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Morning Chronicle


... SECOND- OfTOBER IMEErENG. TvFZzDAY. . ~~~TfE CE3.AREWiTCH. Additional particulars of the race:- THE STARIT. At the first signal they all got off in a cluster; in the next mornent Early Bird sprung out and took a clear lead, Game- lad being second-Monarque, Mr. Sykes, Crown Pigeon, Itobgill, Lady Tatton, and Fulbeck occupying positions in front of tse ruck. ,| AT Tns.DITCH GAP, Early Bird gave ...


... SPORTING INTELLIGENCEL j TATTERSALL'S-YEiTEBIDAY. RumIOurS O f svourable and. unfavourable trials had the effoct of raising some horses in the betting, and of depressing others. For the Cesarewitch Robgill recovered the ground which he suddenly lost last week at. Newmarket, and once more took up his position as leading favourite at 7 to 1; at the close he appeared to be quite firm. 12 to 1 was ...


... | NEWMARKET HOUBEITON MEErING. THU SUBSCRIPTION ROOM-THURSDAY NIGHT. DERBY. 2700 to 200 agat Yellow Jack (taken) 20 to 1 - Coroner (taken) 300 to 100 - Wentwortit, Fly-by-Night, and Yellow Jock (tmken) FRIDAY.-Fifty Pound., for three-yr olds, 7st Glb ; four' 8Yt 51b ; five and upwards, 8st 1li,. The winner to be sold for 100 sovs if demanded, &a. A.F., one mile, two furlongs, 73 yards. Mr. ...


... MANCHEST1ER BTEEPL ECHASE, JANE. 1. AotloPtauOce for the Manohester Steeplechase. About three miles a nd a half. Blak S wan, 6 ysa, lost ys, ; Garland, aged, ?? 8 Slb Minerva, 6 yre, 1O0s 7 7b; Escape, 8aed, ?? d1b; Star of the West, aged, ?? 41b; Harry Lorrequer, 5 yrg, 96t 9bb; Victor Emmanuel (late King of Spain), 6 y rs, 9st 61b; The Rattler (late Gaylad), aged (, hunter), 9 .t. ...


... Danist NEWMARKET SECOND SPRING MEETING. Cent The asterisks indicate the horses now at Newmarket. Dutch TURSDAY.-Tho Suffolk Stakes of 15 sova each, 5 ft if DitoCent clared, with 60 added from the Town Rate Fund. Penal Eqnad ties for certain winners. The owner of the second horse rcenr to sare his stake. Suffdlk Stakes Course, last mile and a Ditto half of B.C. Clexin Postulant, 5 yrs, Bst 71b; ...


... SPOR TING. TATTERSALL'S-YESTERDAY. LIVERPOOL STEEPLE CHASE. Miss Mowbray was backed for a good deal of money at the adds quoted. The other transactions ou this event were an a limited seale. GREAT METROPOLITAN STAKES. Pharsalus was so strongly in favour that he quickly ob- tained a decided lead. 10 to I was taken to nearly £400. 16 to 1 was offered, bar one. CHESTER CUP. The principal outlay ...


... This regatta, whicha has always excited great interest in aquatic circles, commenced yesterday, at Putney. i The committee of management had, as usual, their barge le moored off the Bishop of London's, at Fulham, which wls ir crowded by the subscribers and their friends, a very large l portion of whom were ladies. The barge and eteamira were covered with flags and streamers, a military band ...


... LIVERPOOL SPRING MEETING. WEDNESDkY.-The Tyro Stakes of soVS each, with 40 added, for two-yr-olds; colts, 8it 71b ; fillies and geldiugs, 8st 31b. The second to save his stake. T.Y.C. 12 subs. Mr. J. J. I Henderson's St. Arnaud, Sst 7ib .(G. Oates) I Mr. Wilkins' The Blironees, 8St SIb ?? (Caritol) 2 Mr. Byrn's Keepsake, 8st Sib ?? (Kendall) 3 Mr. J. HE Jones's The Temrtlar, 89t 71h. . s.hmall ...


... SPORTING JNTELLIGENCE. GHMRACES. 1JMSA.Btigsai plate (handicap) of 50 sovs, for ni all ages. Tbreo~qu'l rte5o ie MrI. Swn' reckle, 3 yre, Oat4lb ?? (Joe Rogers) Id Mr. T.,.Stevens'5 Swalcliffe, 2 yrs, 4st 131b ?? .2 el Mr. Mellishs5 Gossip., 6yrs, Bat ?? ?? 3 Tile. folidwing also ia -Mr. Blackman's Wait-5w1)ile, LI uged, 8at 7ib (Irwin); Mr.~Barnard's Tobolaki, Siyrs, Vet 711 e ifigl~ies) ; ...


... CHESTER AUTUMN MEETING. TUJESDAY.-The Mostyn stakes of 10 sova each, 11 ft, with 40 added ; two-yr-old colts, 7st 51b ; fillies, 7st 2ib; three yr.old oolts, Sat 12ib ; fillies, Sit lOlb. Ccrtaiu penalties and allowances. Three-quarters of a mile. 7 subs. Mr. W. Palmer's The Chicken, 3 yrs, gat llb(Whitohouee) 1 Mr. Smnyth's Yule Cake, 2 yrs, 7st ?? (T. Cliff) 2 Betting: 10 tol on the Chicken. ...


... WP;rSDAY.-The weather presented a very retable ohange-heavy rain and drizzliug mists ,or succeeded by genial sunshine, and a clear at- bos ere hih hbad au inspiriting effect on the sp, illparted additional life and gaiety to the attractive scene. But although the weather 00otiirued favourable during the greater part of the day, the attendance of company fell 5hort of au avre. marative ...


... TATTERSALL'S-MoNDAY. A thin attendance and very little betting. After intelligence bad reached the room that Rotherbam and Imogene had run a dead heat for the Wolverhampton Stokes to-day, the former was backed for some money at 6 and 6 to 4 to win the deciding beat. This was the only brisk movement which was made in the course of the afternoon. Most of the following quotations were only to ...