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Advertisements & Notices

... JS'l'TIL LIA.-LIVERPOOL WHITE STAR A u L ; f PACKETS'-The fastest plat gsges on record made hci(. %iz. :-Red Jacket, (1i0 da( s ott, 731/2 home, whole ., \ e ?? detention abroad), 5 Itc'rhths 10 days; Mermaid, p.4 ' s, btib po,,rt to port. Fares £16 lMs. aod upwards. Pas- s.o cr0 fit o:irdod to S~ ducy, Geelong, Adelaide, aid Launceston Ship. Comiuanders. Tolls. To Sail. Ncriiiai(Il( ) Deoy) ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LL persons hevitig anY CLAIM or dea arulll~d X~il rsda, Frida; dxu A ~ tie ESTATE Of CAtauin CRElIidny MANSE RN., da- celal~d f irin ?? ei the et oII.Af lMonda, aud ui b~r and.i Fer Alav, ftv- ?? I to quaresrs. anki2. lnte oish iii hr srful all D St. Vin.eut, are c I' W1. t send in their clicaims iliniedisilfto Mw i Rnen', pa ohorn2 , and Vickeran, G F.shPtf ~rbei lt M SolailtteqBA.e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IUCLMLNOTS ad FREIGN MONEY. DC eA'\SME MANN and CoCwill REMOTE, on DAM SPIELMN o wl EOE A the completion of their new Premiees. to No. 79, opposite. I ,DERUVIAN FOUR-AND.A HALF 1ER CEIT. J. LAN o 185.-Te DIIDEN 00the BONE)8ofti LOAN failiag duo On the let of March nest will be PAID at the F onapplicaton on ansd afvter trhe t23rd madt,, end the Coupooraxe toh be left thre c 'ear days ior ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRURY LANE THrATRE. GLM MUSICAL NOVELTF.-puabc attention is tihil; * drawn to ,the frot representation ?? of a'e adaptaaion of Meyerbeefs-eeiebiated msttopers L'ETOILEVDID NORD, which hbs been many weeks in preparaon employig all the re-D, sources of the establishment, neitherexpenie nor labour having been-withhetd, to give this popular produetion every effect. A fni and complete choru , threo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TESA' to ilre CAPE of GOOD HOPE andl F' 'iTA 'the new powerful setrew steamer LANC. SO~c I C t. regieter, DUNCAN S. OLTERE, OComener h~, sepetdt e one of the fasteot Aidaet~wllb e edofom Ghlebasy.ghoofersveyE ?? S liadferthor Partintlrapyt AMSTOSNadCi rp-t ae, Lordv~t.2 ou ioN~ KNG Direct, witprmtd- yatch tbrcole Aberdeen clippershpCTNOM IIOPERTSON, Coosadr yn n I it~lo~ ~f oo~ tieolegeat poop ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR F AMILY ARMFS:, end ,Nsamee, and County stams II-1 8tl.T, Great Turnstile, Lincoln ermn. a OPYING INK.- BLACK WOOD and Co.'si1 IMPI jVBD II&LRCAi4TILE Ii the best mado.-2il. Long-acre.Ie ~TEEL 1'EN INK1-BLACKWOOD and Co.' very blsok flows Srecly, and doee not monld.-26, LonB aoro. . ClOLOURED IN1KS.-~BLACKWOOD and Co.'s Jbrilli..a. red auad poermanent blhe, of dnee tUats.-26, Lon- ?? abovo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~-'tIR(GLAR NO'TES andL FOREIQN MONEY. C DAMI SPIELMANN ad CO.WuII RED4OVEÆof O~ A the comnpletion of th eir news I'remiies, to No. 79, *ppoa te. ?? __Q ~t DR1JRY LANE. Terra EVoENISO,TllE 'WEDDING GOWVN. Messrs. Nend, Weerell.t Lieghain, Beltou, and A. Vounge; Misses Narriott and Arten.-OUR NiJltil ?? JACli AND JILL. Mr.H. Boleno, 1I. I NiI,'nS, lter Kohl, and Mr.WVilknaY; Melloa. oleno and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hj[R XOWARD, Surgeon-Dentist, 62, Fleet- .L 1 strcet, has introdiuced an entirely new description of ARTIFICIAL TEETH, fixed without springs, vires, or ligatures. They so pernectly resemble the natural teeth as not to be distii- guished from the originals by the closest observer * they will never ?? colour or decay, and will be found superior to any teeth ever before used. This method does not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G ALLERY of BRONZES d'ART.-P. BARBEDIENNE nnd CO. of Paris, respectfully inform the British public that a coiplote collection of their MATEIE- 31AI1CAJ, REDUCTIONS, by the process of M. Collas, from the chefs-dcesuvre of Anetisqe and Modern Statuary in the Galleries ofthe Louvres,Flirzcce and Rome Muscum of Naples, and British Museum, to which a Council M'edal was awarded at the Great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O HONG ONG Direct, with protmapt des-- pa, the eleteerted Aberdeen clipper ship CAIRNGORM, o r~egis*Oter; JOHN IIOBERTSON, Commnander; lying In Or gito 15d5 1 elegaux poop cabin aceommodatisn for ho! For freight or sastage apply to JAMES THOMSON Qc I j6Cosiii, literoeqnatO. - sol 'IEAM to the CAPE of GOOD HOPE and tei CLCUTTA.-lh5 new pewetful screw steamer LANCE. th FIEL, 100 oesregiter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V OR SINGAPORE, and 'will thereafter land' goode at LabOott, to onil po?itivelv February 1, for which a guarantee will be giren, tho tio?e lirilich bacque LIMEIIOUSE, A 1, 400 tano regieter. JOHN CHESTER, commander; lying in the 3adio Export Park .-F?r freight or passage apply to JAMES THOM- SON end Co., 6, BiltitCr.aqtlSrO. V OR HONG KONG IThect, with prompt des-? £ path, the celebrated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EJUST PU3LIS5ERkfs-u&. *b Priee., poest-re, ?? ' 'a the CURE of FJ SiT Lr , PX.ED, N PROLPSUS, &c, Witb J out the Ope ration of fhe Kifse: with- A i ntrative .Case, Ba1 J7. VAN BUTCHELg^ L, Snrgeon-A e onecbaur.~,, TMr. Van Butehele cs d ame ,and repbnttonwe hs.e long. .bee familiar iwitiL He isp entitled, -we conaddently araiuro: onr readorn to tanie rak with the rost eilient Mid respectabe ...