris, described in the Bertfor: Mercury (our authority for the present report) as the wife of Mr. William Morris, of the Stock Exchange, and of Willen- hall, East Barnett, of having forged the acceptance of her husband to a bill of exchange for ...


... TER POLICR CO VBT8. GUILDHALL. John Marriotf, of the White Swan, Skinner-street, was summoned before Alderman Wilson, under the New Beer Act, for opening his house unlawfully for the sale of malt liquors on Sunday morning, Dec. 24. City police-constable 56 said, about a quarter past eleven o'clock on Sunday morning he saw two men go into the de- fendant's house. He followed them in, and saw ...


... CASUALTIESIN THE CRIMEA. a (PRom A SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE.) f The following appeared in our late edition on Saturday: WAR DEPARTMENT. December 30, 10, o'clock a.m. His Grace the Duke of Newcastle has this day re- ceived a despatch, of which the following is a copy, addressed to his Grace by Field-Marshal the Lord f Raglan, G.C.B. Before Sebastopol, Dec. 13. My Lord Dake,-Your Grace ...


... SEN TENCE TO DEATH FOR ARSON IN FRANCE. r The Court of Assizes of the Aube three days ago a tried a man, named Guillard, for murder and arson. For t more than seven years the commune of Brienne-la-Vieille was devastated by fires-and the lose caused by the destruc-t tion of hay, corn, furniture, and buildings. was very consi-I derable-nearly 200,000f., it is said, several families indeed N were ...

Law Intelligence

... 26--al-M latentatum t l NOTICES.-THIS DAY. COURT OF BANRIIUPTCY, BASINGHALL.STREET, BaEooa Ma. ComisstooNsea -GotiLacra.-W. Lemon, choice Of assignees, at Ili; 0. Hardin, choic, of assignees, at 12; E. J. Stan- nard, ehoics of assignees, at 121. INSOLVENT DEIBITORlS' COURT, PORTUGAL-STREET. sit at 10. METROPOLITAN COUNTY COURTS. Sitting days appoitted for the present week. l WESrOUNITER, St. ...


... TES POLICE CO UR TS. c MANSION-HOUSE. Charles Smith was brought before Alderman Wire, c charged with having picked a lady's pocket. Mr. Cotton, a hat manufacturer, stated that as he was t passing along King William-street be saw the prisoner take a lady's steel bead purse out of her pocket. There were close to the lady at the time several idle persons, who ap- peared to be the associates of ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL CO URT. The January session of this court commenced yesterday before the Right Hon. Francis Graham Moon, Lord Mayor; the Right Hon. J. S. Wortley, M.P., the Recorder; Alder. men Sir C. Marshall, Sir R. W. Carden, and Challis, Mr. Sheriff Isuggeridge, Mr. Sheriff Crostey, Mr. Under Sheriff Ferrer, Mr. Under Sheriff Crosley, &c., &e. In consequence of the short period thst has ...

Law Intelligence

... ar ?? suab) V13 CW ELLoRBS'OAMBER,rues.-AtoK Adl ?? SIa J. STUART' H- J Chito v. CAdde t I; Hervey v. Fitzpatrick, at ?? ae OR'.ll tO,eh3 v. Kinder, at lit; Hesse v. BrIant, at 12; Ii. B%3dlihm, aV.12 Jones v. Vaughan, at 12 ; Brownv. Lou. Boteberii Coman. t 2; River v. Douce, act 12. L to : doe Necroerlat CunI' Whatley v.Purser, at I I;J Maclaren v. LaIie wonedr, at IEasNtern Counties ...

Law Intelligence

... KLab) I1telltgenct, NOTICES.-THIS DAY. VICE-ORANCBLLORS' CHAMBERS, LINCOLN'S Iin VIE-CHNCUOLLOx ?? J. STUAR'T CHAMRS--& to K: v. Kerr. at l1e; Danbyv. Hothma, at Ili; Jones v. Vaugh Gbb 12; Bircham v. Kinder, at Ili. Lto Z: Wbeatleyv. Purser, et1k 4 tumbold v.Jesser, at lit; Lyne T. Lyne, at I J; Moody v.e, COURT OF BANKRUPTCY, Boson: Ma. Comemissioarra FoNSLANarUC.-C. Heath, ...


... FRlBNCH POLICA OASRS. ve ae Ite in ?? ad to an Isy tre t. rit he he e.0 ;he la, he ho it ibt It 0ts 1- (From taa Gafignamlwavo r.) A sausage dealer, named Perrein, of the Passage Sauvege, of La Villette, was on Saturday sentenced by the Tribunal of Correcltonal Police to forty days' imprisonment mn for having sold and had in his posses ion for sale, a large quantity of sausages made from ...


... THE POLICE COyRT&. ly MANSION-HOUSE. us Joaeph Salliss and Joseph C. Patey were brought up e- under the following rather peculiar circunstances. Mi. er Hobler appeared for the prosecution, end Mr. Wontner for 'le Salliss. of Sallies was, on the 23rd of December, charged by the house e- of G. B. Thornyoroft and Co., of Upper Thames-street, iron e- merchants, upon the following evidence: 0, Mlr. ...