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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... -oli VALPARAISO and LIMA, a chavtered jjhip, na7 cviii 05cc quick diespatch, the fine A I frtlrttahbuilttl I 'IS U~ESS HELENEt, wvell ?? in the Nvsot curat trade, nowl o-lein the Lan-ten Daiek.-For freight or panasage apply to SEY. PEOi' ~ACOCKta, and Co., 17, Grativehaurch-stiret. ~YI)N]E'Y Direct (to follow theChwige) )a thle as~ i Iix tcgiitr trading ohip CALIGA1 rtld eihti-at:n, rcgi air ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARCULAR N OTES and FOREIGNN ONEY. nt i tti nUPERIOR SUITES of OFFICES, suitable for a el F Publi o Conhpany and for Meroharl es, to be LET, in the above ?? 79, LombLrd*atd-te. d IRE ANNIHILATOR, or VApOUR FIRE el F ENGIE-Theinvention is fully Seeribed and its merits testified in the Jury Repor it 1411, Cla ss X., p. 246, 297.Itspreticl 'a~n is proved by 33 caste of use at casual fires, 27i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UXTON MINERA1; WATEBS.-Bottled by J3 athorty a St.Ann' Sprngs.Sod inrint. botles,1 with irect ons tsr use, hy FRANCIS B. NIELSON, pharrmaceutical che-| mist th QuetrntBuxon;andby IAWjIN and Co., importers of nnineral w aterts, Duke-strheet, St. Jam es'si, Lendeon, -)UXTON BATHS. - ST. ANN'S HOTEL JLI for'ning a large portion of the Crescent, end oonnected with the new Baths by covered way. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOFFICACIOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS, el r , CALLOSITIES, &c., WITHOUT CUTTING, or causing the NE elightest pain, by Mr. EBSENBEEC, Author of Practical Emposi. EMt Uien on the Human Foat, and Diseases of the Feet.' L Mr. EISEN-BERG'S system is at once novel, and based opoa long ALI experience ; it has received the eanotion of the Royal Families of L Europe, and the first of the Nobility ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A1MIUEI1 BROTHERS, 29, Ludgate-hilbIventorl'e srad solo ?? of the Sydenhamn Trousora, at 1.,. Cd HARLES H. MAY, General Advertising Agents 1 Cornrnercial Chembor. 33, Grechurob-5trheet. A DAMS'S GENERAL ADVERTISING OFFICE 9, Parliarnentstrert, - Establishee ItO years. ,ENNETT'S MODEL WATCH, 65, Cheapside J A great variety ln siver, from 5guts.; in geld, ttom 12 geui. 1 OALS.-Ea P. DAVIES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAPE -of GOOD HOPE (last chipping day 1 0th July). the celebrated clipper barque SWIPtSUttB, A], 284 anM.. Si6 roes o-m. register, *. hiVEETbAN eamicander, lylog in the London Dock. Hlas good cabin aorommod: ion for ae. ogs, ?? freight or passage gpply to JAM¢SO.US0N and Co,, 6, l~iiter-sr~uare. -TAMES THOMSON and Co.'s LONDON LINE of #J PACKET SHIPS.-For Calcutta direct, the splendid uslt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (1IRULR OTES and FOREIGN MONEY- UPERIOR SUITES of OFFICES, suitable for a Peblic Company and for Merchants' Ofces, to be LEr, ia the above ?? 79, Lombhrd-etreet. 13ARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION.- N OrT E IS 1-iFREBY GIVEN, that the JUR1IS ace PRO- CEEDING with their I NSPECTiON of the ARTiCLES EXHIBITED, generally every morning aet o'lock, and require exhibitors' cases,&e., to he opened. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .~ubl~~oDpou~t CULR N Meeand a F M REG MONe EY.iJtt C3orceigto the continent, East, Le . ?? Afie1C5 ?? 5- FROIIO CIRCULAR NOTES of £10 and £5 each, payable, at Dill the principal town Buithout dndBook- tion; also foreign money of every country, at ?? Co. k jog-ofitce, 79, Lombard.8treet.-.ADAM 13PILLmANNadC. QUPE IQILSUITS ofOFFIES, suitable for a U Public Company end for Merehants' Offietob a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XARSHj O and EDRIDGE'S LINE ofi AUS 1,i lAIAN PACKET SHIPS.-The followin g first.I glas eipO s~tlrotther fatsailing qualities, have moat superlooril coc ltios or asenies and will meet 'with immediate Tons Tions Ship ,. Register. Blurden. Dlestination. late ?? ?? 904 1200 Sydney Light of the Age ?? 1468 2100 Sydlney Royal George ?? ?? 283 830 P'ort Phillip Macmay .. ?? 653 800 Fort khlallip ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jOHN ROBERT PIKE, Mining Share Broker, T ?? Sea Chambers, Threadneedle.51r5t. City. J NEIARES H. MAY, General Advertising Agent, t n Commercial Chambers, 3S. racchureh strr O ADA S SGENERAL AERTi yearI . O I A AM Parliaent.5tret EtolshdIOyer. b DENNBRTIS MODEL WATC, , eapside. 61 NOALS.-H P. DAVIES, Middle Whtar1, ?? ri S cothn~d-yare, Charin3 oroa-'8eet screened, 26e. per ton. t ctOALS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW OPER. HOTEL, Bow-street, Covent- u Garden.-W. NOAKES bega to inform his friends and patrons t that ho intends having a fne ?? of Venison, at 6 o'clock ol To-norrow, the 5th of Juty, at 2s. 6d, each. Dinners oe ul from joint or entred, Is. 6d.; with soup or fah, 2a. Beds, Is. 6d. p Bea and lreakfast. 23. 6d. Privqte rooras for largeasd emaU purtes. 1 An excellent smoking room. Punllo and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A the P'RINCE of WALESI BAZAAIR, 207 na n 209, Ittgelat-ilteet, a great variety of PARISIAN NOVELTIES not reoeilet. And also to be seen a fine Gallery of rainitings, and the Cosar~neam, Dl,'ratnic and Panoramic aliio ?? of splendid Viewss.-Openl from 10 till 6. THE FRENCH MUSLIN COMPANY'S MS- TLLINS surpass anything ever yet seen ;the coloura are most harmoniouslytblended, and thiere ...