... . ?? ?? 0C04-crjfor~tdc People. By11. Soyer. London and New provisil York : Rcutledge and Co. SixI Probably never in theo annals of ]publication, and car- shortly tainly never in those of cookery, did a work bid so fair to will fol fulfil the intimration in its title as this plain, practical, Paris and ye ssentially, artistic, little book, which has already corps reachd i:ts on hneth thousand ...


... EXMIBITION OF THE ROYAL SCOTIISII ACADEMY. j Notvithstanding ?? unfvonarable state of thce weather on | Sceur day nmrid g, the ns w Galic~ies of Art were crowded at an early hour %with anxious spectators, evidsntlt highly inte- he rested and delighted with thc pictures which covered the w1- walls. We have to congratulate both the public and the nl Artists upon the increase of accommodation ...


... : x iAXUSEMBNWBTS IN DI131GEE TAiaizARhsix,-4On WednesdayS,the 7thinst., M'r. Wright appeared ?? Wvecand Deaf a;,. e ..P2et0 Ou. Thursday In Paul 6ry andbi Di.2f You ves Semd !our Wife to Casmeerwell? On Friday, being Iois'beisfit0 inkt l .: ethort 74n4d Wives and Love, .Lao, andf Phyiic. And on Satnrday. being I isast appeairance here, in The Wreek Ashore and 3fy ,,'~clous.~ete. Wlle are ery ...

Published: Sunday 18 March 1855
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1015 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... FASPION AND) VARIETIES. THE COURT. OsDoaNEa. )lMamci 20-.Prince Alhert embarked in the Fairy it ten o'clock in the morning vesterday, and wenl to Portsmouth, accompanied by ihe Prin'ce of Leinint'emm, to inspect the new Royal yacht Victoria and Albert. T'le Princo afterwards went over the Portsmnoulit Sailors' Home. Her Majesty embar'ked at Osbornue Pier at half-past twelve o'clock, and ...


... LITERA TUBR. The Life and Correspondence of Charkes Lord AetcoaYe. By JOHN WILLIAM K&YB. 2 voEs. Sev. Richard Bentley, London. If the life of a great soldier is more captivating to thegeneral reader, that of a great statesman is more useful to the instructed politician. Mr. Kaye has already written the history of one of the most event- ful wars in which our Indian empire has beer, plunged. In ...


... ICPRoVI1NVIAL :T:PHBA5!RE A lq3 -, e ?? Uflt rineipled Xanagers. - T:TO TIE: EDITOR OP 'TEB RAs.: What judgiment shall I dredd,doiiigno wrong ?- ?? Marsornw or S1B Sir,-I gladly avail myself of the kind offer of space in your valtiable coluimns to reply to the letter dated :'Whitehaven Feb. 26tbp asn appeared in last Sunday's ERA, under the above heading and signed by a portion of the ...

Published: Sunday 11 March 1855
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1692 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... JTHE PARIS EXHIBMION OF MANUFACTURES, X BErL FouxDiNG rrf DumarN.-We have frequently had occasion, during the past btn Or twelve years, to advert to the distinction achieved by our countrymen in a branch of the metallurgic art which peculiarly requires the exercise of judgment, skill, aud care in its operations, so as to ensure a ?? notalonesa regards the beautiful and delicate manifestations ...


... GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS OF DESIGN-EXHIIBI- TIOs OF PRIZZE PICTURES, &C. l . 1'ibition opened yesterday in the fin arts gallery of Society of works of art which have ob- taliiin'd1rizes during the past year in the various schools of desiga'cstablished by govreroment throughout the United Kingdomn. This is tbs first occasion on which the principle htas beencarried into practical effect of forwarding ...


... -.a The seconi concert of the Academy of Music for the exhi- bition of the students took place yesterday at the institutiou, Tenterden-rtreet, Hatover square. The programme co0m1 priaed Beethoven's oratorio, The Mount of Olives, and a selection of miscellaneous music, vocal and instrumental. The acaderny still appears destitute of able tenor voices, and rtcourse was again had to the ...

Original Poetry

... (OWi lal voclttp CA KS B R I A. Vltat I le' ile ash, wouldl this world be, ItI'mtinus hills aid ftritfol vales'! It then wvoldi tveatr to cioaria for mc, Siece Vales 'could be no longer Wales. Vho would admire this land of ours, If wteads atid shady groves we'ld none I 3f once bereft of fruits and flow'rs, 'Iweold soon be a deserted one. TWho would esteem this little nlook,- This Eden, enes ...


... * DITERATURE. * WANDERINGS IN CORSIC A. We doubtless owe the translation ?? his wqrk to the adnirable notieof the origi alin the culrrent nuralber of the Quarterly. It is a most welcome addition t foreign history; for since Goosey Boswell Vrote his hook, and wore his fool's-cap at Stratford jabilee under the patronage of David f .rick__-ieiOe Bozzy dub himself on the strength of his fltalent ...


... . THE 'OPERA. Since our last notice of the Opera Roberto was put on the sta ic fir tile first time on Monday, and again on Thursday yenitig. Mfasndiello was performed on ''uesday, and Fidelio on lridiy. We have very little space to devote to the opera this morning, as the crowded state of our columns will ft showe. Loberto is one of the most popular of Mleyerbeer's h operas, and justly so, ...