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Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. *A PORTION of the COLLECTION of PICTURES of the, Duke of ArgyIL .k - ESsRS. CHRISTIE and MANSON S e8r * t . fully give notice that they will SELL hyAU~rIO4- their Great Room, King-street, St. Ja.zss'esquare, or,'t0 4 March 17, at One o'clock precisely, the prindpaI and choic , !, TION of the COLLECTYON of PICTURES, Sy arierit and lish masters, received from the town ?? of his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CUl;AB NOTES end RFOREIGN M1ONEN. D SIEMANN and CO. aV REXOVED (AJ tfa thleir~ rnorards ton leut Contw rine No. 79, Opponite. THE NEWSPAPE STAMP RETUBNS. The teturnsjust iasued show the following resulta of the eiroulation of the London daily papers, with the exception of the Times, during the last year, divided into the half-yearly periods: let Half-year. 2nd lialf.year. Total. ?? 1,240,658 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OHN: ROBERT PIKE, ?? Share Broker, J South Sea Chubre, Threlldneedle etreets City. iI P. THOMAS, Mining Auctioneer, 75, Old T. Broadstrect, City. Established 12 years. RNAMENTAL CLOCKS, Vases, Candelbra, Y.. Bronzes, new patterns, and in good taset, attl4l RegeSt.Btreet. -FUTVOYB and Co., importers and enanufacturers. flENNETT'S MODEL WATCH, 65, Cheapeide. jJ A great variety In silver, from S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S ARLS' ARGENTINE SILVER PLATE,- tP 17 and 18, Cornbill.-This beautiful metal continres to stand aurivalied amongst all tbe substitutes for silver. Its intrinsie excel. ease, combined with its brilliant appearance, defies all competition. It is upwards of telveyearsincethitmanufacturewas introduced by darl and Sons to the publi and, notwithstanding the many spurious ud unprincipled imilations, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1HE LIVERPOOL LINE of AUSTRALIAN S ?? line consists of the follow- * clipper ships, and others, all well known in the trade Ship Burden. Captan. To sail. ?? g 7 reac 10th April. .Y fl ?? 8 000 i'el 0th may. ri'dc (new) ?? 8,500 oatgomery 20th June. pasellners will be forwarded to Sydney, Adelaide, &c., at extra rate. 31oney orders grested tree of ?? to James M. vAlthew, 4t;, Chapel-street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '.Divide aboan tha. broad bride cake, Rerid about the bride's stake. '-ftN Jlon*sOX 111 EDDING BREAKFAST, BA'LI. SUP- WY PED : and DINJNTR , PROVIDED ENT=Z in town or countrl ?? *pU f8e83 Cornhill, inoludlng wines of tbe oree rederlby Veards PorSt wind we'o o ae, linen, chinas glass, afrulttieaslatc, seat, tabaesg lightcs dancing hoiiabuie an d In and. ?? so8 peao.Mna~aan mn 1o strusmental ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (IIRCULAR NOTES ani FOREIGN MONEY'f net ast. censtanitl -Travellers proceeding to the Contnet . CIRCULAR sople, the Colonies. America, A. Ro n'PRO he ncipal towns NOTES of £10 and £5 each, pay'able at all the principal ton without deduction- also foreign money or every country, It th Bullion and BankingOfflice, 10, LOatrld-straeietLMANN and CO ii REgOV oil the oomple- ADAX SPIELMANN and CO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... is WTHITE SHEET GLASS, made expressly for k i printsellere piottre-frame makers, and thebeet ?? a of glaing, being perfectly white and very iree from blemishes. Packed iI in 200-feet cases, at 4d:, 6d., and td. per foot super; or in smaller to quantities at id. per foot extra; FOREIGN SHEET GLASS in 200. k teet cases, sizes 40 by 60, at 34s. and 42s. per case; ground bheet a glasa in 2d .feet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4ALand EDRIDGE'S LINE of t'S,,tlALASIAN PACKET SllIE'S.-Tltoefoliowi~g first- rjeid for their fa-aln ultehave most superior 0f -e passengers. lead fin the London Docf, and will e~iial desjach ?? e_._I Desti___atio___ 01Tons Tons Sllipj'. Register. Bure. Dsiain 604 750 Sydney,. ' n ?? 0 50 Hobra Town. g~ltor pssag mony, iestary sc'ales, auid forls0~ 0t~n apigto he ndrsined wh are constantly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUHE Riv~ht Hon. Visaount PALMERSTON, THIP'TY-FOURTH ANIVERSARY DINE,,, Da Weilnesday, theI HOSPITAL SOCIETY, at the London Ta 28th instant.STWR. His Excelloncy the Frec ?? in oIS .E. liassador.Mi iniirs C M His Excellency the Ausra CM.MolonelB.Jj Es., CrCozier P nolster. S. Canard, Esq.Coer His Excellenscy the Prussian Mij. U. Eillis, Esq. uister. i-williaim Felgate. Esq. His Excellency thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOHN ROBERT pIK, Mining Share Broker, South Sea Chambers, T breadrCie.t-reet, City. j T P T P. THOMAS, Mining Auctioneer, 7, Ol T o. Broad- ttnect, Ct. lsa ts e 2y as (NHAFFCTTING ACHINES.-For price lists, 11AFF'CUTTRING TMCSH Int~e*perTh~anes-Btreet- apply to WK. DR&Y end co., san-nlanoO Upper, ste.tet (AT-BRUI MG 4ILLS.-For list of prices ?? W DRAY endGCO. Swan.l-kne, UpperTharaea-street. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOOKING.GLASSES.- The COmmRCIAL, SOR J.JPLATE GLASS COMPANY, Manager, CHABLeS the1r2, &y 78, 79, and 80. Fleetstreet, and ST, Oxeor street Inste t a for theh and the nubeurvery repostfay, ?? the Neb -ty, the P genI id stnt their extensive and magniflont Sto CHIuNEYcn 0 atrst C and PIER GLASSES, ?? varla1t author] of style; co i centr, and pier tablesool lid maogany eable anm half thi choral ...