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Morning Chronicle


... SPORTING INTELLIGENC!E. * bri W tARWICK RACES. W'BDaNxsD.-The Greatt Warwickshire Stakes of 10 sovis L each, vrith 50 added, for two-yr-olds; eolti, 8st n1b; fillies, fro 8st 3lb. Penaltiei asd allowances. T.Y.C. 5 subs. fra iMr. Gullivers 'Is iminator, 8st 41b ?? ?? (Yates) 1 M Mr. J. Barnard's Sirocco, 8st ?? 2 Pr Betting 2 to1 ?? 7 to 4 on Illumiuator. Won by half a. o t length. %Bc The ...


... I I WARWICK RACES. TUESDAT.-The Racing Stakes of 5 so0V each, with 25 added, for two-yr-olds and upwards; optional selling weights, ac.I Cortain winners extra. Seven furlongs. 6 subs. Mr. T. Sieveus's Swaloliffe,2yra (650), S5t lib (llordham) I Mr. Isaac Day's Hothorpe, aged (450), 7st 121b (iVakefield) 2 Mr. Smith's Vine, 2 yrs ?? 4st 121b ?? (Snowden) 3 Mr. Mather's Rose, 3 yrs (X50y, Ost ...


... It g EPSOM RACES. T&ERSDAY.-The EpjsomaFour Year Old Stakes of O ?? each, h ft; colts, 8st 111b; fillies, 8st elb. New Derby Course. 4 subs. Mr. J. Powney's Marc Antony, 89tIllb ?? (A. Day) 1 Mr. Joseph's Tom, 8st Illb ?? (JOsborne) 2 Duke of Bsdford's Pelham, 8st lib ?? Rogers) 3 Betting: 6 to 4 each agat Tom and Marc Antony; 8 to 1 against Pellam. A tine race with Tom and Marc Antony from ...


... A COVENTRY MEETING, MARCH 6. HANDICAP PLATE of £50. Three-quarters of a mile. Kennyside Hero, 4 yrs, 8st 91b; Falcon, 4 yra, 8st 31b; New Brighton, 5 yrs, 7st 71b; Lady Flora, 5 yrs, 7at 31b; Romeo, 5 yrs, 6st 121b; Orson, 4 yrs, 6st Ib; Firebrand, 4 yrs, 69t lOIb; Gaulight, 6 yrs, 6st 9lb; Ceres, 6 yrs, 6st 81b; Cardiff Lass, 6 yrs, 6st 71b; Badheart (late Sweetheart), aged, 6st 71b; Clara ...


... CUESTER AUTUMN MEiT ISG , PROGRAMME OF THE SPORtY. TuESDAY.-The Slhorts Handicap of 10 Sova eaeh, h ft, wiith 5( added, tor nl ages; a winner of any handicap race of the value of 100 sovs clear, after the publication of the weighte, 6ib extra; the second to receive Sove out of the stakes. Saven furlongs. 19 suba. Bourgouri, 6 ?? extra) 9it; Titterstone, i (h b), 8st 71b; Bright PeebuR, 4 yrs ...


... SPORTINa. EPSOM3 SPRING MEETING, MARCH 22. Weights for Tree GaEAT MlETnROPOITAN STAES.S For-E feits to be declared on or before the B0th Jainuary. Two: miles andI a qunrter.i Ratapian, i yrs, ?? 21b; Virago, 4 yrs, 10st ;Muscovite, 6 yrs, 9st lIlb; Tbe Nahob, 6 yrs, 9st 51b; Balrownie, 5 yra, 9 t; Little Harry, 6 yrs, 9dt; Goorteal, 5 yrs, 8st 91b ; Tal- 5furd, 5 yrs, 8st S1b; Socytbian, 4 yra ...


... ASCOT HEATH RACES. TuEsDkY.-The glories of Ascot seemed de- parted, and the attraction of themeeting dimi- nished. The forebodings which had been ex- pressed as to the assemblage of aristocratic visitors were well founded, for the Court was absent, and the attendance of high and noble patrons of our national sport was consequently limited. Not until somewhat late in the morning did the ...


... SPORTING( INTELLIGENCE. READING RACES. TuEsDAT.-The Borough Plate of 25 sovs, added toa Sweepstakes of 3 sovs each, &c., half a mile (14 subs), was won by Mr. Mellish's Gossip, 5 yrs, 8St 111b (Wells), beating eleven others. The Eisthampstead Park Stakes of 5 sovs each, with 25 added, one mile and a quarter, was won by Mr. J. M. Stanley's Scbamyl, 3 yrs, 7st 71b (Ashmnall), beating four others ...


... NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE. TUESDAY.-The Ladies' Plate of 60 s0VB, added to a handicap sweepstakes ofr3 sovs each; for horses of all ages. Once round and a distance. 7 subs. Mr. i'doseley's Romeo, 6 yrs, 7st 81b ?? Cliff) I IMr. G. Skipworth'u Fanny Fern, 3 yrs, 6st 6b (Bearpark) 2 Mr. Owen's Timotheus, aued, 7st 51b ?? ?? White) 3 Mr. J. W. Redhead's Dear Me, 5 yrs, 8st lb (Thorpe) 4 Mr. J. ...


... SP-ORTING INTELLIGENCE. -O. WORCESTER AUTUMN MEETING. WEDgMDAT.-The Hurdle-race, a handicap of 6 soVS each, with S0 added. Certain winners extra. Two miles. 17 subs. Mr. Downes's Red Rose, 4 yra, got 71b ?? Stevens) 1 Mr. W. Orchard's Phantom (b b), aged, 10st ?? (Ennis) 2 Mr. Littier's Fenrman, 6 yrs, 10it 41b ?? (Higgins) 3 Mr. Holman's Pillaton,4 yrs, 98t . ?? (G. Smith) 4 The following ...


... , - TI I I TELIGENC(1 t .* FTsTERSALbS.--.YE5TB1Dl~y.. . . ! A -ohio attenda5cO nd very little batting. Two or three i nisovements, -however, effeoted an important change an the mas pact of the St. Leger.~ At first Riflemnn was backed for upwards of £600 at 6 to b2 -ot instead of. th eottlay etrengthening his pesitioI), he soon afterwards fell back 3to 1, laid iu fifties. Meanwhile, IOulston ...


... NEWMARKET FIRST SPRING MEETING. TuE; SUBSCoaoT0oN ROOM-THURSDAY NIamT. CHESTER CU.,. 12 to 1 agst Scythian (taken) 12 to 1 - Nabob (taken-13 to 1 also laid) 14 to 1 - Neville (offered) 15 to 1 - Early Bird (taken) 20 to I - Escape (taken) 20 to I - Gamekeeper (take 25 to 1) 20 to 1 - The Reiver (offered) 25 to 1 - Dalkeith (taken) 25 to 1 - Ireland's Eye (offered) BB to 1 - Joe Miller 40 to 1 ...