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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... IACHIA, USTRALIA, and CAPE of OEW 0. YOUNG wiil dospatch the following ?? At Cryborr ; at the dates named as under: I..i' Commanders. nestiatation. Does TOMSl. E2 l. ?? CRtoutta ?? London ?? Jan. 18 , o X 1, Harrisonf alcutta ?? London ?? 11an. 13 0.P *4f Gray . Ceicutta L~ondon ., Jan. 20 ro Queas i; D.avideao .. lautt Liverpool. Jan. 16 ,,Dbch 3 11119 .. K Bmb g London Fb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3afa&tt atrwa. No0w READY. -The ALLIED SLEEVE CAPE or WRAPPER, Waterproof, yet evaporable, adapted or the Spring Season. Price One Guinea.-To be had only ot the Patentees (end recognised Agents) H. J. and D. NICOLL, 114, 116, 18, lf. REGENT.STBEET, and 22, CORNEILL, LONDON. E R VA N T S' L I VE R I E S. J The beet at moderate prices, furnished for cask payments, by H. J..and D. NICOLL. 114, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ( IRCULAR ?? ,a! it'1UEGN IlOtEI.' ; jC Trave'lers p cceath?', ' i , Eaototaitioitp t the Colonies, America, &-c era, .11 CIRtCULA it NO CVitAo ii £10 ant ii each, X5 ,b w1.1: i lat cowns without dptlue- tion; also loreign inonay Bat ?? :, at the Bullin and BAnk. jng-office; 79, Lomoard-Atrte'. I A It -! tLMANN and Co. A DAM SPIELNiANN a.1 (Ca. bave REL1OVED A to their more convoi>:-t u,- Ii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE.-The IMOTN FtBEEffOLD MANOR Of HAR* .HONDSIVORTH. MIDDLESEX. ESRS INIEL SMITH arnd SON respect- th ullyR rplfr GDthe Nevea ?? phtrhaovepery ofaSLINA, FRaEHOi,)sIA Otouil wtha ?? hepoS evytih meidu ~sef crgmo ?? ?? be sold by auction i uy'et 1855. cJueB.15 VAE LUATttLD R L FACTRMSL TopITHE about CHAGE ofe a DANIE. L SMIT1H and SON bese toul ]MJ ESSIristhe severl epiat that they have C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A NT WERP, BRUSSELS, COLOGNE, HAM- .iBURG, RERUIN, LEIPZIC. DRESI~hN, &&.-4&a passage five hours ?? Fares, 27s. antd 20s.-The ANTWERPU COMPANY'S new splendid and very powerful steam-ship BARON otSY, THOMAS JACKSON, Commander, leaves the St. Katharine's Wharf, 'lower, everv Sunday, at twelve neon, ?? from Ant. werpevey Wdneday afternoon at One. Travellers may proceed VIGrHden ?? shat setasgeo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR VALPARAISO and LIMA, a charteredjil F Ship, and will have quick despatch, the fine A I British-built l .10prRINcESSHELENE, well known in the vesteeasttrade, nowl le ldingF in the Lonlorkn Dook.-For freight or passage apply to SEBY- ?? PE.%COCK, and Co., 17, Or aCeohutch-lteet. TND1A, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, and CAPE of I GOOD HOPE.-WV. 0. YOUNG will despatch the following fast. sailing A I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F AMIIES, OOK SOCIETIES, sod COUNTRY FUBRARIANS SUel'LIVJ) wit QlltherN BOOrKSy byE. perusal, on terms more liberal ?? at an te icay yB C*RUrON, 26, lIOlies~btTeot.- Terfee one Guinea upwards. ILO CHARGE for forNO CRESTS, Initials, or Address, rotsi Prieat ies , on paper or envelopes, No MARGE for cementlog envelopes; NO CoARGE for carriage to thecountry, upon orders over 20n.; and a aavlng ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1%jrAlBY'S PATENT CJLEAN!SINGi CRYSTAL, jYJ. the beet erticlo ever Invented for wahng lace, ldnen, crotchet vverk, flaninel, coloured thiuge,&c=- eaves time, labour, and coap; e oftsna the hands, end preeetves the clothes frorn deotue tiona. Warranited harmless, 6d. perpaeket er 6E. per doeen.-bMansu. facto~red only bv W. Et. MANBY and Co.. 110l. Strexnd. Tcemple~laW. B ROWN'S PATENT SAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [Advertiaementl BANK OF NE IW SOUTH WALBS. The half yearly general meeting of the proprietors of this Bank was held at the Banking-house, in Sydney, en the 25th of April last, Captail TowNs, the President. in the chair. The folonwiag report was read and carried unanimoasly: It bas again become our duty to place before the proprietors the balance-,sheet of the Baok sioyued by the Auditors of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTIC to RAILWAY aid STEAM-OAT attendauee. EDGEsl aid BUTLER, wine merehaxts, &C., B2.ad5 ie l:fs Ioned adr Po29i.; ROW RI Hgle Ste. t S Ns.'.entocCat, L;ci SGOBcat ?? Uquet m etalshi AX.16 mad de.; Crab[sadSaternMe, . toy win sakln C s 485, ~s. ad ~s. pols eand 42r . Anrt quN tit,; shnOnae.ChryBandy, and s othrforegnt qen INES and STORES for the CRIMEAN V ARMY, and BLACK SEA FLEET.-EEDGES and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Al CHINA. AUSTRALIA, and CAPE f D HcOPE.-W. 0. YOUN wldopthhefollowing fast- A I copper 8111PB at the dates nanied as nuder: 1p. _ s omns nders, Detation. Docks. To SeL =Wattenbscb1400 Ed. Kersting Nleltta ?? R. India.. Nov. 20 Winterthur_ 697 1. IReynolda ?? COlcutta ?? S [Me. 1s ?? . _ Shagha 'IO W.Indla.. 1ee. 12 claAheitta.. 5S 1. MlClellald.. ?? London ?? Nov.20 on Taylor.. 788 3. ...