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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... 4ALand EDRIDGE'S LINE of t'S,,tlALASIAN PACKET SllIE'S.-Tltoefoliowi~g first- rjeid for their fa-aln ultehave most superior 0f -e passengers. lead fin the London Docf, and will e~iial desjach ?? e_._I Desti___atio___ 01Tons Tons Sllipj'. Register. Bure. Dsiain 604 750 Sydney,. ' n ?? 0 50 Hobra Town. g~ltor pssag mony, iestary sc'ales, auid forls0~ 0t~n apigto he ndrsined wh are constantly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO MARINERS. LLOVyA(, OF THE QUSErN'S CHANNEL. 'TRINITY HOUSE, LONUON, MARdil 1, 1856. ' av been considered advisale ta h n1t ic ceti's- Channlel, iiottce is hereby given, thatt the ,iret~tlo efroct on or about thielst 01 May nextthat REMOVALS. wetru atid lit~l iii l be removed a short distance ii , ?? position ;anti the Panl Sand Knoll Buoy ~*',llgthen 110 longer necessary. ?? CHANCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T0 FAMILIES FURNISHING.-SEOOND- T HAND FURNITURE.-Thc most extenqive exhibition of SECOND-HAND FURNITURE in London, covering a space of more than 10,000 square feet, where every article is spread out and arranged for inspection and marked the lowest price, a great por- tion of wvhich h.a beeo, manufactured by Glilows, Seddons, and other Omileat makere. Every aticle warranted, and the money ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONTRACT FOR OILS AND SOFT SOAP. DEPARTMENT of the STOREKEEPER-GENERALof theNAVY, SOMERSET-PLACs, Fars. 28, 1868. T HE Commiissioners for Executing the Office of Lord ligh Admiral of the United lfingdom of Great Britain and Ireland do hereby give notice, that on Tuesday, the 13th of March next, at Two o'clock, they will be ready to TREAT with asuch persons as ay be willing to CONTRACT for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ta MEETING of the GENFRAL COM } AT hITTEE of the CITY of LONDON LIBERAL REGIS- TRATION ASSOCIATION, held at thse London Tavern, Vthe Ist March just., H. J. PRESCOTT, Req., President, in the chair; On the motion of II NV. CRAMFORD, Esq., Reecooded by W. G. PREBCOTT, Esq., it wan unanitousdY Itesolved-That it is the opinio Ifte ?? that Lord Palnserston, ill undertakts the responsibilityv of form ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IREEK COUPONS and all others, due let ~K Mrch re nw beng PID t oujr NEW OFFICES, No. 2, re.We reet-building, Newv p roadcee trent, t e w e sti cstinU - our bosiness as Foreign Bankers, Bullion Merchavstr, and Agetts Bt$'onDaft Oil Pakn~fc,1,L lari-strante, a. bil ?? Rsilway Shares. DfsonPn grated aonh ills ollectel, MONTEAlJ)[ BROTHERS, late of2.Conil Cl RCUAR NOTES and F REIGN MONE'. i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CUBA LOANS of 1834 and 1837.-The DIVI- DEND WARtIRANTS falling due on tie sti0 of March next, on the above BONDS, will be PAID on that or any succeeding day (Tuesday and Friday excepted) between ter hours of Ton and Two, at the Counting-lhouse of BAIING BROTHERS and CO., 8, Bishopsgate-streot Within, whore lirts may, as usual, I be obtained. MESSRS. MONTEAUX, BROTHERS, fo-. reln bankers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1i1FE LIVERPOOL LINE of AUSTRALIAN I J1,AC I{ ?? old-clitablished hole consists of tho fvllow- dipper ~hips, and others, all well khownl in the trade 'Ship- Burden. Captan. To sail. -~idl~ t (lnew) . 8,0 Csiin1inghban 15th M3arch. 2,00 Borelace 520th April. ?? ,0 'ol 2hMy ip ie(cc) 3,1.00 O'Ntgeill 20th JMay. lo~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -VRAND ROUTH.-STFAIM to INDIA and Cl,, Ac Vilt~ EGYPT.-The PENINSULAR ATd ~C . NAVIGATION'COMPANY BOO0K PASSEN- rir'l- ~eiie goods and5 parcels for the Mediterranean, Egypt, ]e SIthedraits by those df tho 4th of the itonth. ~ ?? at the Compalay's otylces, I122, Lsideairill!and Oriental-plaee, Sa'atbasnpton. $ A1~ if ON ON.-Capital £600,000 (with ~ocr f cteoiflto £2,000,000), in 0,000 Shares ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USTRALA.-ILIVERPOOL WHITE STAR I. A LHE of PACl;ETS--The fastest passlages on record made b ttleline, *iz.:-Red Jakekt, b91/ days otit, 73/ home, Nvl-,01 vo~sge (incltig detentionl abroad), 6 mllonths 10 days; MeVaid, g4r days, both port to port. Fares £10. 16s. and uwpas.t. Pas- I sengers forwarded to Sydeoy, Geeloig, Adelaide, and Sunreston, free. Ship Commanders. Tons. To Sail. Golden Era ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONTRACTS FOR SUGAR, TEA, PEPPER, TOBACCO, AND VINEGAR. DEPARTMENT of the COMPTROLLER for VICTUALLING and TRANSPORT SERVICES, SOxX8Er5-HoU8B, FEB. 22, 1805. rulHE Commissionera for Executing the Office of .JL Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland do hereby give notice, that on Thursday, the 8th March next, at Onte o'clock, they will be ready to treat with such ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONTRACT FOR TAR, PITCH, AND TALLOW. DEPARTMIENTaf the STORtEKEEPER-GENERAL of the NAVY, SOMERBET-PLACE, Fr. 28, 1855. rEIHE Commissioners for executing the office of , Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland do hereby give notice, that on Tuesday, the 20th of March next, at Two o'clock, they will be ready to treat with such persons as uay be willing to CONTRACT ...