... TOWN COUNtL PROCEEDINGS. ' . c t v *\A-Al ,Q * i WEDNESDAY, OcToligt 13. V. TH DsATH OF AROHDNAC01* BROOKS. % Immediately on the onsembling of the comalel, the MAY00 b 61rose and ?? we proceed to the business ol the day, it b ism ifldt napieyno the doeath of the Venerable II Aroas eonBrGIR ItIs owonly a hort weekalinee wetimot 01 10together in thin roolit; be wan then in health anid strength. ...

Published: Friday 05 October 1855
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 14643 | Page: Page 6, 7 | Tags: News 


... I I , . . . ' I . : e e 1 r i M11. i A. 1G . . . Xt TO ANi~g to AMAi1los-- VITM: lak gdt. A'cdiW 6tfssitW#'f tho nadit~ liffundtitl ratepayers `,g ?? l Teh ?? as e di, oeld, ?? lastt; in'the Brtta~nuiaArnms 'gQ i' ~atbs.puf pi.~f taking lfttowconeitaine Gm Virry antoi ?? iverppol'for the I t1abrbh` Iitho a4 Bit~k ladsi sand ether I ?? taileld tit the-a of' ~Ateer upons tho rbstflitleo of ...

Published: Wednesday 17 October 1855
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2145 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I ?? ?? - - . - ?? ?? ?? ?? - - l 1 - 1 . -. e .. FPRANCE. ke e Tho Duke and Duchess dto Brabant wvill prolong their foe 1 visit to the Eumperor of the French until Saturday. Their vih 0 Royal Highciesses havo expressed themselves highly gra- w; r tificd by their visit to Pnris. thE it THE POPE AIND TIHE EMPEROR OF THE FRENCH. tor The Paris correspondent of the Mo1r1n7ingy Advcrter ret d says ...

Published: Friday 26 October 1855
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4090 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... - -1 - - -- v -- 11 1 - ?? ww - -9ww [BY TilE ELECTRI( AND IN TERNATIONAL TELEGiRAPU. t -- ?? D1ESPATCHE-S FROM PRINCE v GORTSO1AKOFF. (Fronr tlre EPiess.) v HIAMBURG, FISIDAY.-A despatch from Prince a Gortsollakoff, dated the 9th instant, received at f St. Petersburg, says - The cnemy advanced t from Eapatoria, threatening Perekop, but retired c on meeting the advanced posts of our left dank ...

Published: Saturday 13 October 1855
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4614 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... THE LIVERPOOL MERCURY. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2a, 1855. ?? ?? . . ?? SALUS POPULI LEX SUPREMA. BAlou rJ rvrv uns -I- i R :iR. ROBERTSON GLADSTONE AND THEBDE PRESENTATION OF ABER-ROMBY There are some men whose exaltation depends t Principally or entirely upon the offices which t they fill, whilst in the case of other men, holding z similar offices, the elevation is reciprocal-that is to say, they give ...

Published: Friday 26 October 1855
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 914 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... TMON AND PHANAGORIA. A letter front Hertch. of the 2nd inst.. in the Con. StihfionIel. gives some lurtber particulars of the sue. cesstul attack on Taman . You will not he much surprised at heafing of the complete destruction of Taman. Phanatoriia. and somiC of the surrounding villas; but a few words of expla. ation as to the position of those places, and their valuable resources, will suffife ...

Published: Saturday 27 October 1855
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 781 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... ). ?? IrJ THE ATTACK ON THE REDAN reucas ~CONDEMNED.I - (By the late Special C'reeI-ejondene of tide Morning Heswasl.) t ON, ''Thle official despatches haves proved the accuracy of mly 1'I dern conlectures. From the evidence of those documents, it is dotepatent to the world that any assault upon the Reidaul Was lcages. unniecessiary, and, therefore, a wanton sacrifice of humlan a madle life. ...

Published: Tuesday 02 October 1855
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 7724 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: News 


... Rn TowTN PnrTvN' rT. -A, BR.ADFORD TowN COUNCIL.-An impoytant speciall ineeting of the Bradford Co'sncii, to authiorisa the compie- tion of the watere-orka property to the Corporation a hled at the Court-house yesterday nworning. II'lme1 Mayo (WV. Alurgairoyd, Egq.,) presided ; and there was a LairI atedac. The proceedings of the Waterworks Coin- enittee, from 'the 14th to thea 29th nilt., ...

Published: Tuesday 02 October 1855
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4719 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... D I -CLOU-- 0N D~lllK CL.OUDS [N ITAL Y. of TiaE political horizon of Italy for-nrs a strolng great 0 contrast to the phyarcal, being any tbin- ratber thau iS ibtti li'1iii ii , Cly or cear. I[i the: !otil, a 5trioil tlispqmte exists 1are ill of between Sardinia aud TuscanV. and thcetcns to ex- shortl ad tend to Powers of greater magnitude in the sonth, strong the Kr I ; ci' N im.s seems ...

Published: Thursday 25 October 1855
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 960 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... LONDON, THURSDA Y, OCT. 18. THE Turkish victory at Kars is an affair of far ht greater importance-of better augury for the future or of the Ottoman Empire-than the public of Western at Europe appear to be aware of. In the Crimea the B. battles of the Turks have lbeen fought by Frencb, of English, and Sardinian soldiers. The Osmanli have re remained or have been kept in the background. The ox ...

Published: Thursday 18 October 1855
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3894 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... THE ROYAL TRAIN AT DABLINOTOY. The royal train arrived at Darlington Bank-top t Station yesterday a few minutes before noon. An itmmense E concourse pf persons had assembled, amongst whom a large a proportion of Quakers were conspicuous, one of their body, s, Mr. H. Peaee, the late visitor to the Court of St. Petersburg, having, as presidentof the Daslington. Mechanics' Inetitute, tl been ...

Published: Thursday 18 October 1855
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 569 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... THE AFFAIRS OF MESSRS. DE LiSLf AND JTANvTRIN.- IEETING OF ORERDITORS. l Yesterday morning a meeting of creditors of Messres. De Lisle and Janvtin, the bankers, whose payments were suspended a few days ago, was held at the banking-house, No. 16, Devonshire-square. Mr. DoNAmy Done-EE was called to the chair, and there were also present Mr. Hankey, Mr. Gillespie, Mr. Pickets- gill, Mr. Brooking, ...

Published: Tuesday 09 October 1855
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 557 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News