... RAILWAY INTELLIGEUC. sd The traffio returns of railways in the United, Kingdom sdy amounted for Ithe week ending May 6th to £375,405, %r and for the corresponding periodof last year to £346,690, at showing an increase. of £28,800. ley RAILWAY TRAFFIC WEEKLY RETURN. __ Name ef RaiY This Seine- Uif-yr's Same Milles Wek.184. Tota. 1854. Opn Aberdeen ?? 222L 1790 29870 '2484 7 of Belfast and ...

Published: Tuesday 15 May 1855
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 620 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... IHELlO OLAND, Mir 8. 'For the present the German Brigasdrot the F'oreign Legion will consist of 6,000 mets, wvho vill be cptn- ma~nded by Colonel von Stutterheim, a nobleman oE Bttunaviclk, and an officer ot' proved courage,. talenits, and experience. Mlajor vonl Batssewvits, ?? by birth, who took a conspeicuous pa rt it the Sobles- ?? war of 1848, 1849, and '185, 'vill assume the command of ...

Published: Tuesday 15 May 1855
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 703 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... :Ole, 1 hL IIE 4 N E -. 11LOCAL IMtLLIGENO,. ~ hit Of J. A. Tobin, Esq., the mayor, was, at thleeat- H reas James's Palace, on Friday last, presented t h ae -_ by Sir George Grey, Bart., Horne Secretary. mdS ung 'FATAL ACCIDENT AT ST. HELEN'e.-A child, naded e Ole- William M'Gee, whose parents reside in Parr, was scalded 7,to death last week, by a pot of hot coffee accidentally in - falling ...

Published: Tuesday 15 May 1855
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3996 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... GCORESPONDETWE. in rs a. ns .rs Ps ie,, ?? ig. ina 6io. ai es in a8 or ed vrt in nd 'a or cea on 'ho 3es tly Md, de- .tly by bhe tho the USE ro- the 88o to bat ole Was cere ms, r~oq 'vab lavf Do is- thi 3 b. mel :16( )od tiol 1, 0 isC k t are ngl ire Cl ar anl din; hiso 1Wc gal hex 3iol- ft( ,e 9 upe lUP IUD . .1 ACGU9ENT ON THE RIVER. TO THE ED-PrOaS OF THE LIYERteOOL M=1u11y. Gentlemen, ...

Published: Tuesday 15 May 1855
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1999 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... ie The monthly meeting of this board was held tact evening, at ig the Public-offices, Wavertree, the Rev. W.Badnall In the chair, 1 4, and the other members present were-Messrc. Itlioton, Chaffer, I iB Gore, Bradburn, Olarke, Hill, Halliead, Anderton, and Davies. t After the minutes of the last general board had been I rad, the Rev. W. Baduall thanked the board fgr the posi- ( ,r ?? which they ...

Published: Tuesday 15 May 1855
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4118 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... A Whatever may be Lord Palmerston's failings in n owoer respects, no one can deny that he displays ti great fertility of resources when he has a difficult D game to play. Menaced by ?? motions, both M seemingly of the same dangerous import, the one by, Major Reed and the other by Mr. Layard, he a had the sagacity (a favourite word with his Ii lordship to denote the highest political qualifie ...

Published: Tuesday 15 May 1855
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1273 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... NA PAL AND MILITARY NE [WS. APPOINTMENTS. Lieutenants-A. Noyer, to the Agincourt; Lord F. N. Conyngham, to the Royal Albert; snd Hon. A. HSy (flag), to the Victory. Rev. F. Gutterer, to be chaplain to the Highftyer, Midshipman-John Irvine, to the Horatio. Assistant Clerks to the Royal Albert-Samuel Stone, E. H. White, J. E. Ker, John P. Dare, Stephen L. Lincaster, Charles H. Elliott, E. D. ...

Published: Tuesday 15 May 1855
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1303 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... IMPERIAL PARLIAM]?NT. -'HOUSE OF LORDS.-AIONDAT, MAT 14. IofC -The Lottn COSANCbLLOR cook. his seat on the woolsack atyo CAMIBRIDGRE UNIVERtSITY BILL. lr TheLOfRD C2HAiNCELLnOR con~sentedl to ?? tillluntdt tornmorr.Ivv (Toeod&C) week the re.COltoifttal of the Cam- dat brnidgned Udby a largle otunber of resident graduatbes dshd toe the have time to consider themt. Hie begged also to lay on ...

Published: Tuesday 15 May 1855
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 34002 | Page: Page 2, 3, 4 | Tags: News 


... 'M[E ARM)Y BEFORE SEBASTOFOL. * ?1lt. ROEBUCK'S cOMMITTEE. .Yesterdsy, the Right Hon. Sir James Graham, First Lied el the Admiralty, sans exenuiflhid. He stated tlsst be. held that poaitieu on the breaking out of the war, anti described the relations that subsisted between bintself,55 First Lord, and the Minist5r for War. All the details of the navel sarviae were tronsecled by tbe Bard of ...

Published: Tuesday 15 May 1855
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4202 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE. [TaIRTY.EIGHTH DAY.] Yesterday the oommittee met again at twelve o0'lock, Mr. Roebuck in the chair. The room was crowded throughout the day. Lord Aberdeen, who is summoned as a witness, was present for a short time, as was also Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Cobden, and a considerable number of the members of the House of Commons. Sir James Graham was called, and said, in reply to ...

Published: Tuesday 15 May 1855
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4571 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... THE FAIRS AIND MARKET BILL TO IA 111D OR W T911 EE SWIhU 8, Smithfield, ?? 14, 1860. Sin-I am requested by a number of farmers and graziera visiting the above market to convey to you their sincere thanks for your just exposure of the gover5nent ou the 5th instant for the withdrawal of that often promised and anxiously looked-for measure, the .fairs and markets bilL Many of them were not aviare ...

Published: Tuesday 15 May 1855
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1926 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... I - , CATHOLIC CHUBRC. ?? v ..f .f OrDmATsoN IN MoNAQH&N.-On Wednesday, Yeast or St Mark the Evangelist, in virtue of the faculties of confer- ring orders extra teeapoer delegated by the Holy See, his lordship the Most Rev Dr. McNally, Lord Bishop of Clogher, held an ordination in the Catholic parochial church, No- naghan, st which the Rev. James Donogan and the Rev. Patrick Clifford, late of ...

Published: Tuesday 15 May 1855
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1318 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News