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Freeman's Journal



Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal


... I - BORs E, JULY 15.-Princeas Louisa aud prince Avthur have been attacked with scarlatia. Their royal lhighne5ses are going on ve y favourably. The same dfisease bag declared Itself in Prince Leopold, who was left at Buckingharn Palace in consequence of a slight acoldent.- Prince Albert, accompanied by the King ot the Belgians and the Count of Flanders, embarked in the royal y5cht Victoria ...


... I IFASHIONA1bLE INl/LIGENCE. MOVEMENTS OF THE COURT.-The precise day v iJ not determined on for the Queen's intended visit to the En- t peror and Empress of the French, at Paris, but it is rumoured t that it will take place either the last week in August or early c in September. The preparations at the Hotel Brighton, at r Boulogne, where her Majesty and Prince Albert are to sojourn, en r-oute ...


... . FASHONABLE LL-T'741.CE ; OSBORNg, JULY. 18,--Thir Roanl Highness's Prince ' Arihurt',inse,,Leopold,.and Princess Louisa, who have.beonat- tacked with soarlatina, are progreising moat favourably,. an d, the whole of the remainder of the royal family are perfeotly Wol. The Quten, accompanied by the Princess Royni, the Princess Alice, andbthe Princess Charlotte of Belgium, drove to Carisbrook ...


... FASHIONABLE INTLLLIrGLENcE. His Royal Highness Prince Aliert, and his Royal Highicss tile Count of Friniders, left Buckingham Palace at half-past seven o'clock oil Friday morning for the oamP at Aldershot. Their Royal Highnesea returned to London by a special train, and arrived at Buckingham Palace soon after two o'clock, p.m. llis Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge visited his Majetty the ...


... MU9SEUM OF IRTSEL INDUSTRY-VISlT OF THE LORD LIEUTETNANT. - I His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant (on Tuesday) paid a visit to the Mluseum ot Irish Industry, Stephen's green, Eaat, and was reoeiveJ upon his arrival by Sir Robert Kane and J. B. Jukes, Esq., and by them conducted through the different dep irtmeents of tills extensive museum, whicb, as its name implies, has for its primary object ...


... I AECClESIASTiCAL ART IN IRELAND._ . We have eeen recently in the establishment of the Messrs. _ Casey, M.arlborough-street, a beautiful specimen of the long rforgotten but recently revived art of glass staining or paint- 8 ing, in the shape of a magnificent window, destined for the ! chapel of our Blessed Lady in the church of St. Mary Star of 0 the Sea, Iriehtown. It will perhaps be ...


... D unwem Uuxivnrsr MAGAzuom. (J. MoGlafcas, Dublim) Twenty-five years are a good slice in the life of man, though Inconsiderable; in the existence of a nation. A writer in the l~niotrsit trea aa to a retrospect of Irish affairs within that period, interspersed with noltitis of m mbrable events in tha lister kingdom. In some of his 'obefvlations we coincide, and reject others, as founded on too ...


... I - - - THTEATRiji'AjA _UNDMUSICAL. QUaEZi'S ROYAL THEATnt. ?? -TII performances at this ex- tremely popular theatre continue to be of the most varied and attractive character, and to deaw overflowing houses nightly. The pieces are well selected, and~are presented in a very ore- ditable manner, while the, company comprises performers of great ability. Mr, Widdilombe's bioad humour is highly ...


... LiTERATURE. l I_ d MESSRS. HODGES AND SMITH'S PROJECT FOR REPUBLISHING DR. O'DONOVAN'S ANNALS OF i THE FOUR MASTERS. , Interested as we are, end as Irishmen we hope we shall ever I be, in everything which tends to elucidate the dark periods of our country's history, and to enhance the character of its O people, we have always felt, and shall ever feel, sincere pleasure e In giving whatever ...


... I 4A -L;OSBbRSI4 JULY .20.-HerbMijety, .ma his RoAya Highness Prine, Albert rode SD4 ed In tgound Ster~lay. The Duphxls of Kent drove out, accompanied' by .rincsse E'ec,; TlThe Prince of Wales, Brince Alfred, .RoyW, Pr ?? all Prlncss 'Charlotte of lgiun, also took ?? exres- , cc15 5 - I His Majesty the Kiing of£ the Belgiansewas to leave Osborne on Ss~tuday mornin for-Clreont, oil . vdslt to ...


... I --x -FASHIONA13LE INTELL b;, : N -1 OBBOsun, JULY 1 9.rb-The Queen and, Rriuom,, with the Prin1es0 Royal, Priness le Princess Charlotte of. Belgium, and the Duchess of Kent, erulsed in the Fair' yesterday afternoon. The' Prince of Wes and rine Alfred took their usual exeroase. ;ae hi The EBrl of Limerick 'isabout to make Liteidck his permanent residence. On Sattirday evening last Sir George ...


... I Her Majesty and Prince Albert, accompanied by Sa the Dahke of Cambridge, wenm on Friday afternoon to Entlel ?? to inspect the government establishment tor the manufacture t of smnall arms. The Queen and the Prince were attended by e Lady Churchil, Lord.Alfred Paget, atd Captain the llon. h Dudley de Roo. the The Queen and Prince Albert went on Friday a In evening to the juvenile ball given ...