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Lothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMBLY ROOMS, GEORGE STREET. Patronessea. The Hon. MhIs RASRLEIGR. MRS CAIPnELL of Possil. MRiS CUTLAR FEROUSSO of CriegdarrocD. Directo,. CAPTAIN SICLAiR, REN. The DIRECTORS beg to announce that the QUEEN'S ASSEMBLY, being the SECOND for the season, will takopce on TaBuSDAx, the 8th current. It isexpected that the Officers of the Army and Navy, wmd Militia, the Lieutenancy, Queen's Body ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITION OF MR NOEL PATON'S PICTURE OF rpHE TRIUMPH OF PLEASURE, IN THE MUSIC HALL, DUNFFERMLINE. This elaborate Work being now completed, Mr PATort has kindly offered to Exhibit it, previous to its removal to London, tbr tie BENEFIT of the U NENIPLOYED OPERAflVE of the District. The proceeds to be applied under the diree- tion of a Committee formed for that purpose. The Exhibition will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CO N TY OF ED IN BU R G H. A STATED GENERAL MEETING of ROAD TRUS- TEE'SS. COMMISSIONERS of SUPPLY, and JUSTICES of PEACE, fir this County. will be held within the COUNTY BRoots here. upon lItUESDAY, the Gth day of Maren next, at Twelve o' Clock. Edinburgh, February 23, 1855. EAST INDIA HOUSE, 21st February 1855. I'nHE CO(URT of DIR ECTORS of the EAST INDIA COM.'ANY do Hlerebv Give Notice, That ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :MUSIC HALL, GEORGE STREET. M. JULLIEN'S GRAND CONCERTS, C On WEDN:E5DAY, 'l[st, and TlHUttrSDAY, 22d February. i 't/J'ONSIEUR JULLIEN has the bonour to announce to - AM. his Patrons-the 'Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Edinburgh, that hie Hilt give Two Grand Concerts on Wed- nesdaly, 21st, and Thursday. 22d February, hneig his First Appearance in Ed1in nrgh since his return from Amierica ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r~ 1E I IR I S ll R 1. F Q R 3t AN T I O ?? IN CONNECTTON VITH THE SOCIETY FOR IRISH CtiURCH MISSIONS TO TIHE ROMAN1 CATHOLICS. A 1PUIlTAC IMEETING *- tio-.e friendlv to the dissemina- tion of P1FOTFSTAN'I' TRUTH in ]RELAND, will be held in the QUEB. S ;TrRnlT HALLt. on WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 14th nitttan. at Two ?? P at., when the Meeting will be ad- dressed bv The Rev CANON MILLER, Ircumbent of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tSEB~L R1tOOMS, GEORGE STREET. Dir tector. COL. SWsmN11M.xr. of Marcus. The DIRECTORS beg to announce that the THIRD ASSEMBLY for the sieasot will take place on TuESDAY, the 2uth current, being FASTE RY'S EVE. To commence at 1I o'clock. The IIRECTORs beg to renew their request that Private Parties may not be fixel for that night. The Subscription Book wvilt be found at the Rooms. Sssbscription ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QUEEN STREET HALL, EDINBURGH.. r RM I T C H E L L (of London) respectfully annoinh that MRS FANNY KEMBLE : will have the honour of ?? ., . FOUR READINGS OF SHA¢SPEARE, which will take place as follows'- THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 8,1855; KING JOHN. SATURDAY MORNING, Msanc 10, HENRY IV. (PartL) MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 12, ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAacn 14, H A M L E T. Evening ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTI SMENT.])M THE FRENCH LOAN. -. TO THE ZDITOR or THE CALEtIONIAN MERCURY. Sia,-All the newspapers are full of rapture about the success of the French loan. TheEmperor ?? his people for L.20,000,000 sterling, to erable him to prosecute the war against Russia, and immediately four times that amount is subscribed for. What a proof of the popularity of the Emperor. of a belief in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, EDINBuIRGHo, FEBRUARY 1, 1855. rHE COURT of DIRECTORS of the R(YAL BAINK of T SCOTLAND Give Notice, that a GENERAL COURT If' PROPRIETORS will be held at their OFFICE IIERE, on TErESDA, the 6th dai of Narch nrext. at Two ?? After- io(,on. f.r the ELECTION' oif GOVERNOR, DEPUTY- cOVERNOR. ntad DIRECTORS, for the year ensuinzt, pur- suiant to the Charter. Lists of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C oNMMERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of PROPRIE. TORS of the CONMMERCIAL BANK of SCOTLAND will be held in the BAsN'S OFFICE here, on TUESDAY, the 13th March next, at Two C'Clock Afternoon, pursuant to the Charter. A. K. MACKENZIE, Secretary. Edinburgh, 5th February 1S55. jRCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF SCOTLAND. In consequence of the indisposition of DR GE ORG B WILSON, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BANK OF SCOTLAND, 20th February 1855. Fi'HE GENEIAL MIETING of PROPRIETORS for 1 chonsing. pursuant to Act if Parlitiment, a GOVERNOR, DEPUTY.GOVETVRNOR, Twevlve ORDINARY and Twelve EXTRAORDINARY DI)REC'lORS of the Bank of Scotland, will be held within the BANK'S HEAD OFFIee. at Edinburgh on the last TUESDAY. being the twenty-seventh day of March 1855, at hallptnst Twelve ?? Noon. ARCH. BENNET ...