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Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTH WESTON, &c., INCLOSURE. T WILLIAM BROWN, of Tring, in the county of Hertford, the Valuer acting in the matter of the In- closure of South Weston Field, and also some small outlying parcels of land locally situate in the adjoining parishes of Wheatfield and Stoke Talmage, in the county of Oxford, hereby give Notice that a statement of all claims received by me in the matter of the said ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOOD ASH POLES AND FAGOTS, BA TSFOORD, eiear Aforeton-in-3iarslh. ;O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, T BY LY24E a~nd GoTZR, On Monday the 21th of February,-The undew-mentioned ASEI POLES and FAGOTS, situated at tbe following places, viz.:- SiEEP BAnnACIKS-5 lots of Poles and 5 lots 6[f Fagots. SHOWEaLL'S CoPPICE-11 lots of Poles and 1i51ots of kagots. ROOK HILL-13 lots of Poles ands61 lots of Fagots. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . ' .x . -FAREH1AMF . - .T0 BB LEut ;A ?? Detached .L ItESIDCENCE, eoinwaiiing drvvn, iire andh breakfast rooms, with all requisite offices, five good bed rooms, three servants ditto, conch-house and stables, aS together with a large and most productive walled- .Garden. There is also, attached, a comfortable Pew in the fir Parish Church, from which the Residence is about five in minutes walk. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORNE St ROBINS' (formerly MANSELL & Co.) . CELE11B4ATED TEAS, in Packots, may nowv I urchased ut. Beduced Prices. Agent for Portsea-J. BIGWOOD, 44, St. James's- street. N.B.-BrfIP.srs WINES of all kinds and of Superio ur Quality may be Purchased at the same Establishment. TRY EMERY'S BLACK, GREEN, or MIXED T TEAS, at 3s, 4d. per lb.: 8ugirs at Market Prices, ac PRIcE's Patent Composite Candles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE EING'S ROOlIS, SOUTHSEA. V Mx HlIOLLINGSWORTH has the honour to an- 1,1iL'unrlce that his ROOMlS are NOW OPEN for o Wi;ter Season. Hlot Baths in constant readiness. C NAVAL EDUCATION. T SOUTHSEA, PORTSMOUTH. wTOUNG GENTLEMENf are prepared for the P I Royal Navy, East India Company's Naral Service, &r., by r. THIOMAS EASTM.&N, R?.N. P (Fire Years Naval Instructor rof H.M.S. Excellout.) P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WARNEFORD ASYLUM. T HE General Annual Meeting of the Governors Tof this Institution will be holden on Tuesday next, Feb. 13th, at One o'clock, in the Committee Room of the Radcliffe Infirmary, by permission (the Right Hon. the Earl of Abingdon, President, in the Chair), to receive the Report of the Committee of Management, to audit the Accounts of the past year, and for other purposes. By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T0 LET,-A good DWELLING HOUSE, No..6) BEtuAilONT-STHEET, late in the occupation of Iir8.: Pinfold.-Apply to I. and W. Fisher, 8, High-street, Oxford. HIGH STREET, OXFORD. 0 be SOLD or LET, from Midsummer text,- J A good HOUSE, opposite the Angel H~otel; com- prising a front shop or sitting room, a small entrance hail, and a kitchen, on the ground floor, with nine looms above, good cellars, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y of RETURN, pnrcuant to 7j and 8 Vic., c. 32. D Nanme of Firm. D NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BAXE OF, ENGLAND. D Pdrsous of whom the Company or Partnership consists. D lVame. Residence, Occupalien. D Abbey, tuano, Guildsborough, widow Aberdein, Robert Henry, Honiton, Devon, solicitor D Adams, Francis, Peterborough, student of medicine Adey, William'0oore, Wooton-under-Edge, gentleman n Aldrich, Emily ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IOST EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY. ]WEINIG'S Patent Portable Gaivanic Electro-Generator. CO.OsTP.U'2TED TO SUPPLYIN`G tIE WORN ON TIIE MILD) STREAMING *,ODY UNDER THE ELECTRICITY TO THE GARIIJEXTS SYSTEM. P I S tlje ?? extraordinary discovery in Medliene and Electri- | cic of the present day. It relieves without shock or any dis- a ere,.tciaentation ?? moment itis applied- I'te ! -srlus Pains, such ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'e l9ST, on the 2nd of February, near the Quarantine e Li Vs8;Ci' Portsmouth,=A SKIFF, 10 feet long, o namo painted on tbe sterzL' W. HEFPIFAtzr-othe Ann~a n and Harnet, of Portesm outb. - f Whoever his found the same and will forward the -information to Mr. PETER MOORE, 18, West-street, . Pot, will he rewvatded. - a5 1OUND on So4t-sea Comsno,-A, B-R O O CEL e * w bhoyer will idertify the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D DENT, 61, Strand, and 34 and 35, Rloyal .F Exchange, Chronometer, Watch and Clock Maker, by appointment, to the Queen and Prince Albert, sole successor to the late E. J. Dent in all his patent rights and business at the above slhops, and at the Clock and Compass Factory at Somerset Wharf, maker of chronometers, watches, astro- nomical, turret, and other clocks, dipleidoseopes, and patent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RADCLIFF INFiRMfARY, OXFORD, January 24, 1855. AT the Quarterly General Court, this day J--L. holden, it was ordered that it Special General Court be summoned to take place at Two o'clock on Wednesday the 28th day of February, for the purp-se of considering the propriety of constructing a Building for the reception of Patients suffering under Cholera, Small Pox, or other epidemic disorders. S. ...