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Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NW EDITION, ON NERVOUS AND OTHEV. DISEASES I ii Just Published, Twentieth Thousand, Price One Shifling, or free by poet for eighteen Postage Stamaps, EALTH and HAPPINESS, the means by which they may be obtained, a Medical Work, 1with observations o0 the treatment of nervous debility and indigestion, loss of men- tal and physical tone, arising from early indiscretion, &c., By J. D. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... k, ' .: ) A 34 t SCHAR k i ~tiND A L tam GALLE HaEsS 28, t Sad r et ?? utly supplied Styles of Iteady.adse Clothin' of best materials. N OTICE.-I regret being compelled bthe continued b advance in the price of Tallow, to raie the pet f Candles of all descriptions, 6d- per dozen lb. retail. Stone; Lamp Oils 3d. per Gallon, wholeslo a re JAMPES LAWi t for the Sale of Wholesale and Retail ...

Advertisements & Notices

... = TUO UROUND ROOM. JRArrangemrnte having been rade by Mr. HARRIS, and lIessrs. CRAMER, BEALE, and Co., with the directors of the Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden, for A GRAND ENING CONCERT, On THIS EVENING, SEPTEMBER 1th, 1855, The Public is respectfully informed that the following .Eminent Artistes from that Great Lyric EstablishmOut will MADAME VIARDOT GARCIA. MDLLE. MARAIL SIGNOR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mI jT R^T.E E : i-u7iL, D.U:B. LfN A , * lr }tois begs to arnnoltce ?? ?? etnent tbe - Wnte Season on MJONJAY, Oct~bflX ?2, ar ?? noet of thie follow~ing distinguished Artistee for tb~ewtrln- ea of the English Opera-AMr SAIMS RE 41S,'iMr WEISS, fr MANVERS, Mr FARQUHAE ,0 .;drile. jgNWY BAUER, M~rs WEISS. .tt on Monday,s Q' bar 22, wijI be performed Donli etti's Opera of LUCIA * ',AMMEBMOOR. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROTUNDO, ROUND ROOM. H R ARRIS has the honour to announce a GRAND 10 ONCERT in the above Room, on THIS EVEN., IN(SATLiRDAY), November 24tb, 1855. iNG (SAT ARTISTS:- MADAME CLARA NOVELLO. HERR REICEIARDT, MISS R6ESSENT. Mr. LAND. Violin-SIGNOR SIVORT. Violoncello-SIGNOR PIATTL pianoforte-ARTHUR 1APOLEON. Condaai4or-Mr. LAND. )OOTS 'Pen at Half-past Seven, Concer4 to commence at * Rbt eserved ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CX~RDS- : ) ICHARD 'ALLE'IS Hazv GAW=iAa 25, Q, LSN JIL% aI06.1111~ree, eoontlni tobiesupplied with a large ass6rt. tent of Ready-made Clothing. First style. Best materialsi 00MJ Pa-~eea dlom froiiehargest E toiolZ et Bablecl s A C 1)7 A f N D R E, I D =LME EANT CLOTHIERS, &, &c., 82, MOLESWORTH-STREE, DUBLIN. TO THE NOBILITY, CLERGY, A1qD GENTRY OF IRELAND. We beg respectflly to announce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ T1hE NEW EDITION 11 ON MRsVOUB AN'D GINEBATIV9 DIGEASES. Just Published, 20th Thousand. illutrated with Coloured Engravings, Price is, or in £ eealed envelope, iftee by post for 18 Postage Stamps. H EALTH AND HAPPINESS; the means by which they may be obtained, a medical work on tbe Infirmities of youth and maturity, and diseases-of the gene. rative system, with observations on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TCS-CARDS. ) OOiM PAPER.-Puroha~erS may select from the largest R stocwk of Boom Papers, at KVsoIs BDooK5b Wholesale and Retail Warehouse, . iddl 4 DAMO n. c lb9 H ALLENS ALL AND OALLEHE5 28 , R 's tinue to be supplied with a large assort- ,went ot Beady-made Clothing FirSt style. Beet materials. REAP and IDTRAELE ROOFING.-Patent Asphalted - IL Roofing Felt-PricO One Penny per square Foot-for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SX ?? s?. I ALLS Hs AWD GALLEBIMS, 28, Lower SacV, ym otinn, oto be supplied with a large assort- Di 9~Cotin. First style. Beat materials. HE CRIMEA-FOEIGN CORRESPONDENCE- . Baled Letter, Note, and Envelopes for the above.- Every thing new and useful in Stioney. Almanacks and Diarie, 2d. to 15o. CHARLES H. WOGAR, a UPPER SACKVILLE-STRIET. REDUCTION 1N THE PRICR OF SOAP AND CANDLES. TAMES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REA) ThE NEW EDITION I ON NERVOU8 AND GENWEATVE DISEASES. Just Published, 20th Thousandp Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price ls., or In a ealed Eavelope, free by PM for 18 Postage Stamps. 1EA LTa AND HAPPINESS, the metns by whih A. they may be obtained, a medical work on the Infrmities of youth and maturity, and diseases of the gene. rative system, with obsermtions on the treatment of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATER ROYAL, DUBLIN. EGNGAGEMtENT Or mISS HELEN FAUCIT, 'FOR A LIMITED NUMBER OF NIGHTS, TO QOM1M30 ON EASTER MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1855. M128,14 INCIE PATRICK'S THEATRE, FISHAMIBLE-STREET. TOR THE BENEFIT OF MR. FERGUSON. q1he Members of the St Audeon's Band will attend and per- form a selection of Popular Airs. THIS EVENING (Thuraday), 29th March, 1865, the performances will commence with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RHAD TR, NEW EDITiON 1i ON NERVOUS AND GENnuATIVn DISEASES, Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated xwith COloured Engravings, Price Is., or in a sealed eavolopA free by podt4 for 18 Postage Stamps. JXEALT1 AND HAPPINESS, the means by which .4yi-'.may be obtained, a medical work on the Infirmities of youth and maturity, and diseases of the gene. rative syatem, with observations on the ...