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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... SPECIAL ]DESPA'XC IH. [BY SEtI3MI.ITNE & BRtITIS TSI TELEGRAPIH.] (FROM3 OUR OWN CORlTESPONI)DEN'.) FURT'lIT R G R1 E T ' S Cc ' sSES ! E THE ALLIES. DESTItU CTJI O7N 0F TAQG NROG, MAiRIANOPOL, & GIEISK. IMMENSE SUPPLIE'S OF TIHE NEM'Y BURNER). The Sivcdacy T'imes publishes the following additional successes in the Sea of Azov: - Sunday Moorning, June 10. Tho Secretary of the Admiralty has ...

Published: Monday 11 June 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1387 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... FRID)AY S TE LE.G1APIIIC N EWS. 'T 1 E C It I M E A. General Prilnce GttIscialdcXf Wri tes from Sebastopo1 thalt, tIll)'o dle Jrd inst., nothillg impsortant haad taken place. _ _ R U S S I A. St. Petersburg, Mlay 2S. EventS small anti great show plttilV eyiioug!h that botllt Iolln ant1 ilioey lttililift g ill Rusbitl, so 1str as tile pti rjittsti ot thle w-tV ire0 colecumeeri. Inl ou r tle ...

Published: Monday 11 June 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 447 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... I MPE RI AL P'ARLIAIAMETN''. [BY MAGaNZTIC TULEMIZAP1I.] HOUSE OF LOIRDS-Tu'isitr (YESTEsRDA). HtEI.t(tIOUS WOlRSHI P iii iT. On the motionl for reedivinig tile report ol' amend- Monts to this bill, The Bishoit of OXI ORI said the efliot of the icea- sure w ould be to destroy theo line of dtie nareation be- tween Cihtercli Ur Etngland and iDisseftillt clergymeOn, ltut Io h there ll ved, aIs ...

Published: Wednesday 13 June 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1556 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... WIE DNESDAY'S TELEGC'RAPlIC 'NE WS. T'IflE B' 1 L IC 1. IC. 'Tiere is at rreserit blt lit te noes of lintirest A cen it Is fr sunI tIrIe I laltirr Ieter state II:it thIe Adimtisa I has recriinoite'l in the 3'Mi'lill, Ildsiiilgois, 3aroe Sund, alid Roveel. Nothilri is known a t' tire future moviriaerits, at. the satie time a stealdy anid systeveiatie iprgresS is rn;1kirrg ill relridlerig tire ...

Published: Friday 01 June 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 873 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT- [ByO4GETIO TISUEOMIAIL 110UjSD OF tORDS-YESTsnnAv. I.X~IiOjjVE)tNT OF mTLilVm JiABUACISS. The mike of RICHM11OND saidl lie had seen, a noticO in thie papers calfllr il e architects to fuliiisli ,i IIIls for the ereetiofl of' new barracks, I-Cievishied to pr~es upoil his noble frieid, the Secretary-at-War, that. iln erectingp such I tirachs, duo care eheuni be taken that ...

Published: Friday 29 June 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 921 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... ]-,'()TJJ.l'SLVSTlC'A f,. TiI: ESTAIBLISBIIEI) CHURCIT, 'Cit Rov, Dr. Ali 'tgii'hl. AM., Arilidleaon of il- ilsie, was 011 Sotdilay fo)rotllfi jllstailliel ill St. pati'ick's Cathiti alrc, by tile leleu wll \'cr e Rev. tile Delii of St. Patrick's, hlto tlw still anldi preelld of T'imothali. Dl:.,Tnt oF i1'I1: 1)DEAM 01 CIIRIST CiU1ieite iOX ottIo.- 01n Sntilday, 'Tlhta:is Cti lisle vd, D).., ...

Published: Wednesday 06 June 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 743 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... ADMINISTRATIVE RrFORMU ASSOCIATION. Tia z first meeting of this association was held on Wed- nesday night in Drury Lane Theatre. The admission was by tickets only, and shortly after the doors were opeued tile house Was crowded inl every hart. Thle CII.4Im~im (Mr. M1orley), i opl ening, the pro- ceedirigs, said lhe appeared before thle meceting ott this occasion because hie felt, adlopting, ...

Published: Monday 18 June 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3065 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... SPIRIlTS ACT' (IRELANIO) AME;ND IINIS' 1T11 1B . Js thle 1ouse of' (2oiIIIoiis tOtL '1'Iiti'sdayV oVUTilili, iplft thle tilitioli far iil. ot eisiit o 111 this bill. Loril NAAS, Mi'V ;t io s. altid 21r. liner oilijoit ed to tile eateilt to which it wa s to be a! ;'i'd byl tue ttiii'iiil'ilnts of tile %ttlol'wt-Gouiv'r'l tot Ir'elandi, bill frw that or'ig ititls drairli by3 11 [te Ioi. tud ...

Published: Monday 11 June 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1189 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... SATUR1)AY'S LO NDON N?ES, TIHE CHECK OF THE ALLIES ON THlE 18TH. INST. (Ii'roni tile Dolyq .Vseq AlthougLhi it iS WNvll unI nist'otoil t71;t tile Govern- mont is il liossessioti of biller inttttlligelnie than rllat eolvlulivlzliv :tedl ill IeLord Il':lslm~lv~ d Spatel p1:t]6ublishled yesterday vlorling, no filt her ofivial statmenits have beenl given ptiilcit to. We believe that, when the ...

Published: Monday 25 June 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1338 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... CAPO ON THE CURRAGH. ITIRS. is accommodation now ready for more than three thousand men, and that part of it at tile Kildare side will suen be completed. From the tIvanled state of the works ally one now Visiting it call easily observe its plan) and from tire simirplicity of tle letter there is 110 oileit?y Iii becoming acqoarirted witlh the variours details, as eacIh division1 is ri1loist in ...

Published: Wednesday 06 June 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1393 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... THIE RlETIRING TOWN CLER{K. I Wr, anticipitted the serf of comment which the local IRadical press would lirStOY iPenl Mr. Bates's lotter Of irssignaiion. Act ',s lie Might11, whatever cniitSo lie decied, pn a cetl t ILIf'iislih Ohem Wih Lii ie i giou11iis ofi attack, nun~ fresh laat'.ri '113 of' insult. Ac- cordingigl we finld c)ite Ofi (11 Liberal coteinjol'aries i mpuigli Iig his il US'mlt ...

Published: Wednesday 27 June 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 147 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE CRIMEA. General Prince Gortschakoff wvrites fron the Crimoa that the cannonade against the Korniloff Bastion still continues. The Frenchl lost three colonels and a general in the assault or, the Alamelon and the Car eening Redoubts. Vienna, Thursday, June 14. A despatch from Varna, dated Wednesday, June 73, says that the French troops have been recalled from Kerteb, probably to assist in ...

Published: Monday 18 June 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 423 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News