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Advertisements & Notices

... 0ND0N ASS1TRANCE CORPORATION, ONDOESTABLISHED A. D..1720.j Offces-7, BoilaZ Exchange, Cond'wl, and 7, .Pall Hall. s' Grmvernr._Edward Burmester, Esq. Sub-Gover-noy.-John Alves Arbuthnot, Esq. DepuyGoverno0T.--Samuel Gregpon, Esq., Mw.P.a DIRECTORB. b wathaniel Alexander, Esq. John Alexander Hankey, Esq r Ricarud l3agga11sY, Esej. EdadHanage, Esq. 0 aeorge Barnes, Esq. Louis Ruth, Esq. Henry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL IT AIAN :O P-ERA, COVENT-GARDEN. On Tuesday next, Jne 12tlb, Willbe performed Vcdi'a Grand Opera IL TROVATOR~e.~ Azren a ?? . . MadmeTIABDOT. Leonora ?? -dlle. JENNY NEY. Inez ?? BELLINI. II Conte di Lana ?? Sgnor GRAZIANI. Fernando ?? Signor TAGLIAFICO. Bui . , , Signor SOLDI. Un Zingaro . Signor GREGORIO. Manrico .Signor TAMBERLIK. Conductor, Mr. COSTA. To conclude with the ...

Published: Sunday 10 June 1855
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2101 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... -1{OYAL ITALIAN OPERAj A C[ OVENT-GARbE*. EXTRA NIGHT, TO-MORROW (MONDAY). To-morrow (Monday), June 18, a Grand Extra Night will take place, ! which occasion will be performed (for the second time this Season), eyerbeer's Grand Opera, LES HUGUENOTS. Valentina ?? Madame GRISI ?? di Valois ?? ?? MAAI Dama ?? ?? ?? ,dlle. 1IELLINI Urbauao . Mdlle. DIDIEE Marcellont ?? . H Herr FORMES ll Conte de ...

Published: Sunday 17 June 1855
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1181 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... A NT WERP, BRUSSELS, COLOGNE, HAM- .iBURG, RERUIN, LEIPZIC. DRESI~hN, &&.-4&a passage five hours ?? Fares, 27s. antd 20s.-The ANTWERPU COMPANY'S new splendid and very powerful steam-ship BARON otSY, THOMAS JACKSON, Commander, leaves the St. Katharine's Wharf, 'lower, everv Sunday, at twelve neon, ?? from Ant. werpevey Wdneday afternoon at One. Travellers may proceed VIGrHden ?? shat setasgeo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE.-The IMOTN FtBEEffOLD MANOR Of HAR* .HONDSIVORTH. MIDDLESEX. ESRS INIEL SMITH arnd SON respect- th ullyR rplfr GDthe Nevea ?? phtrhaovepery ofaSLINA, FRaEHOi,)sIA Otouil wtha ?? hepoS evytih meidu ~sef crgmo ?? ?? be sold by auction i uy'et 1855. cJueB.15 VAE LUATttLD R L FACTRMSL TopITHE about CHAGE ofe a DANIE. L SMIT1H and SON bese toul ]MJ ESSIristhe severl epiat that they have C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ( IRCULAR ?? ,a! it'1UEGN IlOtEI.' ; jC Trave'lers p cceath?', ' i , Eaototaitioitp t the Colonies, America, &-c era, .11 CIRtCULA it NO CVitAo ii £10 ant ii each, X5 ,b w1.1: i lat cowns without dptlue- tion; also loreign inonay Bat ?? :, at the Bullin and BAnk. jng-office; 79, Lomoard-Atrte'. I A It -! tLMANN and Co. A DAM SPIELNiANN a.1 (Ca. bave REL1OVED A to their more convoi>:-t u,- Ii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL TALIANOPERA COVENT GARDEN. R. TilS EViDINO (lyeedayj, June ?? anidt be performed t VejaI1'5 Grand IOp Rra, cit.9 lem'sohrx°P~D? LTROVATORR,' - L II £ Azucena, Madame 'Viardut; Lesnoria. hidle. Jenny N ey bnez, tic Wilb lellini;, II Conte dli Luna, 'Slgrlor Graolaiul; Fernando, tnj Sigitoa Tagliallclw Ruiz, Signur Soldi; Uu Ziigaro, Signor Oregano; and lantriat, iignor Tar betb Mr.d . .I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10.~ ? hSmfgratton,nf . |EMIGRATION TO NEW YORK, DIRECT FROM BRISTOL. The fine Barque, JId-B R I T I S HI Q U E E N, 700 Tons Burthen. JoHN ISBISTER, Commander, To Sail on the 14th June. u3 This vessel will be fitted up in the usual comfortable manner E adopted by the unhdersi~ged, under the superintendence of tie Government Emigrationi Officer. A liberal scale of provisions ri will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN9D INCRESE TEAMCMUIAINBETWEEN BRISTOL & SWANSEA. FURETHERI REDUCTION OF FAIRES. Best Cabln, 4s.; Fore Cabin, 28. BRI TOL & -SWANSEA STEAM - PACKET OFFICE, .12, QUAY-STREET. 'he following, Veselso are Intended to Sail from the under-mentioned place, and at Reduced v 14 I'~~ares, for the Mouth of TJULY 1855. To and fromSwee, LORD BEl0ESF~ltDWILLIA'x D'Av~isCommander; or, PRINCE OF WALES-1t. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. b I ~0a Immediately, in 2 vols., with plates, 21s., tl HE CITY of the CRESCENT V, ith PIC- T TURES of HAREM LIFE; or, the TURKS in IS54. By - G. TRENERY, Esq., author of 'The Morning Land, &c. One principal object to pourtray the life of woman in Turkey as it really is.-Preface. Charles J. Skeet, 10, King William-street, Charing-cross. KERTCH, ARABAT, CAFFA. One sheet. In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bed EW DAILY NEWSPAPER.-The TELE- tile tL GRAPH & COURIER, price Twopenco. The pares and rof columns same size as the present morning papers. The First * Number to be published on Tuesday, tho 19th June, containing iare 1rigial, parliamentary, law, police, monetary, foreign, home, r to colonial and sporting intelligence, telegraphic despatches from the Ia seat of war, &c. All fromn special ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : .P : ?? TH-E MANCHESTER EXAMINER & TIMES 15 NOW rUer1SrgD DAILY, PRICE ONE PJENNY, - . . . AND WE:Il~eLY, ?R$ICE T~liUEEPi¢eNE. With Supplenaint, containing the Whole News of the Week. - ERMS,; F DELIVERlED:- T HE DAILY PUBLICATION, 5. 'pER NAfF-TEAIO, PAYABLE IX ADVANCE; 17s. nD. OREDIT, THE- .WtEKLY PUBLICATION, 15S. PER ANENM, PAY:ABLE IN ADVANCE: 16. OD. CREDIT. Subscribers deairouni of ...