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Advertisements & Notices

... H A. S PIER Furrier to Her Majesty, 96, Deausgate, opposite St. Ann-striet.r oS EP ?? in le1ts,25th . d 0O L N C OTHS'AND TR IS RINGS (cut~ sa h hlsl'rc. LEE & KETTLE, 25, MAR ET.STBE lT. hoeal rce w0ti HANGING S.4. SMITH & Co ,JhnDalton-street, respectfully announce ANOTHER 1i ldof the most Beautiful French DESIGS i ods,FMacIe, end Satins. Every novelty asso s sud APRHANGINGS, FRENCH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I WHERE SHALP I PURCHASE MINE AND MY CHILDREN'S WINTER OVERCOATS AND DRESS? HtiS is an important question, but one which can be easily answered. Perchase of J. A. MOSS, and you have T the Certainty of being right. Tile Stock of Children's, Boys', and Youths' Winter Overcoats and Clothes is the largest in Preston; the work- manship the best; the prices the lowest; it therefore behoves all our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OORRESPONDENTS. ?? To 'I'M RE1VH.. aw-ibcpiflW CA1I5l, ?? #WfOE5tutitQflstrGA; Rud at4he *Art anm ewsvroom, (oneeirt HaNord Nelson-street. a0. L.- should refr to the advertisemeinlts in the erocry. An 5 oyed Dock Prter-.-Tha plan.propesed baa heou J. S.Y must excuse us. We really have not lelsure to, 0ospI:ly Ah Rhia ?? are three gadA deliveles, but only 4w. assists at ,vhich civil c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKBRlN'. 710 BE LI-r, a, nomsE at i-SI 811)' -at -Sa-f~or~d BDridg~e ?? atplvd to Mr*. T. RoarttzsoN, 'ea Dealer, Bhtekbori. TO TIN-L.AX'T' WVORKEIRS, BRAZIERS, &C. 1Ii c'onatr-quence ofd cin~jijnt buinesstf5, f 1 t)L.I) i p it riey an earollnt assart. T mlii it 'II N NE E ?? l'OOL~~~it, uludingap~o B,,it jiItalett, titis 1 rtei, Scr, slvlges, Benches, C., al i% frz-trite ten !jiriz iordvr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINAL NGTICE. MERMAID FOR AUSTRALIA. There being no Mail Steamer soiling for Australia on the 5th Match, all persons dee/uroan of having their letters and newspspsefrsforvardit~ bytbto 'MERMIAID;' - sailing on the morning af Taesday the 27th February, must send them throuigh thepost-offies. ?? tA lLiverpool.' Nopisesen~gers will be allowed togo on beardthe suesmer conveying the moilo excepl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IVt Conse,,,itorce of the-ntiut3 repoal of thy Advert'sement Duty Rliopted a Seals ?? for Short Annoue~cemente,evhiclogives_ to that clues of advertisers the benefit of contoiderably more than the amount of duty repealed. Thel lowest Price for tho shortest odilertisemret ha hitherto barn Three shilli?,9s and Six,,ene The cahrgot for an advortiestuent of Two Lines isno OZNE SHILLINGI, beig Rn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I~. Jhn3-ioS.ROW (ichno Adtera Breo-ad snd Unio Miss WiTHl . 8krrtt Mis AISRumorelSG M-erLSsa Mr.NVII~a Jon T SORamor. -tet BDIGING CLASSES on TnuvAiSaY vaarcs, tolck Mder tha ?? rof-oha mrs R . The ?? e vpy. ?? Ga llery ad B.A.of the PU1 LI X Thom isoIt, I a o Owd on road. .dM re~s. C.IV, Tw e Id, CAuir fl) e it iestct iPElLARMONIa.HAi- LIvltkti',D' .UR, EDWARD W. TOMAt3hathe our, -to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I- j. Parties answering asvertistevitts in the mereurp wal tequested to attend OD tbhe following explanations Appy attheMercutTYOffice, means that Personal AppW~~ly mut bhe m ade at our office. pliaddre msstcf letrI n number] Mercury-office, Means that application must he made by letter, post paid, and in no other way. Applications not in conformity with these directions can- not be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )r 0 U S H 0 L D 0 0 0A L Si ~d L, I V E R IPO O L, r0 BIRKENHEAD, SEAOOMBE,`NEW BRIGHTON, . BUHTO-N, a BOBY, RAINHILL, ROCK FERRY, To order left or sent by post to the undersigned, 23, CASTLE-STREET, LIVERPOOL; . Or to the ?? Yard, and Offices, vi. :-5, Crown-street, LAverpool; Commerce-street, Blrkenhead; Dsmesn-streets Seacoinbe. a W. H H. LAIRD. . 23, Castle-street, Liverpool. eO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LeNT-DON v. LIVERPOOL -ROPEMIAKING.- L O2 TUE EDITORS 0OF THE -LIVERPOOI, MERCURY. Gentlettien,-As the subject I am ?? you on is one of j soI)lO importance to the Tfowl and Trade of Liverpool, and as S havebee poliehd; nd s on InerstedI trust I shall be LONONsevnsLiV tO OO~IQEMA AItING TRhe London manufacturers of all -kinds are Inclined to look TI downon ny ompeingbod in wisst heycall the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P ATENT 4fRPIIALTED. ROOFING, FELT. P1DES AlkD PaONT ?? (~R TS, FENDERS, ?? X~ QN SALE Al4RENT4Y uEnuCED ?riCEls, Te hoeS CKor. Mossrei.. PO0LEY, 2~ ASCMMUKT9%_t sT~u~rE ,who vj 'declining thle ItealTae X. FININGS, I from ls. per lb, imported by J. W. HA II-T, 0i9 St., MarY'axei, corner of Greim St. fiolso'a, London. PATENT MIALTX, 5 periquartcer for crab. ITSEFIUL ENVELOPBS, Beef-sealing,. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKBURN. I 10 BE LET, a HOUSE and SHOP at Salford Bridge I End.For particulars apply to Air. T. RoBiNsoNJ, Tea Dealer, Blackburn. -MISSIONARY MEETING.-On Thursday evening week, a ris. sionary meeting was held in thle Wesleyan Association Chapel, Lower Darwen. The Rev. J. Handley, of Blackburn, who was in the chair, opened the business of the meeting with reading a report of the expenditure ...