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Reynolds's Newspaper



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Reynolds's Newspaper

Advertisements & Notices

... f . ,. \ -.WAR! WFAil! WA2RI BAD GALE'S SLtGN OF TRE TIMES, *hlch contains the P, Fredictiors of the W ar nE ?? tultilled, aud the Death of ill Cza: foretold, Euxgland's De tioy lrediczed, ?? and j Cau es of Wars. PubL hed by Strage a, d Co. Am t.Comer, e Paot rnsrer-rOw, and mvy bo had at all bookseUera. Prie .- peeve.- FIRST-RATE CLOTHlINGI AT SECOND-RATE COST. H YAM AND CO., 8P, Oxfnrd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... unor ?? THEATR.L Vnder the rmanagemestt of r. cahaies. KeanL MOIIDAY- Wednesdsy, -Fridas.y -nubd. Ssturday, LOUIS- XE Tuesday, FAUST AND MARGUERITE. lhursday, The CORSICAN BROTIEERS. :The MULETEER OF TOLE6O; or, Ring, Qseee, and Knave, every evening. H.AYMARKET THEATRE., Under tae Management of r. 11uckaitone. (XN Mondoy, and all the week (lsst six nights), the new comedy of The SECRET AGENT. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EPIIAPSY, OR FALLING SICKNESS: SP9ASIS. AND NERVOUS COMPLAINTS OF EVERY KIND. eBrR. DOCKRALL., the sole living depesitorY of the invaluable Y.L receipt for tho effectual cure of-. Epilepsy. Spasms, and Ne.-vorns.Complsi'nts'of alt kinds, has received tesdimonials of the niat satisfactory natulre fom parsons of the highest distinction as well as from individuals of every grade in socity, whose ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iBYSTE3ES QF THE CQURT.-F URTH yoblishiu,~ in. e el `IE . ?? pgbling~~mi i el ?Inombecs 'and Mosily. .Sixpesiny Farts, opfeudidly illuctrated by Thrralts and Gilbert, the jontb THE MYSTERIES. OF. THE COURT. T Br GaEOxa W. ML st.RnooD&ss -. The noraus* success of -the ?? already 'before the pablic-a a&ccess unparolleled in the sphere of cheap literature-. ostially encouraged the author to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tub in Weelidy j Fw Ky-umbem and Monthll Sih P= Iplesiildly Hflited by Thwaita and Gflbert,' the ;i. ,Of,. . . . . Al-RE HYSTEBJIES OF THE e UPTo Br G. EOAW W. IB ESlrOoTs. The enormeua jocesi of the atm Series already bedore th, ibl- suce uparalliled Au .tho osere of chap literture Thi Farst Sense, containing a Co camplete in, R&a IL 8, elegtly bounad In blue 94oth, gilt 'Th Second Series, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRST ?? of'the seasonS. On Monday. her Majesty's servants 1 ?? (in (Italian) Bellini s LA SONNAMBULA. Amine, Madame Ga-siler (prims don'i, from he Imperial Italian Opera. PF 1-), Elvino, hignor Bettni. Rodolpho, Signor Ga9sier. To conclude with a grand Ballet Divertipsemett. Pice, of ?? s, edressairtle 's upperboxes 3L; pst,' 2&; ga1erie, Is.. Private boxes, one, two; three, d fonr guineas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TBE L&RGEST, CHEAP7ST, ,A)ID REST. yg.eekl'y, OsseZ Peamy-Monebly Parti4 Prces Sxpenee0,: T-OY- 0.- D S'S M I.1-S C I I.L.A: biL -Of louanceiGeaera-ltertatre. ScienCe, aidArt. ?? CO1OIUOTEI) ax Gl~aonaa'W.-i~tf-RitoDe.* This is th klargeei, cheapest, and most beautifelly Illuetraxaie Periodical ever leamed frorb the ?? consists o Sixteen Large Quartt Pages, well printc or,.: good paper, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST, ARD BES Weekly, One Penfny-Xdtbli Partes ?? Sispence, Z Y N O L D SIS S- M. O 3 C E L L A I T- 11 Of Romance, Geaeral.Literatare, Science, and Art. CoBwueromaTFD GnOwse W. L tsormos. ThIs is the largest, cheapes sud selimt beautfl ilumtrawa Periodical ever leaned fromn the Press. Each Number cousisa O Sixteen Large Quarto Pages, well printed, an good paper, and eet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ZPIE6P ~,oR FALN SPASMS, NVERYKN.0 , MONG the varied Diseases audict hssu In thr I one more grievous in its nature nor hnjurimn d thereis lot quences'than Epilepsl. The unfortunate 'individft8 lc°sB- under thie 'dreadful Malady must neeessarily feel t oba ig burden; for, it is not when undergoing the fearful hat lif, - a the Fits, but In the Intervals, that they Buffer the mofi eace of torture ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Besee, Mr . L Z. BVsamlt. Offift ~4USICAL ?? slion, four nl~ht ?? iitls ?? e-a, and Wedoesday, ±he ARANDhPRtQMENstDECOlNCERTS'*m; be given la the apleedjajarenls, Stied fou -e~e?~qe'Citi Occasion j&`he costly edn S tio8 io-ept ad world tor, vlsltbra.--h uia ralgmnawl ildis whole,&. thezpopularmsc1m-etblrA ~eaLE~tl DU XQRPexcqa dys chorns~ofumii% selecte-fp ?? having dehtget prawtii h eahof l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GUIDE: TO EMFLOT~ IN TOWN. AN D COUNTY II. J.: respoetenlir calls atten ion to his T ARGE PRINTED CIRCULAR, enabling every person, male or I. female, to earn.from Three Pounds to Ten Pounds per week, without ?? Different Avocations.' We hlres throwv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T -from the 22ad of Apil next, a Capital House, containingt forrr sirting-roome (theu drawiiiz-roosne -rcommsaricatlng wl'h: fodldir izdoors), L~welve b ed-rooms,. twoa dressing-rooms, two| kithener, an4 two .water-r,}osete. The house is Wvell supplied withj soft dod bire wiiter, -'Rent, d51. per annem. For cairds, apply at' No S. HlIgh-street, Hferri ay.'B PRINCE OF WALES LIFE. A$SthANQ .. : ...