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Advertisements & Notices

... J. S. BROWNING, T 57, Corn Market Street, Oxford, A GENT for J. & F. Howard, Bedford, the makers and patentees of the ploughi which obtained the prise of the Bath and West of England Agricultural Society, held June 9, for the best plough for general purposes; and like- wise of the Oxfordshire Agricultural Society, held June 14,J 1854. This plough, and also Howard's prize horse-rake, r harrows, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHARACTER FROM HANDWRITING. /J ADAME KARL SCHLOSS will delineate M character from handwriting on the receipt of thirteen postage stamps, and a specimen of writing, stating the sex of the writer. -Address to Madame Karl Schloss, Post Office, Oxford. MANTLES 25 PER CENT. UNDER USUAL PRICES! CHILTON' & B3EAUIMONT RE now offering a large and choice lot of Glac6 and Moire Antique MANTLES,just ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tia HE FIRST BRACKLEY MONTHLY be T CATTLE MARKET is appointed for Wednesday the ric First of August ?? desirous of Disposing of Live )m or Dead Stock by Auction will much oblige by sending par- aI ticulars to the under-signed, on or before Monday, July 23. R. RUSSEL, Auctioneer, Ills Brackley. an G The Brackley Monthly Cattle Market will be held on the first Wednesday in each month. ies R. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... is DESIRABLE FREEHOLD COTTAGES, ie AND GARDEN GROUND, Id WELFORD, GLOUCESTERSHIRM, le S~fia ilesfrom Stratford-upon-Avon. O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, *e , 1 By W. LY:NE, At the Bell Inn, Welford, on Thursday the 3rd day of m January, 1856, at One o'clock in the afternoon (unless ly previously disposed of by private contract), subject to con- n- ditions to be then ?? these SEVEN COTTAGES r or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEDGES and BUTLER, Wine Merchants, &C., d .l, Regeent-street, London, and 29, King's road, Brighton (originally established A. D., 1667.)-GORDON'S GOLDEN SHERRY, 30s. per dozen; superior ditto, of soft and full flavour, 36s. ; pale and brown Sherry, from 30s. to 54s.; Amontillado Sherry, a delicate pale dry wine for in- valids, 48s. and 6i0s.; old Port, 30s., 36s., 42s., and 48s.; the old ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CLARENDON ARMS INN, JERICHO, OXFORD, nn'o be LET, with possession at Mlicaelmas next. Ta -For particulars, and to treat for the eame, apply to Messrs. Morrell and Biddle, solicitors, St. Giles's, Oxford, or to Messrs. T. Mallam. and Son, agents, High-street, Oxford. Freehold, Copyhold, and Leasehold Land, Situate at Headingtosc and SRktover Hill, Within Two Miles of Oxford. I ESSRS. T. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lDURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of .L Chancery made in a cause Leisinger and another against Winter and another, the Creditors of and Incum- brancers on the real Estate of ANNA MARIA APPOLINA HASTINGS, late of Daylesford House, in the county of Worcester, widow of the late Right Honourable Warren Hastings, Esquire, who died in or about the month of March, 1837, are, by their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... By perivsioon of the Reverend the Vice-Chancellor and the Right Worshipful the Mayor. TOWN H4JLL, OXFORD. INS AID OF THE PATRIOTIC FUND. A MATEUR THEATRICALS, on WEDNES- A DAY NEXT, Jan. 17, and FRIDAY NEXT, Jan. 19. The National Anthem will be played by the Band of the Oxfordshire Militia; to be followed by an Opening Address, written for the occasion by a Gentleman of Oxford, to be delivered ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO PARISH CLER-ra. O IE Gi LlNEA will be.given far the Marriage 0 Certificate of SPENCER SCHUTZ and DOROTHEA ASHURT, whob were, on the 11th of August, 1762, married, it is supposed inwthe neighlbourhood ef Oxford.-Apply to Pluckisett and Adams, solicitors, 17, Lincoln's Inn-fields, Longdon. AiTil 25,1855. DIPMINGEHAM lMUSICAL FESTIVAL, in Aid of the FUNDS of the GENERAL HOSPITAL, on the 23th, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [E;DGESa&dBTJ ITIR, Wine Merchants, &c., 165, Regent-street, London, and 29, K.1in's-road, k Brighton (originally establish-td A. D.,1667.)-'GO1DOIR'S - GOLDEN sIidERLy, 0s-. per dozen; superior ditto,,of soft ?? full fhwyour, S6s. ; pale .amd brown Sherry, from 30s. to 4 Ns; Atnontillado Sherry, a~delicate pale dry wine for in- -valids, 48s. and 60s.; old. Pert, 3Os., 36s., 42s., and 48sa; p ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELASTIC STOCKINGS, Knee Caps, and Socks, 0E' SUPERIOR QUALITY AND WORKMSANSHIP, For We&a LgSs, Andles, Estee Joiats, Varicose Veinis, &c. .HESE useful Articles may be obtained in ( T. all sizes either in thread or silk, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, fully 25 per cent. under the usual charges, fromn F. EDWARDS, Dispensing Chemist, 118, High Street, Oxford. In addition to the above reduction, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 14,ONEY advanced on Plate, Watches, Jewvellery, Wearing Apparel, and every description of valiable Property, at very much less interest than is usually charged, by Messrs. GIRAINGE and COMPANY, Silversmiths, Pawn- brokers, and Jewellers, Bath-street, Abingdon. BEstablished 1794. J. II. MONKS & CO., HORTICULTURAL BUILDERS, &c., 10, Carenudon-pjlace, Jfcaida-vale, 3far-ylchone, London. TSTIMATES ...