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Morning Chronicle


... 2'BRS BATTLE OF INKERMAN. (P10K PIll ILLUSPRATED WXD@N NEWS.] Sebastopol lay shrouded I. thick Novembher gloom, And through the midnight silenee The guns had ceased to boom. The sentinel outworn In watohing for the morn, From Balakiava'e heights Beheld the Russian lights, In the olose beleaguered fortress far aclown; And heard a sound of bells Wafted upwards through the dells, And a roar of ...


... LITERATURE, TORX OF THE ENGLISII POOR LAW.| jstor!Y of the Eiiglid;h Poor Lawo in Conncf ita~i~ *d1 tt ILsigslat~on and othesr ?? *ffcc- site COflditiOa of thce PeOPle. By Sir Gisoaws Sgl., ?? late Poor-lawr Comimissioner .,d ecretasrY to the Poor-law Board. Lonldon johnD M2urray. Wil title of this work gives by no meaus an ade- teidea of its contents. Instead of being ?? a history of the poor ...


... TlHEl MAGAZINES. Id BLACK WOOD. Thes opening and closiing papers have reference to his the great Stdallabsorbing topic of the day-the rk war in the E~ast-thus imparting to Old Ebony quite tof a muartiail appearance, and investing it with qoali- rytics which would almnost justify its adoption for a :w- motto of the well-knowna words of the Latin poet, n- artno v1irrn qut caneo. In the first of ...


... .LITEFRATURE. HItSTORY OF THEli ENfG;LISH POOR LA. gro~Vi; ,4 History of the Engiswh Poor Lawo in Csnp~~t. Gtf with~ the Legislation GOId other circu~mstances aifC. raed.E ing the Clorditiol) of the People. By Sir Gio5G oruri NIcIIOLLS, ?? Iate Poor-law Cowmissi~a, ce aud Secretary to the Poor-law Board. Joha MurraY. . oat (CosiCtsded from27w ThMAoraintj C'lsronicte of ye~f>>| a The ...


... DR URw Y-LANE THEA TRE. A short picwrtencby Mr. otenb Zr BlonacoCAuLevT, was pprdduced at this tiseatro last ovenileg. Though described in the bills a a petiie del'aooa, it is, in fact, tmerely a tingle arose, and titat not a very bugl ont. Fromn the retrospec- te iiotO~ irdeoml us by ?? y h various prea et, it ep- iap puaces that al Easehisisman namedf George Tarleton has, while teavelling ...


... I- -,RZIA AND ITS INHABITANTS. p 9'1c1rkolas 1. Emperor of Russia ; with a ',¢ceo R of russia and the Russians. By I Loudon: Lougman, Brown, Greeu, w171twonlan ein Russia : Impressions of So- . tei ,l ariuers of the Russians at Hlonic. By lvY Ten l'car9 Resident in that Country. ,a1 . Jo3 Murray. 1 u ;dc - wvhich we naturally feel as to the e And ?? of foreign countries generally, ?? ...


... I E EcoNOqly OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, riv AND IRELAND, are gl t1 EGOtiOsIY of England, sEcolttfi, and Ireland. ma DC L I AEED tE. Translated from tbe tar( rs L>° viua N Zotes, by ?? Farmer. W m. tist e3ckwood aud Sons, Edinburgh and London. the B eo 1vergzue was a short time since a pro- dep 0I df tbe Agrionitural Institute of France, and tia 1l -e ,t work has been compiled by him from a the [be ...


... LESLIE'S HANDBOOK FOR YOUNG PAINTERS. A 1 Handbook for Young Painters. By A. U. LESLv S, R.A., author of the Lie of Constable. Murray. The author of the L Life of Coustable has en- deared hill name to English readers by one of the most charming pieces of biography in the language, as well as to the lovers of painting by works of art which have gained for him a lofty and what we feel sure ...


... .GLAND UNDER THE STUARTS. rfthc Court of England under the reign of I Siliiiats, including the Protectorate. By JOnN NI JFSSE. Vol. I., Bentley's Monthly cs B V liutearanuc of the graceful little volume be- J Ibeartsa uew epoch in literary enterprise. r u3w years sioce the wide spread of edu- the country induced a demand for Of a htigh cass of merit at a cheap sate; and el los;° ald has ...


... l~TE1SATURE AND FINE ARTS. TlEr SIEGE OF SEBASTOPOL. Ih h tOi? in thet £'arap 6efiort eScbautopol. By a Nox- o CsO$7MiAST.~ London: Loagman and Co. o ~ h reseil eagerness for Dews from the Ori- soirer the dullest letter is perused with jute- pC, is~, ouly dated from the Crimea, and men wheli n at hoawe, could hardly put two ideas to-[ ,gh0 s beddenlY' find their lucubrationus devouredI rh ii: ...


... IF, ISTORI OF HIERBERT LAKiE. l a.i of Herbert La~c. By the Author of tfjle ?? t. In 3 vools. London: Hfunt history of Herbert L~ake is that of the bofe poor farmer, who, endowed with consider- ?? ?? talentS, and a noble persevering mind, 1at jiis wawy through all the difficulties of posi- fenaid poverty to the first rank among success- 5theUtors and able lawyers. The career of the iC'3 * iO ...


... nHE: CONTRIBUTiONS OF CEYLON TO THA3 PARIS .LICIIBITJOIV. age [FROM TriSi C0L01515 OnSERvsa,1l Though not equal to what might be and ought to be pro- d uced by India's utmost isle, the Ceylon corsteibutien to ted t he Paris Exhibition is far more complete, wearied, and in. at, toresting than that which was forwarded to. the world's ahow i n London. Those therefore who go onu. the morrow to ...