... | WEATHER lil. THE IT L TIJII.VEs -Di T7Ely. F 27.-The weather appears to have chen 11gede rlin is Ibllit g th1is itort i. It is, we IN V sav. t first for ftull a month. I lhe gilss hlas crone o!t:. cersiderahly since yesterday afternoon. The Ah COe3? ,70A ofle 01f X Vedclsay, after all ;dine o ('ie rccent flCI wveather. says :- This ailsliciotis ri.c:t- stuncC hals been em1braced with ...

Published: Monday 01 October 1855
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1119 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... ILATEEST NEWS.* HERALD OFFICE, Monday Mklorning. BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. THE WAR. (Fromn too Second Edition of ile Times.) All the Paris papers of Saturday publish the intelligence already telegraphed from the Express respecting Eupatoria. The Russian journal Invalide Russe, says The Russians lhad a successful affair before Kars on the 3d and 4th Set.:- General Williams experiencing daily ...

Published: Monday 01 October 1855
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 804 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... The St. Petersburg papers publish the following despatch from Aide-de-Camp General Prince mou ravieff, which brings the intelli down to the latest period o The Commander-in-Chief of the Causasian Divi. sions reports a successful affair which the troops have had before Kars; an the night between the &d and 4th of September. Awaiting the full reports of the different commanders, Aide-de-Camp ...

Published: Monday 01 October 1855
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1202 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... n,.. .r~.~rnn-u Ir M.RnaUR OPPIC2, MONDAY FoRPnio00, OCT. 1. C TTHE WAR. The Morning Advertiser ?? alle3 have estab- t lished batteries in Forts Nicholas aod the Quarantine, which dorinate Fort Constantine. The report of an Le expedition against Nicolaiieff, and also against Odessa, rstill prevails. ?? Daily News says -Our correspondents at Paris and Hamburg both forward the following:- ST. ...

Published: Monday 01 October 1855
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1327 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... FRIGHTFUL C11UlLTY--3'1'ARV'ATION oT1F I FIVE CHIILDRENT BY T''IE[L PAUN'J'S. Fon a eonsiderable time piSt tile inhabi tauits in the eiglibelibouliooi iof' Co optoiL Stredt, ri's nowickI Square, Londont, and its sicinity, liane Ind theift atoieltion nttracted and theil 'felings irritatolI by a i'eiLi Y of uI 1fortlolate ehildreon, From lilteell to scve yvenr.t of egc, pro witing about tile st ...

Published: Monday 01 October 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1308 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... ELECTION OF ALDERMAN SALOMONS FOR I JLORD MAYOR. On Saturday a Common Hall was held for the pur- t pose of electing a Lord Mayor for the ensuing year. The Lord Mayor, several of the aldermen, sheriffs, and under-sheriffs met at the Guildhall at twelve o'clock, and proceeded in 5 state to the church of St. Lawrence Jewry, where divine t !iservico was performed. On their return, I I The TowN ...

Published: Monday 01 October 1855
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2674 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... IRISH AGRIOULTURAL STATISTICS FOR 1855 8.: 28, 51! Lill 927 04 18 82 32 50! l3 An abstract of the returns of the agricultural sta. 13 tistics of Ireland, ordered by government, has just been 18 completed, and exhibits the extent of land in statute acres 58 under crops in this country for each county and province 42 in 1854 and 1855. That for the latter year bas been com. 50 piled from returns ...

Published: Monday 01 October 1855
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 501 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... lx-W E p,,kLINAYN'ElG~ENCE. LOSDONDERRY AND ENNISKILLEN. a~ FridaY tbD half yearly meeting of proprietors was held| their OTfices, Colemanl-tret-builitg9, IMr. Jares Clay in SECBaTAr read the report, which stated- From Iresanties reported at the last meeting, the traffic Sie eaigl part of tile past 1b5)f-yeir was small, and the 9 heavy. The rolling stock was in a depreciated con- ensthe cost ...

Published: Monday 01 October 1855
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5186 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... TO THE EDITOR OF TEX DAILY NEWS. SIp,-In reference to this subject, your corre- spondent, Mr. Frewia, through the medium of the Dal~y Pezma, has put a question to me -which I desire to answer through the same source. Hte says, And in answer to Mr. Manuel, I would ssk that gsntleman why he recommends all this prodigious delicacy i' Of curse the writer means to say I am for winking at the ...

Published: Monday 01 October 1855
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 610 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... CATHOLIC CHURCEa l CuuRs: oF Sr. Moogrtc, Ar E:s'Beram.-The devotions of the Triduum in honour of the immacflate conception of the Blessed Virgin commenced on yesterday's'abbath in this handsome and spacious parochial church, which has been recently improved and beautified in its interior, through the efforts and under the direction of the Very Rev., Monaignor Hamilton, Archdeacon of Dublin, ...

Published: Monday 01 October 1855
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1390 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... SECOND) EDITION. THIS DAY'S LONDON NE WS. FLY MAGNET'IC TELEGRAPHl] NE wVS-LE'T'TElt OFFICE, 1 Loclck A. cs. T TI]:C ;!11,1 Thle Daily Ncls says, the fl'ther intelligence Whichls COIL ti 010 to arrir) fV0ne tileO Crime indnilcs us to believe thaLt th i inmplrtlince of the recent 0o- meets of the all led armies In:LVeo not b i CII exa gOatre .It All tile alvices as they conin to hland prepare ...

Published: Monday 01 October 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1091 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... I Dr Mg Mr. Thomas Avison, solicitor, of this town, and one of It g the executors of the late Messrs. Holmes, in a letter to 25th of the Afantx Sun, gives the following statensent as to the grea id present position of the estate, and the not very flattering aprospects of the creditors al might t ke olestlon to thspirit and tone of some of the Ti iid cvmmcnu on! in such letua but I pass these ...

Published: Monday 01 October 1855
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2213 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News