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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... fOMMITTEE of the PROTSTNT ?? CONFERENCE, embrfacingf Membrols Churcoh Protestant D~efence Froteatant Alots Society, PrateetantAscite' Evangelical Alliance, Rteforatlnut elty to Cn~mMR-1 - XJLQtiiOUiN, Eeq. Sir Brook Breidges. Bart. ir Culling. Etterley, Dart. Jamets Heeaid, Ettq. 7lajsr.Getcra1 Alexander. The eels objecr. of this Comminttee Iwhivii rmist for a temporary ent I sperdil purp,,se) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUTCH FOUR PER CENT. COUPONS, due _ IstApril.anDow ?? proeentatikn. CllCULARI NorTB5 of £5 ahnd 10 each ISSUED for thue nof iravellers Pr-. ettdflg fo tO CuntxeL~t, the iL, .c . n~d toxeign money of 'very entry a ebed er nuppi d, and Dxarfn an thy ?? }EuroZO andetsewhec~ granted, at the B3 ntling and BuUien Offices ADAM BPIElMAN2N acS Co. have P.E:NOVBD to thecir mare coa- veniflt new ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYLMAIL STEAMN PACKET COMPANY f R ?? by Rtoyal ('borror. N~O'ICE IS HEREE~': GIVEN, theat the ANNUAL GENERAL MdEETING of he l'copfthtor of Lhie Company rill be held at the Urdrrn Tavern. Itlreo cr.s-pttroct, on '1'IUlt.,lAY, the l2th day of April next, at one 'r'clucir recstrly. lor Lire pilrpo-eo ricceiving theJ rep or t of Ithe affejeis of thle ?? fur tn~c yel~r end injg the, 3 ort fleem ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,Ur Pfy DATENT VULCANIZED INDIA RUBBER 1g- GAS IUBING.-JAMES LYNIS HANCOCKIS ROSE PIPE - nd LTUBING MANUFACTO7TY, Goswell-mews, Goewell.road, r13 London.-Gas compauies, engineers, ga-fi tera, and the trade gene- be rally, are reapecifally informed this tubing ic now manufactured to tB. any size from ore-eighth Inch bore and upwards in 110 feet lengths, ?? and perfectly cylindrical, either with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [Advertioement.] |THE AUTHORItiY FOR THIE OBSERVACE OF GOOD FRIDAY. -. It is so universally admitted, as to render the production of proof unneceoary, That our Blessed Lord was raised from the dead on the First Day of the week; and it is as universally admitted, that while on earth he himself declared, Mat. 12.40, For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL ITALIAN OPEACO EN T-GARDEN. R The No' Geiy, Gentry, Sabsorilbst, anA the Publiare-re apeatfulllnformd:£ that the OPERIA SEASON Viil Comnaeno~ OD TtUESDAY rOrt, April tO0, 1855.-The ?? -, tkfllhnPArtlicu- lare to be be hlat at the BOx t fflce of the Tiatre T11EATRE OYAL, URY-LANE. L POOLU, Mr. lICEL DRATTON, Mr, B0'NLEBr and Mr BLAKE. TWO NIGITS ONLY. THIS EVENING (Tuletlt) A lr'il . ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TND1A, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, and CAPE of I GOOD HOPE.-W. 0. YOUNGN will des'poish bsfollowing fss sailing A 1 Clipper SHIPS at the dates ntamed aa under:' Bhp. 's Cnandnr.Deiiai. Dock 'Lb ail, tebah ,130..C.dae cantta ?? .. 5prIl 25 Ocean uer43P ln . ombay .. London ..April 10 Age.1t 7G.I.Iet. hgas London ..April 5 83 Rbt FeeanRag-on.Westludia Aprill 20 Cylos 88 . esol ..Sydney ?? A. pril 7 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TN conseqnenoe of the death of Mr. JOHN WIL- ..LIAMS. of Commerce Houte, 60. SI, 62, Oxfor? tee~ss .1. 4,5, Wells-street, by order of the Execatol, the BICr ofJ ?? Estblihmnt itie UBM1TEEI to the PUBLIC DAILY at It~ olock, There hes been no Selir off in connexion with the firt ao John Williama ane Company .11c0 its commencement 2S years ago. THE EXECUTORS of the late Mr. JOHN J. WcxIoLrIAhtbS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1t a itget_, tresI+, PIANOFORTES.-CRAMER, BEALE, and Co. k .1 tiave the best of ever~ydeacriptionaforlSALE or HIRH. Cramer. S BealeandCo., areth aproplietretersoflobNEWMODELOBLIQUE - GRAND PIANOF EORTE.-201, Regent-street, and 67, Conduit-street r OW READY. - The ALLTED SLEEVE P NCAP or WRAPPER, Waterproof, yet evaporable, adapted F for tb pring eson. Price One GOinea.-To be had only o1 the LE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL ITALIAN OPE.A,COVENT-GARIDEN. ,IJ The Nobility, Gentry, Hubsorib rs, and the Public are re- spectfally informed That the OPERA SEASON will ?? TUESDAY rect, April 10, 1565.-The programme with full psrtio. Iars to be had at the Boex .ffMe of the Theatre. HTlEATItE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. Le-eee Mr. E. T. SMIT1. Last performanee of keyerbaer'e L'ETOILE DU NORD, as origi. nally produced in England ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SSOR SWAN RIVER (will haro quick deapatcb),lld 1 h fnew DB lpper sip, AVALtCIIE, A 1, 783 tons, I' JOI~ES STOiT, Csmmander; lying in the St. Katharine Docks.lE so ?? freight ore eage apply to WILIAMIELGATE and Co.,4, Clemnent'lflme, f l.4enbard-atreet.t . 'jrAESHALL and E;DRtITGE'S LINE of1 J3. Ai6TStIALASIAN PACKRET SDIPS.-The following first. coss shipc, noted tor their fast-asetilng ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -F'UTCHI FOUR PER CENT. COUPONS, aue ?? being PAIDon prseonttitflr. OILICULAR M rES of £3 esod £IO each IIOSUEDI for the uso at Arev6ilers 15.'s oaede8 O tie C nteet, the keel, ae.ued torelso ,on~iey of ..vers IFMPERIAL BRtAZILIAN SINKING FUND.- JLNOTICE Xi VKR~EBT (OVENO. that, in coufernilty with the contracta of the ?? BRAZILIAN FIVE PER CENT. LOANS. regarding the Sirking 9und, the price ol ...