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May 1855
7 9



Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... SW185 SCOTCH, AND NOTTINGHAM WINDOW cPRITA*MS. 3gESRS PRATT & KEITH beg attention to their piresent - SVIL 8 of MUSLIN AND NET CURTAINS. 150 Sets of Harnecsswovo Muslin Curtains, 5s Gd to 10lS 6d L 200 Sets Embroidered Swiss Curtains, 4s 6d to 12s fd Lon 130 Do. do.- do. Rich work, 15s 06 lnw to 28s 740 Do. Not Curtains, 5s-6d to Its BO] 30 Do. do. Rich designs, 12s to 30s SIL Parties ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO.CORRESPONDENTS. Alienmiunicatont ano artilesof Inteligence htended for pobication, resqure to he authenticated by the name ard address of the writer. Unlss this is attended to, Corres- pyoidents r~ rest assured that ne attontion will be paid to their conmmunications. find it necessary to intimate that we cannot receive Advertisements for publication after Seven o'clock, and none but ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ACT f bse ACCOUNTS of the RECEIPT and EX- g A %^DUUBEof ,the COM~oT~IbAON 51f43AI ASSIS~f -.s - Jg iP. Ileu-of Stcute LJabonr, wltbin the Voutthidr in- L ¢ O'3Nol Dietriet .of. A~ordleonshire, for D~beporlo 1rom lsi M of April, 1854, to the 26th of Ap-d1, 18555 publishod ;D 1, 1 1 ftho Act of Par5 s 8 9 V~e,, cap. 41, se0. 7. cc ASOYNE, Clerk ard Collector. 11 ChaTge, A aspesrlastacconnt, £103 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO WOLLOW THE JOANNA DOAG. AT GLASGOW-FOR MELBOURNE DIRECT. HE Splondid Wooden Clipper Ship FOREST . lU MONARCH, 977 Tons Register, A 1 at \ Lloyd's, RICilARD ANDERSON, Commander, will shortly be at a loading berth, and will have guick despatcel - F Arrangements are being made for the oohveyance of Passen- Ms on verg econonmical terms, with dleo regard to comfort, and Y itis confidently hoped ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE.' A MORBION, SILm MmeRCEt, begs to intimRto his return ,.. from LOYDON with a variety of GOODS, suitable for the d sessen, of which ho respectfully solicits an early inspection. t 119, UNION STREET. TLDYDOCH AND LENDLItUM, SIL1 MERCERS AND DRAPERS, 145, Union Street, If AVE at present a large and choice Assortment of SILK o TISSIE and Filled PLAIDS, SILITS, BAREGES, MUSLINS, a plain anl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G I A S S. To Let, by Private Bargain, pr~w O 1RAS PARKS at MIDDLEMUIR, Deihelvie-one of *L' tbem first year's Grass, thle other second year's Grass. t AyIpIYAO hlr HARVEY, Middleinuir. 'Mfddlemuir, 7th May, 1855. :yovrran Grass. H1UE Grass Parks of FOVERAN will be let, for the season, .T on WEDNESDAY, Mtay 9, at Three o'clock, P.M. Foveran, April 24, 1855. Lynturk Grass. 1ME Grass Parks of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Preservation of Salmon Fry. W HEREAS, by Act 9th Geo. IV., cap. 39, sec. 6, it is cnacted- That, if any Person shall Trespass on any Ground, enclosed or unencloeld, or in or upon any River, Stream, Water. coarse, or Estuary, with intent to kill Salmon, Grilse, Sea-troet, or other tish of the Salmon kind, such Person shall forfeit and pay any sum not less than 10s, nor exceeding £65 And by sec ...