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Freeman's Journal


... I ~. ,: STHE&TRIALS AND MUSIC. _ ?? , A . . A- .I t_ TasrAuna ROYAL.-On Saturday evening Mr. Char~es Mathews made his ?? appearance In three of his favourite chbaracters, thus completing his brief but brilliant engagement for the presenton the Dablin hoards; and surily if the presence of a fashionable and overflouing hotter on the last night of a popular actor's visit may bit received as an ...


... t .1 FAMSIONABLE INTELLIGBILE. I VicrckG~AiJ.Coivr. -His Excellency th6 Lord Lieutenant attended divine sorvioe at tire Chapel lloyal, Dublin Crtle, onl Sunday. The scrornn was preached by the Very Rev, the Dean of 15iphir.. Tire anthem-selected from the Creation (Haydn and Sir J. Stovenson)-was sung by Messrs, Manning, O'Rorke, and Hanlon. His Excellenoy the Lord Lieutenant entertained the ...


... - ~ ~ ~ I - : I DONNYBBOOK FAIR-MEETING AT TM MADSIONH HOUSE. I II A meeting, convned by'the Lord Mayor, va held lastI evening, at feur o!Gloek, in the mansion MHous, DWoo- street, for the purpose of co6sidering tao propriety of tainbg' steps -to abolish the annual fair held at Poinnylbrobb. Amongst thoe present were-the Marquis of;.Weatinjaiti, Very Rev. Dr. Sprate, J. E. Vernoa. REq., Rev. ...


... l' ; TWE~i-A-TA ROYAL, - . E - l _ ?? .. . _ . . . . _ . ..I . _- _1 For the fifth tlsn during the present week Mr. Mathews appeared before a large sad highly fashionable audience at the Theatre Royal. The pertormanoes commeneedl with the comfc drama of A Bachelor, of Art, In which Wr. Mathews took the part of Harry Jasper. Hfe wag, as usual, Quite at home. and gave general satisfaction by his ...


... - x. ; F.,, rt 4,F r C' n i 'Ii - ?? ii f S Tpa Duxa!U Tvirjb4 (J. MceGlat -Sweet May, fabled of t ebts i3 worthily ushered 'inwi ! ; lthyiiie, and a very' sweee lyrie is that on the p.6scetul Loire,. :which winds through, oineief the isost pioturesque-and his-., , tqriloa~looalitiesin Franc?.. We eohceive;' however, that thi .address to the 'gentle river might have yielde . tst, matter in the ...


... a °w ?? A' l enuaSe- Last qenrlshe Ucrres u mnent, he a e t eoledy of used Up-that 1e to ssy, his OWn, sO farrd as rasterly adaptation of plot and incident, and the Introduction of smart and witty dialogue can establish a claim to authorship. Tihe piece has been for Bome time well known as forming a prominent feature irt the catalogue of theatric afterpieceS, and as holding a high plcrO in the ...


... yFAIR BALLToLm . his great U'l0tr fair was hald on T w dayj and was well attended. The supply of horu Vey large, and they brought high prices.. To Show the a4vs, rates at which horses are obtained, we mayr mention tt dealer paid 601 each for two wel-wmatched curiapehorn a A large number were So purchased for the ?? at ex cesdingly high prices. The supply Of cattle and O stock was not great, in ...


... i.; ASBI -NABZW CL.i, H ner Majes* and PrinceAlbert, ace~mpfni bY the Pfrif eegs 6oflHeuheldwhWLamgenburg and Princess Adel0e0 of! Hohenlobe, honoure I the Royal Italian Opera wvith their. presenoe in. the erenih6g Thie Royal suite consisted of the Countess of Desart .the Hon. Eleanor Stanley, the aon. Bea- trice Byng, Lord.De'Tablcy,,L/ord Chas. Fitzroy, and Colonel Seymour. On Sunday the ...


... I - lTEATRE, ROYAL-THIIO ITALIAN OPERA . .- I C'cna',fol wanpreentd lst ev-ening in prosen-c of an audience crowded In the extreme, bud indoulling a dress box circle literally thronged with the elite, of Dublin beauty and lashion. 'AMOLiget our most pleasurable recollections in con- nection wit h our national stage, we can recall too fact of our havinig recorded the first appeatasice in ...


... I THE HISTORY OF THE LiFE: or Sr. BSErnD, BA) M. L'.Abe Retisbonae. Trnselaed from ike Frecl by the Bistera of 1St. Maro' Conwest, Grieentawi WWX preface by B. E. Moanning.D.D. (Dutlin: 7ames Drqgy). The Catholic literature, with which the English language is becoming daily so enriched, has obtained a most valuable and interesting addition in this translation of the Abbe Ratisbonne's life of ...


... I FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCB. I O Wnn, MAY 27.-The Queen and Prince, accompanied by his Prince Alfred, the Princes Hohenlohe, PrIlnceessAdlidae, and Puiinoessiedore, went to.P atkburst Barrachs yesterday afternoon, where her MaJesty Inspeted the depot battallorungsle rte comman4 of Lteutenalnt-Colonel * Jeffreys. The Qali i rneda'-o-ibdb'tn about s2i o'olock,- Her- 1eity au riieui Alberti'the ...