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... GLAMOHGANSIIIRE SPUING ASSIZES, 1855. jyOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Commissions of Nisi Prius, of Oyer and Ter- miner, and Gene-rat Gaol Delivery, for the COUNTY of GLAMORGAN, will be holdea at SWANSEA, in the said County, on WEDN ESDAY, the FOUIITEENTH Day of MA HI H Next, before the Honorable SIR EDWARD VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, KNIGHT, one of the Justices of our Lady the Queen, of Her I ourt of ...


... The following, we are informed, is the composition of the new Ministry, so far as it had been arranged on Tuesday :— Lord Palmerston, First Lord of the Treasury, Lord Cranworth, Lord Chancellor. Lord Clarendon, Secretary of State for Foreign AfTairo. Lord Paumure, Secetary of State for the War Depart- ment. Sir George Grey, Secretary of State for the Home De. partment. Lord John Russell, ...


... FROM FRIDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE. BANKRUPTS. J. Speller, Wapping, High-slreet, sail maker G. C. Stewart, Hackney-road, draper T. Salmon, Kettering, Northampton, ironmonger J. Howell, Judd-street, Brunswick-square W. Bowler, Upper Groulid-street, Lambeth, timber mer- chant G. C. Rouse, Dover-court, Essex, grocer S. Oates, Cambridge, builder J. Twiner, Hedge row, Islington, High-street, draper Jane ...

[No title]

... LONDON MARKETS. CORN-KXCHANGE, MONDAY. A fine thaw, of which there were indications on Friday. became decided on the next day, and has continued with full effect up to this illorttioig. The supplies last week were altogether ocanty. Hour per railway excepted-in all amount- inu to 18,425 !äck.. The arrivals of wheat consisted of 5,205 quarters English, per railway, and 1,196 foreign, up to ...


... MERTHYR AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. COUSTY COURTS.—The usual monthly sittings of the County Court has been postponed to Wednesday next the large number of four hundred and forty cases have been entered for hearing. COMING EVENTS.—We are happy to find from the Secretary of the Merthyr Library that arrangements have been made with Mr. George Dawaon and Mr. Henry Vincent, for a series of four lectures in ...


... TELEGRAPHIC DES PA TC II E S. From the TIMES of TO-DAY (FRIDAY). We have received the following telegraphic des- patch from our Berlin correspondent BERLIN, Thursday, March 1. Lord John RnsseU arrived here yesterday fort noon, lie waited upon liuon de ManteuSel in the afternoon. lIe had an audiance of the Kin^ to-day* YELOCE, Eupatoria, Feb. 21. Since the affair of the 17th the Russians have ...


... DEFEAT OF THE RUSSIANS AT EUPATORlA Feb. 25, 10 P.M. Lord Panmure presents his compliments to the Editor of the Times, and begs to transmit a copy of a telegraphic despatch which has been received from Lord Raglan, through the British agent at Bucharest: — BEFOUE SEBASTOPOL, Feb. 18. A force, said to be 40,000 01 Russians, with a large number of guns, attacked Eupatoria, at daylight, on the ...

[No title]

... CARDIFF POLIC E.—SATURDAY. [Before his Worship the Mayor David Lewis, Esq., and Charles Crofts Williams, Esq.] John Donovan, a lad fifteen years of age, residing in Pendoylou-street, was charged with stealing a quantity of coal, from the East Branch of the Taff Vale Railway, on the 22nd instant, weighing 60lbs. The case was proved by George Demery. The prisoner was sentenced to be im- prisoned ...


... IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF LORDS.—FRIDAY. In reply to a question from Lor,1 Lyndhurst, Lord Panmure said that summer clothing was being pro- vided for the soldiers in the Crimea. Large quantities of wiuter clothing had been contracted for in Vieuna, and had been complell',1 November. Earl Granville. ill reply to questions from Lord Lynd- hurst, made a statement respecting tbe blockade in ...


... BATH AND SOMERSET COUNTY RACES.—There are already sixty-five entries for the Somersetshire Stakes. WITHOUT HEALTH, Wealth and Fame are, to the unfortu- nate sufferer, but empty dross; many persons have 100t tbi, great blessing through neglecting only a slight cold in the first instance, which in its turn has beeu followed by asthma, and all its attending evils, rendering the sufferer's life ...


... POETRY. THINK ON THE POOR. As you sit in warm circles, secure from the tempest, Nor feel the keen storm as it drifts on the moor, Oh, shut not your door 'gainst the wandering stranger, But learn from your blessings to pity the poor. When the cold northern blast blows both chilly and rudely. And the rain patters hard at your windows and door. As you hear the blast liowl, look around on your ...


... CARDIFF SHIPPING NEWS. BCTE DOCKS.—FOREIGN VESSELS LOADING. (From ^'iud of February to 1st of M:.rr!i.) Sfhips. Masters. Of H'Uere. Boston, U.S. (Jli'iu-ara Xyl> ll iv 1.* Orion Uivi« l.oie.ljn Sireue Murray. I't,rt ...