Advertisements & Notices

... TO BUILDERS. ROYAL ENGINEER OFFICE, PORSMOUTHe, JAN, 22, 185. ENDERS will be received by the Honourable T Board of Ordnance, at their office, Pall-mall, London, on Wednesday, the Slat January, 1865 from such persons es may be i willing to undertake the CONSThCTION and ERE ON of c TEMPORARY WOODEN BUILDINGS at Aldershot hePth, in the county of Hants, for the accommodatio of 20,000 men, with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -LIERPOLWHITE STAR AiIES~1C ats asges on record made ab~d) ntntt 1 la Mraid, . nmar:2lde L Tn. To Sail. ,00 10th Februry Ltt~a ~ 3,500 10th March. llt0 4,5500I 10th April. ah rnste est afloat, arO commntided by men ,jtv thlos ro harte sailed with them. They are sie modern improvements. Ail ~tcaitbefor flamilies. They carry sur- o~aecptolet uider the isurve~lliance of to t ?? ~ilsoni, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROADWOOD'S SECOND-HAND COTTAGE LI PIANOFO1tTES.?The whole of J. MARSL? and Co's STOCK I ol tfIICONLI.HAND PIANOFORTES to be SOLD Ot'F atexiremnely t reduced prices; amongst whith are six or seven ?? sottages, with full compaso or kayo, and equal to new, by Broaslwood and Sons. To be aeon at the wareroona, 42, Now Bond-street. A doable action harp, by Erard, in excellent order, 28 guoncue. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - =- = ~ 7 ----- White Star Line of Australian Packets. The fastest passage yet made between England and Australia has been accomplished by tho RED JACKET, one of the vessels of this Line, in (i9t days, and 73. horne, tbe time occupied on the Voyage ont and home being five months ten IF days. The MERMAID, also of this Line, made the passage to t out in 74 (days 14 houjs. Mts FARES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR SINGAPORE, and will thereafter 1and? geod8at Lsbuafl, to sail poeitieelv February 1, for which a' WIll 1? given, the Stia Britich barqtee LISdEROUSES A 1,? commander; 1yln? in the Eaatj Oil toes?' .tse? fceight or passage apply to JAMES TRaM- l?e EI?t It ?OR SONG KONG Direct, veith .;ronapt dos-1 celebrated Aberdeen elipper ski * palcl??e?oler; JOHN ItOBERTSON, Conaaiettder; i?ing ml i?i ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IJOTICE. IHE LODGING, No. 3 NEWTON PtACE, Glasgow, T advertised for 'Sale, by Ptibli Roup, on WedIesdL first, 1 I hls been for the present Withdrawn, and WILL NO B EXPOSED FOR SALE. MONCRIEFF, PATERSON & FORBES. b Glasgow, 20th Jan., 1855. IN F thb Party who addressed a l etter to a Gentlemrian in Hope b 1 Street, dated the 24th inst., and signed From a Friend,!' will call oln that Gentleman ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE SAFETY L I FE ASSURANCE COMPANY. JCAPITAL, £250,000, IN 12,500 SHARES OF £X20'EACH. Chief O~ftes-3 Adelphi Terrace, Strand, London. GLASGOW BRANCH OFFICE-35 QUEEN, STREET. Trustees. VIScOUNT GODERICH, M.P., Carlton Gardens. HENRY E. GuRnrEY, Esq., Lombard.Street. THOMAS BRASSEY, Esq., Lowndes Square. JOHN WILLcuA3s, Esq., Oxford Terrace, Hyde Park. Directors. SIR JOSHUA WALMSL Y, M.P., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUITION. A N English LADY, residing at FEBRYmILL, wishes for two or throe Young Ladies, abort seven yeard of age, to in. struct at her own residence. She has also an hour or two to mpare for daily teaching. Apply by letter (free), to E. G., Office of this Paper. MATRON WANTED. M NATRON is Wanted fOrALEXANDER SHAW'S HOSPITAL., The Salary is £21, besides Board and Lodging. She; must be free from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %T'-aU d7 ROU'S AUST1RALIAN LINE f1flT SHIPS ?? SYDNEY direct, under englage-1 s .AC c0 unissioners of the Admiralty, and will be ,iha Lortl drp, the flue fast-sailing British-built ship f A , twelve years, register 492 tons, jo isenj:, Commanader; r gathari5J Docks. Has excellent accoiamodatioiis Mbtbie'For tern's of freight or passage, apply to Toul- 5d CO, 31, Great St. Helen's; or to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL ITALIAN OPERA, ?? I R DEN.- M.. JUL LIEN has thle honour to anouilctlCO that a -oil] take place on F ?? Sx t d February 2, which will positively be east thi eason, and tervinaste the Concerts. The approaching Bl 1 hiasquC, tile flirt ever gives at the Royal Italisti Opera, Nill attord aa, opportullity of producigi all Enterb tainlttit surpassiing in grantdea r and brilliancy all forier ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [Advertfseent.] BANK OF NfEW SOUT1H WALES. The H~alf-yearly GAeneral Meeting of the proprie- tors of this Pankc weeC held at the Banking-house in Sydney, on the .25th of October last; Captain Towns, the president, in the chair. The following report was read and carried unavimooely: ]n presentin~g you with the accounts et the hall.yestr ending 88bh September, wve have again to congratulate you ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j)coi Requel- ' a' 'of s9e-v er~all of the Steam- . slipR ?? the BRITISH and N'ORTH{ AIME- IZICAN ROYAL 31AIL COMPANY being 4rqired by the GOVL NtEME NT for the V 'BRITAIN Stl MRC sdsragd;hta e rly In- sunsic fteU~ ~s~YSilititioyne ?? which t0e0 bi ilhv h eris niain o the ~reselt tlO 'Steamsnhips will hedeitehe every alturnato ?? ?? ywyof HALIFA n BtSO . ~~~ose~by ~ D. & C. AILACVER, 14, ...