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May 1855
26 22-28


Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette



South Wales, Wales

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Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette


... BRICK FROM SLAG.-Thc proposition to make tiricks from the refuse of iron foundries, appears to gain favom'. Relative- to some recently made, the manager of the Dowlais Iron Works, who has seen them, draws particular attention to the fact that it costs the ironmasters ,€150,000 per annum, to throw away what he is convinced might be made an article of immense commercial value. Is-QUKSXA BEFORE G ...


... HOUSE OF LORDS.—FRIDAY. The Bishop of St. David's and the Earl of Harroby pre- sented petitions against the sale of intoxicating liquors on Sunday. The Bishop of St. Asaph presented a petition against the grant to Maynooth. Earl Grey gave notice of his intention to postpone his motion on the Vienna Conferences from Monday until Friday ot-xt. Lord Panmure then proceeded to explain the changes ...


... THE CARDIFF AND HKRTIIYR GUARDIAN. SATURDAY, MAY 26. 1855. EDUCATION; ITS PROGRESS AND ITS PROSPECTS. THE Charge, recently delivered to his clerical brethren, by the Archdeacon of Llandaff, Thomas Williams, M.A., and which we gave in full in our Supplemental number of Saturday se'nniglit, is one of those cheering and refreshing documents, which, while they excite our sympathy and regret that ...


... FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. RESIGNATION OF GENERAL CAN ROBERT. PARIS, Friday, May 18, 7.30 a.m.—The Monite.ur an- nounces thut his Majesty has tpceived the following des- patch from General Canrobert CRIMEA, May 16, 10 a.m.—Mv shattered health no longer allowing me to continue in the chief command, my duty towards my Sovereign an,1 my country compels me to ask you to transfer the command to General ...


... LONDON MARKETS. CORN-KXCHANGE. MoKDAY. This morning's accession from Essex and Kent was moderate, but samples increased per rail ao the day ad- vanced, and many foreign veaa.l. were, nnoounced as at hmnd. The high terms first sought were eventual* ^in. quished, and the rise in price on Friday was lost; still, at late hour very little English was sold, and that at the previous Monday's rate; ...


... MOUNT 8TUABT HOTEL, BUTE DOCKS. On Wednesday last, Mr. Alfred Cooper's housewarming dinner took place, in celebration of his succeeding his respected father in the business of the above hotel, on which occasion Richard Evans, Esq., presided, and Mr. Wm. Lewis, tailor, &c., Smith-street, officiated as vice-president. On the chair- tnan's right sat the late landlord, Mr. Wm. Cooper, Mr. Henry ...


... [Before his Worship the Major, D. Lewis, Etiq., J. Batchelor, Esq., ex-Mayor.] Margaret Evans and Rachael Davies were charged wilfull) urelJklllg the windows of the Horse and Gr public-house, Womanby-street, whilst in a state of toxication. Jane Morgan wife of John Morgan, the landlor tbe hou*e, depng»d Ou TurscUy night last the de (bints c.ime to our bou^e, and Rnchel Davies asked f pint ot ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE CARDIFF AND MERTHTK GUARDIAN SIR,— A report is generally spread through the town, ihat the above chapel is to be sold, and that a new chapel in lieu of it is to he built near the Bute Doeks, to which the present congregation is going to remove,—such a report is entirely without foundation. It would not be worth one's while to take notice of such an unfounded rumour, or ...

[No title]

... HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS have Effectually Cured a Tumour in the Neck.—John Mason, residing in Frogmore-street, Bristol, had been in ill health for years, and always complained of a soreness in the neck he was seen by several medical gentlemen, but none were success- ful in affording him relief. However, after some time, a large tumour formed under his lelt ear, from which he suffered ...


... A Cabinet Council sat two boura on Micday afternot, at the Foreign Office. Another Coanci sat on Toesd^ two hours and a half. Public meetings have been held in Birmingham, Gloi cester, Great Yarmouth, and other large towns in favou of administrative reform. 366 government emigrants sailed dl Friday frot Southampton for Geelong, in the Miria Hay, Cap Chas. Middleton. THE VICTORIA-STREET SEWBR ...


... L-KTEST INTELLIGENCE. The Moniteur of Wednesday states that the sani- tary condition of the camps occupied by the French troops in the Crimea has been the object of the solici- tude of the Government, and that every measure has been taken to render them as healthy as possible, and to provide them with everything necessary for the comfort of the men. Under date of Vienna, May 16, the Moniteur ...


... The 201st anniversary of this valuable corporation was celebrated on Wednesday. Divine service was performed in tbe i.ficiuuon in St. Paul's Cathedral, when an im- pressive sermon was delivered to a crowut-ii 5.oii?rfl(,atiOQ by the Rev. C. A. Thurlow, rector of Malpas and Chan- cellor of the diocese of Chester, who chose for his text the 14th chap, of St. Luke, and the 11th verse, And thou ...