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Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... LI ERA rURB. TuE PioTOntAL BIDLEI, PARTS 1, @, 8.-By Dr. XiUO.t; (W. and R. Chambers, E.dinburgls; J. Af Gelashan, luhtia.)-L This is a reissue of Kitto's celebrated bible, one of the mosta instructive and interesting works that ever issued from the British pres. The present reissue is published in weetlj numbers at aixpence, and in monthly parts two shilling price which will bring it within ...


... NAVAN.-The second fair for 18lo, held on Monday, would, no doubt, have been a great one, but for the inclemency of the weather. The supply of cattle, however, was large, as rasa also that of pigs; but horses and sheep were particularly scarce, and the quality, especially of the former, inferior. Prime beef sold at fally 60s per cwt; springers, of which there were but a few, brought as much as ...


... 't - -11 -- 11 ?, - I 1; : zT i , r i..4 ,5? ?i? W o I .11 . I I at'?4 Ij It,;. 1, ??j -, Jfizantwcnp§,tthi NOWan 'by Mchlas O'Kearey. (Deier tl Oniasnic Societg by JoAks O'Zaily). se ow' apology for having 50 long delayed our notice of this ipta sig iablicstiou. The book; however, is one of no transitory interest. It is the irstipublication of an Irish manuscript xrportirsg to have been ...


... I _ I QUEJINS IoYA5LjffFA'E. I The interesting drama, isounded on Charles Diokena's story, of Hard VMSey hat constituted the great attraction oftthis favour- ite theatre during the past week. Amongst the thousands of the intellectual public of Dublin who are readers of House- hold Words, there are mauy vrho love to enjoyof an evening the rational recreation afforded- by the stage. We can ...


... IT'RAMl7RE. 1 mmOIB AND CORBESPONDENCE OF THE OWU9TESS OF BLESSINGTON. BY L MADDSN, B.LA. (Three Vols. T. C. Neso, London.) 'The friends of the remarkable woman, whose life and ermepondence are commemorated In these volumes, were spelt sdvied in committing the laborious task to the genius and judgment of Dr. Madden. The duty Im.- posec on the biographer was one of no ordinary dificulty. In ...


... - . L. . E .. we . , 7 . ., I Hourts At Im ALTAR-From thee French of LW Abbe dd ta Boillerie. EdiWd by Edtaod Caswell, Priest of tie irotor#. (Dublin, J; Duly).-The beet accoudt which va could give of thO design of this extremely beautiful book of Cathblic devotion will be found in the following extract from the preface, explaining the devotional MOvemnot frorawhich it has sprung : -About ten ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLIGBNCE. THE COURT.-WINDSOBl, SA'rTuRDAY.-The din- ner party yesterday included the Prinoess Augustus of Saxe Coburg, the lady in waiting to her royal highness, Lady Caro. line Barrington, Barotiess de Speth, the Marquis of Abercorn, and Mr. Gibbs The dinner party this day included the Princess Augustus of Saxe Coburg, the Duke of Cambridge, the Marquis of Abercorn, the lady ...


... I, ,_,FAS9ONA BLE INTELLIGENCR .The queen and 1%¢ae Albert diove -out in i sledge on Wednesday morning, attended by the l0on. Mada Paget,. Lord Alfstd Itget, ar-d Cagui t' todJ udlesld ROH. . The Prines Royal, Prince At~ur, rith ?? Non. Mary I *Ssymour, and the ?? Waiting, also drove out In a! dledge. The Royal dinner party In ths 'evenIng Included VisOuflt and Vsecoteutes Palinerston, Lord ...


... LEfTALE INTELLIGENCE. - iighness Prinde Albert, with the 4 Id Prince Alfred, and the Gentlemen In atudy jurnlgs on the ice on the waters anM l Palae gardens. Hier1Majesty and the oxenaded in the gardenD The Duke and visited t be Qaeen on Saturday. Her er party in the evening. The company al Highneses the Duohess of Cambridgel and the Duke of Cambridge; tbe French e Counteo Wfalewe i, the ...


... FA= ?? ?? BALLracor.-Tbe uoal'wnbrthly fair of Ballybot, d on Monday, was wall attended, and the number of cate forward was largo. The quality of the stock, however, was ?? inferior, there being in fact but few beasts In gw condition. For the latter sort, or for those which migit have been classed as middling, there wax a brisk demand at r munerative prices. For good mtuch 0owe the rates were ...


... ~~F4S 'E -iELIGECH ?? Maquis hand Marchiones or Londonderry . leftfqluntstelaton SaturdBy, and proceeded to Powerocurt, . where it to their. intention to remain for a week, after which o they will leave for London. a Viscdunt Massareene and Ferrard left Antrin -Castle, oil Satuirdai. for the Castle Hotel, Windsor, where Ids y lordabip puposes ethcainivg for a webek and will then leave for Y ...


... I WiNDSOR, FRIDAY.-The Queen, attended by the Marohions of Ely and the Equerries drove out in a sledge thiu moining. Loro Panmnure attended on Friday at the office of the Department of War, in Whitehall-gardens, and trans- acted business as the Qaeena Principal Secretary of State ior War. The Eight Hon. Sir George Grey attended on Fridiy at the Home-office, and tranesacted business as her Ma. ...