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Advertisements & Notices

... bitppweg. ~. T ETEAM FROM HULL TO COPEN. IC)uK t HAGEN AND MEMEL. The Fine new Screw Steam-ship LORD CARDIGAN, JOHN ATKINSON, Com. mander, is intended to leave Hull for Mennel, calling at Copenhagen, on TUESDAY Evening, the 24th inst, after nine p.m. GEE & CO. Hull, 12th July, 1855. i ,VEI Y EVENING TO BELFAST, .. iLONDONDERRY, and the NORTH OF IRELAND, vK;. Fleet- jh 3ii !4iS wood, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - cur IGARS AND TOBACCO IN BOND, Unt FOE EXPORTATION AND SHIP STORES. whi TUHMEAU BROTHERS, rigl 11. CASTLE-STREET. the bef UTARRINGTON GUARDIAN, every Gel IT Saturday, price Sd. The only Newspaper Inor ithin fell 15 miles of Warrington.-Agent for Livorpool, Mr. Greenwood, thi Canning-place. dun N AME ENGRAVED, and 100 best Cards, j5s. rig LADY'S NAME ENGRAVED, and fO Cords ?? 59. Our Wedding ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W- partief ansawexing adyvttsements In the Arercitry 4s&e requested to attends to theo following. explabnatlobs9 Apply at thne Misrenry-offlio ,nalata Ir~ ?? our office. I _ Applicatlons not ini conformity wthothse dlpr~tiolus earnnot be attended to.T o pjublic. Room, Isecoonooue, & FBEE WINE AND SPIRIT VAULTS, kc, &c. - PartiessTE0 Ffrom the country and others in want of first-class Free . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR VALPARAISO and LIMA, a charteredjil F Ship, and will have quick despatch, the fine A I British-built l .10prRINcESSHELENE, well known in the vesteeasttrade, nowl le ldingF in the Lonlorkn Dook.-For freight or passage apply to SEBY- ?? PE.%COCK, and Co., 17, Or aCeohutch-lteet. TND1A, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, and CAPE of I GOOD HOPE.-WV. 0. YOUNG will despatch the following fast. sailing A I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [Advertiaementl BANK OF NE IW SOUTH WALBS. The half yearly general meeting of the proprietors of this Bank was held at the Banking-house, in Sydney, en the 25th of April last, Captail TowNs, the President. in the chair. The folonwiag report was read and carried unanimoasly: It bas again become our duty to place before the proprietors the balance-,sheet of the Baok sioyued by the Auditors of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TTOWITT and Co., HOUSE FURNISHERS, beg l to acqlptti thei friends and the pabio generally that their_ Sift.)W.ROM and estensive Galleries (which extend over an area of 2,000 feet) are NOW READY for the SPRING TRADE, wherein 4 evervthang eosy he seen eholee in design, and narrantable lu work. rmanehip; ale. their Carpet, Damask, and Printed Purniture Depart.. ments consist ofevery novelty in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORWICH. EXTENSIVE PERIODICAL SALES OF PAPER. TO WHOLESALE STATIONERS. GROCERS, DRAPERS, and OTHERS. R. BUTCHER wiln StLL gY Avcriov. at the Mws Steam Paper NMills. St. 1Martin's at Palace Norwich. onNIONDAY.JITLYtheTWENTY-THlIRD, 185. at Trelre o'clock precisely. in Lot suited t0 the roiivenience of Purchasers, IA .MRL Thevaluable well.asIrtedSTOC ofHA ' BROWN. and other PAPER, of superquil- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tia HE FIRST BRACKLEY MONTHLY be T CATTLE MARKET is appointed for Wednesday the ric First of August ?? desirous of Disposing of Live )m or Dead Stock by Auction will much oblige by sending par- aI ticulars to the under-signed, on or before Monday, July 23. R. RUSSEL, Auctioneer, Ills Brackley. an G The Brackley Monthly Cattle Market will be held on the first Wednesday in each month. ies R. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~ NOTICE -TO MARINERS. CALIJY ISLAND LIGHT. TRlNlTfy.HOUjSE, LONDON, JULY II, 1853. 'Eestablish[ tD fcs ai nitiirtdered unteces. tis veled of t~lecl dit'ietsteeof tlte REDt Light heretofore Bhowi, from tile tile os ,t5 d for clearing that Sanid, not:0ice tha 0 an aeathe evening of thle ist November ?? shoilt frontl tile Tower of Calely sill appear of the ces'\eo it i111 iettn ,t which it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U,,LAND ROUTE.-STEAM1 to INDI~Aana ,jr EGPT-The PENINSULAR and1 'LT4f STEA AVGTINCOMPANY BOOK PASSEN- g'icegods int pirreels for tire Medliterranrean, EgYPt, tilt av COi Ion, M~adras. rtnd Calcutta, by their imail packtI Alt,'Srrtmmiiil o, he 4th ?? 20th1 of ecerY mou'th ; aordfor by tsin of tile 40h Of thoe Month. ~ }ed1~ paticulrs, rppl at the Counpalty's offices, 122, ?? Lttlitaud Orlental ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEAV7ING EXETER. r 0 be DISPOSED OF, Without Reserve, T a valuable STOCK oft LINEN DRAPERY, SILKS, SHAWLS, DRESSES, TABLE LINEN, BLANKETS, QUILTS, FLANNELS, CALICOES, HOSIERY, i-c., at GLOSTER HOUSE, 187,-F O R E ST R E E ?? The Sale will commence on FrIDAY, the Gilt of JULY .a THE EXTENSIVE PREMlIISES TO LET. tl The Proprietor can safely announce to his Friends and the Vublic in general that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEVO0N AN.D EXETER HOSPITAL TIIE: Imry REV. THtE DF-IN of EXETER, PRESIDENT I 1E,*rI'lt So~NDERS, Esi~., VICE PRiESII)rNT. RI 4SPECIAL GEINERAL COURT of ~ IFECiORS (being also a Quarel or)wl ;c eldat ths PIT.!L, on Tssvr-sr-%1 thle NINETEENTH i~ f II1 timVutant, at which the following business will II~ 0ooate - j~i 'o ~sn~tt~fl the propriety of purchasing the on n e fa Spot of Land now' is ...