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South East, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... Tia HE FIRST BRACKLEY MONTHLY be T CATTLE MARKET is appointed for Wednesday the ric First of August ?? desirous of Disposing of Live )m or Dead Stock by Auction will much oblige by sending par- aI ticulars to the under-signed, on or before Monday, July 23. R. RUSSEL, Auctioneer, Ills Brackley. an G The Brackley Monthly Cattle Market will be held on the first Wednesday in each month. ies R. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lDURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of .L Chancery made in a cause Leisinger and another against Winter and another, the Creditors of and Incum- brancers on the real Estate of ANNA MARIA APPOLINA HASTINGS, late of Daylesford House, in the county of Worcester, widow of the late Right Honourable Warren Hastings, Esquire, who died in or about the month of March, 1837, are, by their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEETH1. CHYMICALLY PREPARED INDIA-RUBBER , SUPERSEDED. rm. Tr. G0ODPEY, Surgeon Dentist, y, Removedfrom 51, MARSAREV-smtErT, CAVHmDIGH- A 50 15, OLD CAVENDIOS-STREET, CAVENDISH- Si SQUARE, invites public attention to the Newly-Invented Sn Beautiful Article for Palates and Gums, which, for Elegance and Comfort, surpasses all other articlesO0 hitherto in use. It is only necessary to be seen to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE KING'S ROOMS, SOUTHSEA. RfR. HOLLINGSWORTH has the honour to 1 announce his ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN for the Summer Season. The NEXT SoIasEE, Monday, July 23. NAVAL EDUCATION. SOUTHSEA, PORTSMOUTH. Y OUNG GENTLEMEN are prepared for entry into Her Majesty's Service, as Naval Cadets, Masters' Assistants, &C., and for tho Examination for Direct Commissions in the Royal Marines, by ;r. THOMAS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL Oxfordshire Horticultural Society. 1HE FOURTH SHOW for this Season will be 1 bolden, in conjunction with the NATIONAL CAT- NATION and PICOTEE SOCIETY (by the kind permission of the President and Follows), in the Colonnade of the New Buildings and in the Grove of MAGDALEN COLLEGE, OXFORD, on THURSDAY NEXT, August 2, 1855. The Exhibition of Carnations and Picotees is open to all England, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE KING'S ROOKS, SOUTHSEA. BR HOLLINGSWOBTH has the hononr to .1an1OUn1C his ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN for tbe Summer Season. The NsxT SOIRED, Monday, Jody 9th. - p3ORTSEA ANIS D HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. lHE MIDSUMMER SHOW will take place, near T Mr. HOLLINoGWORTTH's Rooms, On Thursday, July Admiesion to Non-Subscribers, Is. each. G. LONO, Secretary. NAVAL EDUCATION. SOUTHSEA, PORTSMOUTH. YTOUNG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 be LET, in the pleasant village of Bletching- don,-A good 8-Room HOUSE, large Baker's Oven, Malt-house, and Kiln, complete; 4-stall stable, gig-house. yard, good garden, valled-in with a brick wall, and just put into ?? to James Gardiner, builder, 8, George- street, Oxford. A important SALE of STOCK, consisting of A Horses, young Cattle, and Down Wedders, Theaves, and Lambs, wvil talke place ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M ONEY advanced on Plate, Watches, Jewellery, AlWearing Apparel, and e%-6y de~scriptjon of` vaiiable Property, at very such less titerest thai is usually charged, by Messrs. GtRAINGE asid COMIPANY, Silversmiths, Pawn-_ brokers, and Jewellers, Bath-street, Abingdon. X AT NTED, in a small family who do not keep a V man servant,-A good PLAIN COOK ; one from the country ?? at 33, B naumont-street ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3icester Diocesan Commercial School, TrIE Patrons of the above Establishment and 1 the Public generally are respectfully informed that -loaday the 23rd instant is the day fixed for the recom- ciencement of School duties. 12th July, 1855. TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. A LL persons having any claim oln the Estate of M ir. WILLIAMI HAWES LONGFORD, late of Stretton-on-Fosse, in the county of Warwick, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t IMPORTANT TO PUBLICANS. T be LET, with immediate ?? 3. T WHITMORE ARMS INN, HETHE, doing an ex- e cellent business; also a good Licensed House in a small s town-a desirable opportunity for a person with a limited d: Vapital.-Apply to C. Shillingford and Co., brewers, Bicester. A BANBURY. f Stock of DRAPERY, HOSIERY, HABERDASHERY, BONNETS, FANCY GOODS, ?? also about 80 lots of useful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - U L , - (formerly ?? a Memu ?? B.NEIOsb,) ORGANIST OF ST. TnomAas', g PROFESSOR of tha PIANQ FORTE, SINGING, ?? 57, High-street, Portsmouth. Mr. HILES attends weekly at Ryde, Faieham, Havant, &C.. hs ll.=asaETE. IT~2XTEACHER e ethe PIANO-FO T&CLASS SINGING, g begs to ?? that he viaitst- ,ff 8ea, profeesionuy, every MON'DAY and THURSDAY. is For Terms and Reference, apply to Mr. Lnwis, 114, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Emdustrial Exhibition at Pari& AI R&N-GEMENTS having been made iky her A Majesty's Governnlenit for affording facilities to Work- men desirous of visiting the Industrial Exhibition recently opened at Paris, by the grant to them of Passpoftt; free of the usual fees ;-oVotice is hereby given, that all fsnob Pass- ports reqjuired by Workmen resident lvithin thle registration district of ...