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... LI ERA rURB. TuE PioTOntAL BIDLEI, PARTS 1, @, 8.-By Dr. XiUO.t; (W. and R. Chambers, E.dinburgls; J. Af Gelashan, luhtia.)-L This is a reissue of Kitto's celebrated bible, one of the mosta instructive and interesting works that ever issued from the British pres. The present reissue is published in weetlj numbers at aixpence, and in monthly parts two shilling price which will bring it within ...


... NAVAN.-The second fair for 18lo, held on Monday, would, no doubt, have been a great one, but for the inclemency of the weather. The supply of cattle, however, was large, as rasa also that of pigs; but horses and sheep were particularly scarce, and the quality, especially of the former, inferior. Prime beef sold at fally 60s per cwt; springers, of which there were but a few, brought as much as ...


... SEIJECTED POETRY. THE OLD FLAG. ONCI, more the (id Flag braves The battle and the breeze; Careering oer the wild red waves Of wilrfare's wreck-strewn seas, Whlere birds of terror shriek ALaove the fearful blast, And poisedi aloft, with bloody bcak, Mlark out the red repast, Wbere gallant hearts go down To death, for liberty, Or live to take the gloriours crown Of victory. Once morI the Old ...


... FAlShION ANI) VARIIFIES, ?? ?? ,na',E COURT.- Ii Wi~i~sa, fu~so r. 'fiediniier pa tv yesterdjay in- t cludled thle DI)(.Ies% Of' Ken1t, the Dk~iik U f C2IIIlJ rlidge Ig Lady Fanny Ifo wartd, Baroness de SpocthI, Lieu t. Co.I. l lion. J. M5l lIOl11lld, 'i Aut. Coloenl Ti'vrwhuitt, and I)1 Milotor Clifton. Tho Duke of Cambridigo took leave oft the Quceen T this morning, and left the Castle for ...


... 't - -11 -- 11 ?, - I 1; : zT i , r i..4 ,5? ?i? W o I .11 . I I at'?4 Ij It,;. 1, ??j -, Jfizantwcnp§,tthi NOWan 'by Mchlas O'Kearey. (Deier tl Oniasnic Societg by JoAks O'Zaily). se ow' apology for having 50 long delayed our notice of this ipta sig iablicstiou. The book; however, is one of no transitory interest. It is the irstipublication of an Irish manuscript xrportirsg to have been ...


... THE COURT. LoSDoNq, TUESDAY.-The 4ueen had a dinner party on INonday evening. The company included his Se- rene Highness Prince Nicholas of N£sSaU, the Portu- guese Minister (Count De Lavradio), Earl Grey, Lady Caroline Barrington, Viscount and Viscountess Can- ning, Lord and Lady WVodehouse, Lord Seaton, and Lord G eorge Lennox. The band of the Coelditream Giuards was in attendance in tle ...


... I _ I QUEJINS IoYA5LjffFA'E. I The interesting drama, isounded on Charles Diokena's story, of Hard VMSey hat constituted the great attraction oftthis favour- ite theatre during the past week. Amongst the thousands of the intellectual public of Dublin who are readers of House- hold Words, there are mauy vrho love to enjoyof an evening the rational recreation afforded- by the stage. We can ...


... IT'RAMl7RE. 1 mmOIB AND CORBESPONDENCE OF THE OWU9TESS OF BLESSINGTON. BY L MADDSN, B.LA. (Three Vols. T. C. Neso, London.) 'The friends of the remarkable woman, whose life and ermepondence are commemorated In these volumes, were spelt sdvied in committing the laborious task to the genius and judgment of Dr. Madden. The duty Im.- posec on the biographer was one of no ordinary dificulty. In ...


... ;F AlG-A-B ALL A G H. Tir doors were all bolted, the shutters were fast, For the factions had mastered in battle array, And through the streets swept, like a hurricane blast, That fearful, intolerant cry, Clear the way !| Then closed thO wild cohorts; their cudlgel strokes crash'd; Long, doubtful, the end Of that horrible fray; At last, like an avalanche, the colnqueriors dashed On the ...


... - . L. . E .. we . , 7 . ., I Hourts At Im ALTAR-From thee French of LW Abbe dd ta Boillerie. EdiWd by Edtaod Caswell, Priest of tie irotor#. (Dublin, J; Duly).-The beet accoudt which va could give of thO design of this extremely beautiful book of Cathblic devotion will be found in the following extract from the preface, explaining the devotional MOvemnot frorawhich it has sprung : -About ten ...


... LONDON AND PAfIIS F.ASHIONS. Dnatss of lilac place with tlosweris of glace and white ]ace disposed allernatelv. The corsage is made light to the fiiire, andl is poliit ed in front of the waist berhie oa the siileimateri'l as tie dreiss, timined wvitil twil rows of lIceP. 'he hair is disposed in smail bands at each side of the face, anil in pl;its at the back ot the head; on oneosid',- just ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLIGBNCE. THE COURT.-WINDSOBl, SA'rTuRDAY.-The din- ner party yesterday included the Prinoess Augustus of Saxe Coburg, the lady in waiting to her royal highness, Lady Caro. line Barrington, Barotiess de Speth, the Marquis of Abercorn, and Mr. Gibbs The dinner party this day included the Princess Augustus of Saxe Coburg, the Duke of Cambridge, the Marquis of Abercorn, the lady ...