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Advertisements & Notices

... n. :1j[URNING WAREHOUSE, 114, BOLD- .L STREET.-The only Establishmeut in Liverpool devoted or exclusivoly to the Sale of LADIES' MOURNING ATTIRE, vwhere every article necessary for a consplete OUTFIT may be lo. obtained, arud, if required, mnade up at the shortest possible Ii notiso. The SHOWROOMS are constantly supplied with ad Novelties in MOURNING M1ILLINERY and MANTLES.- R. H. PUGH, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . E H 0 I D - O A L S 1UPPLBD Ul L I V E R P 0 L, a BIIRKENHEAD, BSEACOMBE, NEW BRIGHToN, i HIUXTON, t ROBY, RAINHILL, ROCK PERRY, To order left or sent by post to the undersigned, 23, CASTLE-STREET, LIVERPOOL; Or to the following Yards and Offices, viz. :-5, Crown-street, Liverpool; Conmerce-street, Birlienbead; Demean-streot, l Sencombe, W. & H. LAIRD. . 23, Castle-street, Liverpool. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F R II. P. PRIEST'S PROPERTY CIRCU- ori F' LAR address H. P. Priest, Market-cross-chambers, Market-streot, Birkenobnid. to- till ARTISTS' COLOURS, CANVAS, AND or( FROM WINSOR & NEWTON AND ROBERTSON'S MANUFACTORIES. ne 0. J. KEET, 86, 88, AND 90, RENSHAW-STRIMET. ab of N% AME ENGRAVED, and 100 best Cards, 5a. ?? LADY'S NAME ENGRAVED, and 50 Cards. be. Wedding Orders executed with neatness and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... = Air. oil H.-OB. I.P.-PRIESTS PROVER1 TY CIRCU- 'JW D- IL ' LARa vddes, H. P. Prlest, Market o:ons3*hraiibers, r is Wsrketstre~i Birkenhead. JAI1 CANAS AND Mr. md FROM WINSOR & NEWTON AND ROBERTSON'S Mr. MANUFACTORIES. J. H ng G. J. KBET, 86, 88, AND 90, RENSHAW-STRENT. Chat Od. NAME ENGRAVED, and 100 best Cards, 6S. Jby. LADY'S NAME ENGRAVED, and 50 Cards ?? ja Wedding Ordors executed with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... uiLHARlM f'C ?? HA.| - tZ L -Ii~}ENS G~iNDil OOO~g;PT', . O- .QD~NlilXTthss12 tibleatet. - Mo..: Yon JUiLL~IRZ haa the WionOur to ,sAwk4$ ~Olll.: -. Fat 0lheso ?? U e Ii giveI a GAND CQXClI T /OO M111NXDkY twe, thu iult * Intsitw. ' ' - i Monsieur JULLI.N has 4kthsZratmIIcatIoh 1so to annoslucu that the celebrtted Pianist - - . I MAIDAU PLEY-lih, whola P6lfobrdb s atbfta oqrladat iie Rt aItol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -U I s- SU1PrLrBD 114 r- L1Y pOO 0., s- Iz,:lV li R P Oa , :L Is I r- SEACOMBE, NEW BRIGHTON, LS e HTUYTON, Is ROBY, RAINHILL, c ROOK ]ERRY, d ds To order left or sent by poet to the uhdersfgned, e 23, CASTLE-STBEiET, LIVERPOOL; 0 c Or to the following Yards and Offices, viz.:-5, Crown-street, Lverpool; Commerce-street, Birkerhead; Demean-rtreet, e Sencombe. W. & H. LAIRD. e. 23, Castle-stroet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REGULAR LINE OF PACKET SH1P. Ir To sill on the l et of March. FOR HONG KONG AND CANTON, The s'ell.nlmo'n Clipp :r-sbip CHALLENGERB, A I, 1-2 years, 099 tons register; (Built by Messrs. R. and H. Green, of Blackweall JAMES KILLIeCr, Commander. -Il xying n the East Inda factkos. nes~c R apelen0t e1 orpeetes~et feght or Poessoge, apW 8lsboa0tos fHW or LOIVRTEI, 2l Royal Exlsenp , to PRILLIPPS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITN all confidential cases, consult the old medical c practitioners, Messrs. C. D. HENRY & CO. Surgeons, ad C arthors of a medical worls, Life's Renovator, 53, George-street, C Ith Manchester. Attendance daily. from nine in the morning till C three in the afternoon, and from four till nine at night. They C le, have been 20 years in oxtensivo practice in Manobeater,and devote their entire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ic CoOseclueflCe of aeovera of the Steam. In Ins Gr tio BRITISH and NORTH AME- B RI8AN ROYAL MAIL COMPANY being De required by the GOVERNMENT for tire U CONVEYANCE of TROOPS to the EAST, Is the usual MAIL SERVICE between GREAT S. 'BRITAIN and AMERICA is disarranged; but an early ro- The ptionsp or tihe uual *Veehly Sailing9 maxy be rolied upon, of G Iricir tbe Publie will have the earliest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C* Advertising F'riendfrwiU, be gld to lesm that $he circulation of the Livarpolo Heruy has ] steadily and rapidly advanoed, until it has auohed an unpreeedented extent. In order 1 to keep pace with the increasing demand, ' we have found it necessary to order Printing 1 Machinery of far higher speed than that pre- I viously in use, and this day's paper is printed by I o0le of MIDDLITOW'9 FoUn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVEUTX1lEM 7- I l onsequence of the entire repeal of the Advertlsement Duty - ?? Tiena have adpe ol f Charges for Short Annomicaments,w~hich gives - to that class of advertisers the benefit of considerbly more) than the amount of duty repealed. The lowest ?? for the shortest ' adverttsemenlt h as hitherto been WThree Shillings and Sxpence The charge for en3 Savertisemenxxxt of Two Lines ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Paf tis^ au du d Martin irnar teq, u~sp~li X 2 b~ sotr V- a~rsin Bpplitco~lso must be aerde at our ce. * ' Addressi EcIaphG 'let~ter an~d nu uberj Merox-officee,' tean&s' -fat ?? mrxt bo Dad.o by left-r, post pdid, aid n ii obtWay. Appliiptlons not in conformity with these directions can. not be tended to.- ?? ~otw ., i ?? - v . Ayi% XTED aSPIRIT VAULTS, In a good thoroughfare.- W 7t pply at ...