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Morning Chronicle



London, England


London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... tHE BEARD, WHISKERS, and MUSTA- ?? unprecedented success of ROWLAND S MA- CASSAR OIL in producing these ornaments of manhood is uni- versally known and appreciated, and is recorded by numerous te-. timonials and certiflied by the highest authorities. This ail just nuates its balsamic properties into the pores of the head, nou- rishes the hair in its embryo state, accelerates its growth, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEIAM to NEW YORK-TheUNITED STATESi in XIL STEAMERS: ATLANTIC, Captain WESr; PACIFIC,; cptas N O ; BALTIO Captain CoSTisoCK, are appointed to SAIL C- tlul as under:- fortn'g d Fronm Liverpool. The BALTIC, for New York Saturday, March 24. The PACIFIC. for New York, Saturday., April 7. And every alternate baturday until further notice. Rates of ?? cabin, 50 guineas; second cabin, 20 Bate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONTRACT FOR TEAMS OF HORSES FOR SHEERNESS. DEPARTMENT of the STOREKEEPER-GENERAL of the NAVY, SOMERSIRT-PLACs, Fav. 21, 1855. TiHE Comnmissioners for Executing the Office of A Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great trit tai t and Ireland do hereby give notice, that on Tuesday, the 13th March next, at Two o'clock, they teida be ready to TREAT with sueh persons as may be watilling to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -0 1EEATRE ROYAL DRURY-LANE.-Lesse, i 'T Mr. E. T. SMITH.-On Saturday next, March 24, a grand MORNING PERFORMANCE of the opera, L'ETOILE DU NORD, being the last representation at this theatre, when, in addition to the grand Orchestra and the Military Bands on the ,tage, the Boys I of the Royal Military Asyium, Chselea, cith oati alfepast Band, will ?? open it One, to csaminencl ?? One. ~HE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVENT-GAR- RL DEN.-The nobility, gentry, subscribers, and the public are respectfully informed thalt the OPERA, SE&SON will COM- MENCE on Tuesday, April 1o, 18.55.-Full particulars of the arrangements will be duly announced. HEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.-LeBsee, Mr. E. T. BMITH.-GRAND BAL MASQUE.-At the ruet of several patrons, a Grand BAL MASQUE will take placec atitheatre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AXIE GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COM- * PANY'S STEAM-SIIIPS leave St. IKatharine's %Vharf for EDINBURGH-Every WVednesdasy a011 Saturday, at 10 p.m. 14s. Front London-bridge Wharf for IiULtEscry Tnevslay aid Friday, at B morninig. Ss. YARmOUTH11Vednlisday and Saturday, at 4 alteriioen. 6s. Fromt Horn's Wharf, Wappinlg, for NEWCASTLE-Every :edinesdav and Satorday, at S even. 10s. MAimIATE, RAMSGATE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. *A PORTION of the COLLECTION of PICTURES of the, Duke of ArgyIL .k - ESsRS. CHRISTIE and MANSON S e8r * t . fully give notice that they will SELL hyAU~rIO4- their Great Room, King-street, St. Ja.zss'esquare, or,'t0 4 March 17, at One o'clock precisely, the prindpaI and choic , !, TION of the COLLECTYON of PICTURES, Sy arierit and lish masters, received from the town ?? of his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1HE LIVERPOOL LINE of AUSTRALIAN S ?? line consists of the follow- * clipper ships, and others, all well known in the trade Ship Burden. Captan. To sail. ?? g 7 reac 10th April. .Y fl ?? 8 000 i'el 0th may. ri'dc (new) ?? 8,500 oatgomery 20th June. pasellners will be forwarded to Sydney, Adelaide, &c., at extra rate. 31oney orders grested tree of ?? to James M. vAlthew, 4t;, Chapel-street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '.Divide aboan tha. broad bride cake, Rerid about the bride's stake. '-ftN Jlon*sOX 111 EDDING BREAKFAST, BA'LI. SUP- WY PED : and DINJNTR , PROVIDED ENT=Z in town or countrl ?? *pU f8e83 Cornhill, inoludlng wines of tbe oree rederlby Veards PorSt wind we'o o ae, linen, chinas glass, afrulttieaslatc, seat, tabaesg lightcs dancing hoiiabuie an d In and. ?? so8 peao.Mna~aan mn 1o strusmental ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (IIRCULAR NOTES ani FOREIGN MONEY'f net ast. censtanitl -Travellers proceeding to the Contnet . CIRCULAR sople, the Colonies. America, A. Ro n'PRO he ncipal towns NOTES of £10 and £5 each, pay'able at all the principal ton without deduction- also foreign money or every country, It th Bullion and BankingOfflice, 10, LOatrld-straeietLMANN and CO ii REgOV oil the oomple- ADAX SPIELMANN and CO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4ALand EDRIDGE'S LINE of t'S,,tlALASIAN PACKET SllIE'S.-Tltoefoliowi~g first- rjeid for their fa-aln ultehave most superior 0f -e passengers. lead fin the London Docf, and will e~iial desjach ?? e_._I Desti___atio___ 01Tons Tons Sllipj'. Register. Bure. Dsiain 604 750 Sydney,. ' n ?? 0 50 Hobra Town. g~ltor pssag mony, iestary sc'ales, auid forls0~ 0t~n apigto he ndrsined wh are constantly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUHE Riv~ht Hon. Visaount PALMERSTON, THIP'TY-FOURTH ANIVERSARY DINE,,, Da Weilnesday, theI HOSPITAL SOCIETY, at the London Ta 28th instant.STWR. His Excelloncy the Frec ?? in oIS .E. liassador.Mi iniirs C M His Excellency the Ausra CM.MolonelB.Jj Es., CrCozier P nolster. S. Canard, Esq.Coer His Excellenscy the Prussian Mij. U. Eillis, Esq. uister. i-williaim Felgate. Esq. His Excellency thle ...