Advertisements & Notices

... SALE of STAIN6ID arid ORNAMENTAL OLASS Re -TO C PLUMHBERS, LAMP MANUFACTURMIIS, BUILEi)ZR, and Others. BY MESSRS. WALKER & ACKERLEY, Thllis Day (Friday), the 16thk instaint, at Eleven o'clock precisely, at their Ecoiss, No. ds, Church-strelat, 7 N Nextensive consignment of STAINED, .M PAIN'TED, and ORNAMENTAL GLASS, comsprising r bal lap suaes,555lksdsape, crolsflwer, R.;several 0r hunredfee o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ER UVIA N FOUR.AND-A-HALT rER P CENT. LOAN of 18MS.-The DIVIDEND on the Bonds of thia Loan, falling due on the Iet of March next, will be paid at the Oounting-house of Messrs. C. de MURRIETA and CO., on that orany ?? day. between the hours of Rlsevii and Two. Lists may be had, on application, on and after the 28d inst., and tre ouposare to h left three clear daysfor examna5 tion 7, Adam's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F-_- pOR QUEBEC, with Goods and PFe- sergers, the fine fast-sailing British- ?? Ship FERGIJS, A. EcD[ONDS, !~ Commanlder, to sail the 4th April. pe.r Frich~t or P-assage, apply to IICI1~TAl-jLL &; LAMPLOVGH, 29, 3fHigh-street. -JFOR GENOA DIRECT. XTOW loading at Hull, the fine first-clastt I ' N.L Swedish Barque COBDEN, A 1, ?? \,K450 Tons Register, coppered and copper- . ';f,faterted, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS.. R D ALL5BD lULL XN GALLzIRt5 2s, zmw ?? supplied with alarge assort. sent of Ready.made Clothing. First style. Best materisa.. flOM rAPEB.-PUWWbI5UU mAselt, e om thi lares of Room Papers, at XCuuaz Baooxd' Wholesale sad Retai WSbo5O 00, JEdis .de4ifteg, Daldl~. E W atrival of CARPETS, HEARTH RUGS, VIC- TORIA FELTS, DRUGGETS, -P. SHIRIDAN, Ito& 22 and 28, Parliament-atreet ,~N DBEWS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W INES and STORES for the CRIMEAN W ARMY. - HEDGES and BUTLER beg to inform their customers and the public generally that they have made arrange. Imente to FORWARI) GQODS of the above deecription to BALA. KLAVA. CONSTANTINOPLE, and SCUTARI three time, per month, An agent will see to the proper delivery of the eame imme. diately on arrival. Printed liste of winee, apirits, preserved mcaets, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIO JT.LSDU:TS~AA0U A~~CAHLC WOKS 8 O, Doing the Largestf and the ?? thO ABRlogUW WO lbe - 7ym by SACRE SC~wl8Work in aI , Senea. post for deit exCUTTR5 ttri ACTS 0F, THE EabuII 1;~T la4' Co1i1 for the OrstoriS F ,nPftk h0 passion, di R rt4 and ACTS OF FAITF, I A D'CH&ITY, with pray by hiss , for the Use Ofe Altar, ooro ?? coth toard, 0and ABRI;dOME F-THE CHRISB1TIAN DOCTRIN Eop , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TWO GUINEAS REWARD. L oST, between SUNDAY, the 181b, and TUESDAY, tl 1 the 20th inst., in the City-road, Bridge-gate. King- street, or Duffield-road. a YELLOW and PURPLE SILK PURSE, containing T W 0 F I V E P 0 U N D re N 0 T E S. a Whoever has foand tle same, and will return them, F fihall receive the above REWARD, on application to Mr. a Ro wBoTTOM, Bookseller, Iron-gate, Derby. .. - - . 01 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUBSCRIPTIONS IN AID Or HE PA 'rRIOTIC FUN D; AND TOWARDS MAIN- TAIN INGH THE WIVES AN D CHILDREN OFV ?? AND MARINES PRESENTLY - ERVINGIN TH EAS, EASN , INFOCOMITFOWITY T al F REROLETOSO0LUTI TIIEA 741EE'UNC* HZGELD IN GLABUOWF ON 6T IIH NQ;YMDER, 1854. Amount of, Subscriptions to Wednesday, 7th Wi Feb., 1855. ?? . ,282 i1 10I ?? 5 0 ' £44,277 11 4; JO Per Clydescdale Bank. Workers of Smith & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRINCE CHARLIE QUADRILL'> Just Ready, Priceds., X c >, j }IE Twv entieth Hundred of this ?? Popular1Qtuian t net .1 Scotch Airs, (introducing rill ye no come byek again, and The Hundred Pipers.) An arrangement df0it as aPiano- _ Forte Duet, also, is in the heads of the printer,' an~d will be| Published immediately. : J. H. DE MONTI,1 Music and Mlusical Instrument Seller, 101 Buchanan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. JAMES'S CHURCH. O NSUNAYFebuar 25hSERMONS will be prechd. orin an eenigbythe Rev. JAMES T. BRWN, .A.,Curae ofSt. eorge's, Bolton, in The ervcescomenc athal-pat 1n to the ilorbing, and half-past s1Z in the ?? will be made at the close of each ser vice. BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. 7HECommittee of the Preston Auxiliary in connection T w~ith the above Society have made the following ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ TLie NEW t;)1T1QN 1. ON NERVOUS AND GENERATIVE DISEASS. Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price 18., or In a sealed envelope, free by psi for 18 Postage Stamps. IIEALTiH AND HAPPINESS, the means by wbich they may be obtained, a medical work on ties intirmities of youth. and matnrity, and diseases of the gene. rative System, with observations on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *COPY OF RETURN PURSUANT TO Hus Ha 7 AND 8VIO., O. 2. Ho - Ho NAUX OF FIRM: JBARNED AND COM1PANY. PHBSNS F WHM TE COPAN OR Ha, PPERESHONONISS:Ho larael Barnied, 0 ln rtfa~ eetapr, ( London.bne 'Lewvin Moicloy, 20HarmbeIae Lvrol chbanker H Carles Mo7,ley, 125, Moutit-pleasiant, Liverpool, (t bankerj INAME or PLACE WHERE THE BUSINESS IS CARRIED) ON: Ho Liverpool, Lancashire. Ho NAmz or Finu: a ...