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Advertisements & Notices

... I,'EA t te CAPE ofGOD OP n I ~ EALVtoAIbhe5 new powerfful srew steamer LANCE. ItEL ,iW ton;rste.DUNCAN S. OLIVERI, Commander. rl e gte te rn Of the fastest afloat, and will be do. I v c ba. jow on the 21th February. Shb offers very etnc ,d , omod~ u. i fsttoi for psI,.engeer.-Fcrpasio, fr=lfhtof gae eror taiepartteitt55, apply to JAMES 11110 it 51an peesdtorsa Led. -, GNERAL STEAM NAVIGATION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE OF DITIDEND. BANR OF DiP.OSTT. NATIONAL ASSURANCE & INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION. No. 3 PALLMAL,, EAST. LoNDoss. T HE WARRANTS for the HALF- TEARLY Interest, at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, on Deposit Accounts, to3lstDecember, areready for delivery and payable daily. PETER MORRISON, Managing Director. Parties desirous of Investing Money are requested to examine the P-lan of the Bank of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day, Foutnb Edition, with a New Preface, ft. fF the PL URALITY of WORLDS: An Essay. To which is prefixed o. Dialogue on the ?? subject. London: John W. Pirker and Son, West Strand. TCap. 8vo, S. Cl O R R E ( G IO: a Tragedy. By AnaI, ORnLzNscHLKa.rR. Translated with iotes, by Theodore Martin. Ljondon: John W. Parker and Son. West Strand. This day, Fourth Edition, enlarged, 8vo, 8B. T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lLLERY of BRONZES d'ART.-F Gb B BARBEDIRNNIE and CO. of Paris, respectfully inform Bri^tlh pB~ubtbo, tacomplete collection oftheir MATE bIA.TICAL REDU UTIONeS, by the process of M. Collas, from ils ehefrdwtum.e of Antique and Modern Statuary in the 61sleries fthe LouvresFlorence std Rome, Museum of Naples, t'd Btritish Xuseum to which a Council Meial was awarded rt the Greot vxhbitiiou', may ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPANISH FINANCIAL CO FIJR ILN Ei- 11 The T hIIRTY.ErUal'ifll IJCTIlOT Of het F TH . DS~MABL1i DEBT will take pllaceg t mladrid onl th3iled of Mar¶; Aiet. Tenders will he eoceivial at tile Spalish Finanoil CoTbiisd sion until the 2s01 2Jdoki5 , - Fb.1 ESSEtS. MONrEMAUX, BROT ERS, fo-' M reihC bankers. l'allion inoerinil, and ?? o, wllt o r Cornhill, beg~ to inform their friendi and thle public ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EFVITT and MOORE'S Au~STRALIAN LINE~ DV of PACKET SHIPS.-For flO)ART TOWN direct, with immoediate despatch, under engagement with nsa Lqrds Commis- slilovra of the Admiralty, having room fir iseasureienot freight Ossly, tile fine fast-sailing clipper, tINDIA, A Il, 275 tons, J011N, HAeito~iOr WiLsoN, Cossmmander; lying lat the London ?? particulars apply to Des itt and Moore, D, Bittliter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R E O DESTATE, Cannoll.street west, near i S . be SO bT TENDER, 'ith ?? e a FREOLD E 8r'AT4 and ca% reeletred, being Card- By situated on the north aide or CDDflOoEtrtet West, near Stet. Pauls, irt a fronstg e of 6 feet and depth Of 6 feet. T .S hv tho 23th instant. r- at te Cerk' OficeNo.4~,csnnn.5lv~ est whre further in- Btmaebne JOSIAH Till- R THE HOUSEHOLDERSA LIFE ASSR AN8E 7, COMPANY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ('IRMEA ARY and BLACK SEA FLEET. F~iTEIIMMASNandCo.s OSE of ASSORTED Balahlava. Foreign Warehouse, 182, Piccadilly. IXTINES and STORES for the CRIMEAN VW ARMY. - HEDGES and BUTLER beg to inform their customers amd the pablic generally that they have made arrange. met to l'ORWAR'5 GOODS of the above description to BALA- IQL&VA, CONSTANiTINOPLE, and SCUTARI, three times per month. An agent will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Li OBES' PATENT AMIERICAN and ENGLISH L LOCRS.-Mrssrs. EfOBBS, A9EILEY, rand Co. are now manu- p Isaruring their celebrated AMER1CAN and ENGLISH=rATENT L LOCKS by their PAT9ENT STEAM MACHINERY, on the miues, 97, CHEAPSIDE, and S3, LAWaRENCELANE. , Mesora. au end CD., by the iatroduction of their Steam Meobloery, are enabled to guarantee GREATER SECURITY, and 6UPERIOR WORKMANSHIP. at peaces ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRE at BALAKLAVA.-Fire onboard a Tranou- X Belak15w~~ ilarbour extingeisied in a moment byenaI PH~Li'8' PAETHasR MNIHILAT 5B.-The correopon- irtateMOt5a- writes from beor Sebahitpl, On2tlh Jan, a llloS ' Aothr ire brokeoutt on boad nasrrew Collier, 1 Wleeladn ithbeaon the afternoon of the 23rd. The oome- neseml hrt o ve sc~ teentherious, had uot the vehei l mosti tfortately Enprovidedwith 000 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... §aT A T o of the COUNTRY. Every one talking of rin'sters' ways, Every one else of the rcoldam]dampdays. If rulers must work, the people still press -we mean for E. MOSES and SON'S famous DRESS -the samples ef art far this time of the year-the CLOTHING which ncver clcs where can appear. OVERCOATS neater and cheaper by far than comforts so, counterfeit, substitutes are. HATS, HOSIERY, BOOTS the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I wal UNERAL EXTORTION AVOIDED - By fir FEseeutors and bereavled Relatives of deceased noblemen, geu. ot tlemen, tradesmen, aad others, seraling in the first instance to 1HI M LIBEiB'S E3TABLIS liMENT, CITY-ROAD, near FinHbnry equare, _ er No. 12, N orth.strcet, Quadrant, Brighton, mustead of ?? their upholsterer, or the neareat unnertakeraj who, not possessing the 1 needutl requirements. ...