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Reynolds's Newspaper

Advertisements & Notices

... DRURY LANE THEATRE. Lessee, Mr. E. T. Smith. rrRIUMPHANT leareer of' the great national pant'mime. On, T Monday, astd during the weec, The PEGE¢NT. Characters by 31essrs. T. Mead, Beton, A. Younge, Worrell; Misses Marriott. Arden, Love, Johnsica, Mrs. Selby, &c. To conclude with the pato- mimce of JACK AND JILL; or, Harlequin King Mustard, and Four-and-Twenty Blackbirds Baked in a Pie. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * . - - . I BpM eapinles 6d. and 9d. per box; wit], ?? ii7i'oi eltbbs Is. Id. per box, be post 4d, ext 5a i-l stamps. A certahia d fspeody ce. q in all diseases of Ellor, Gleet3, Weslg ess, Geiw- ralln Debilitir C00sfigeli W ?? se El X11qg tly utt w ded so, sltsoalt ;URAUL§6Iu T OF' COltgVPTI0N. S.Just publshed new and kiproved dition, Price Is, EING a Series of PaperN presenting the rot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O II-~'T~,,PFNI 2 ISU RE S OPV H EA LT H .Health, recreation, and rational use.!ftime,, gloen about -the Environs of Iondon-fihe Parke, Lauesi Miji, iest, si~ i~hrba~ an oter leaanip~ses; Country Trips and rambles; the Sea,; Londen at Klghitj Evenings at Hoime; Mersic : the-Drama; on Eating, Drinkng, Sleeping, Balig, Air, Resii, Ese Occupation, &Zc:. ~ is. aad~iwm. , rPlAGMMIS ROM THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE TURKISH LADIES OnWeadneedsy, JAI 0thwbJ O pUblisall, I*Iee One Pn (No.2 being given Gratis with No. 1), splendidly illustrated HE L O V E S O F THE -HAARE31. H Br GEORGa W.M . EtyxOLmS.: The nature of the tale will afford ample ecope for the exercise of tO aritlts talented penril and the illustretiens vtU be or the most beantiful description. There will be an equally diveriote arena for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRURY LAS TEZ Lssee, Mr. Z'AT. SMItll rOURTH week and contsined career of success of the grand F srational faincy Pantomime, never equalledforbrilliancy and weftton the English Stage New comic scenes each weekincreased attraction in the dancing. First appearance of Jenny Wren. On Monday and during the week, The BLIND twoseact, Characters by Measers T. Head, Dalton, A Younge, Milss Mari ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y PL15Y pIiP y OR' ^FAXLNG -ISICKN3;PESS: SPaNsMs, AND NERVOUS CODNIPAINTS, OF EVERY KMND. A MONG the varied Diseaaes that affdlct human kind, there is not One more grievous in its nature nor injurious la its conse quences thin Epilepsy. The unfortunate Individuals labouring under this dreadini Malady must necessaritly feel that life is. a burden; for, it is not wheo undergoing the fearful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :* DR. -0CWLVERV., : THEi PTLEASURE.S OF: HEALTH Vse;ries of polr warks,-,,l each, by posis Sd . each, ENJOYMENrT F I.FE. . Eraltb, recreation, and rational twe of lime. Cos ?? ' S`rig sd Summner MoiugspExW slons abont the Env'xirons of London-the Parks, Lanee Lilt, Vorests, Fielda,' Highioadk a other pleasant lai-0omunty' Trips nd Rambles; the Sea; London at Nlght;.Rveningsas Home- Music; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MYSTERIES OF THE OOURT.-FOURTN Phnblldin! In Wely Penny Numbers and Monthly Sfxpenny Partai'Spleadidly illustrated by Thwaits and Gilbert, the Fourth &roes O.f THE 14YSTERIES OF THE GOURT. T BY OEM W. AL REOD The anormeus success of the three Series already befdre the public-a success unparalleled in the sphere of cheap literature- natura=l encouraged the author to the Issue of a folth. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tim~ FO3JY MQ, GETTINQ MBU91ktsE9a:; rrjs, bcauiifutl pri truly valuable work s .utablo for ibot'oaexes; soeb or POOT, youthior' ege,wtil'give clettrinstryct tmna to f ealve' money in frt y easy busixeeasoe lvftholitten shillngse oatilay or a siipeucot risk. Price ls. 4d,4 sent post free the g Uf.llowihsg day to any part of the kingdorI 'I'isa .ostoyipt~lii woik has beauaproaonccdda bleoaln ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRINCE OF WALP8 LIFE ASSURAWC COMPANY. ' OFFICES.' Chlef Offilce-London, 105, Regent-street. Manchester, Prince of Wales-buildings, Piceadilly. Dublin, 15, Dame-street. Glasgow, 2.. Exchange-square. Foreign Agendes.-Pars,a Brussels, Lisbon, MontreA, Buenos Ayres, and Monte Video., ?? :, ' ~~TRrST£E~s. : RThe Bightonourable the Earl of Wilton. The Eight Honourabla the Earl of GlengalL Liout. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR.L OULVEnWELL. NTHE 'PLEA*SURES OF HEALTH ENjOyTMENT OF LIrE. Gosviorrs.-Early ltHi-dg,~ bpnng alid S-mmuer Horuings' Exoir- ljons about the Enviirons' of --isondos---thei Parks, I Lanss,iila Forests Fields High-road7, eid. other pleasant pslacse; Country Trip an a lei; the Sea, London. Ai?Niglht; Evenings at Rome; xHeist; the Druse; on Eading, D-Aukizsg, Sleeping, Bathing, Air, FR.AGMENITS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRlURY LA NE THEATRE. Lessee, Mr. 3. .T. Smit3h T UETHER redaction of prices. Childrenunder twelve years of .0. nge admitted to see the pantornime :at ?? to boxes and plt. The enthusiastic reception, received each ?? 'friom the c:o-vded audiences that witness thle representation of the grand liational pantominne-andthe boundless applaulse bestowed on the Magnificent scenery-wonderful effects ...