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Advertisements & Notices

... ; ^CYANG , 'DEVON, Obe LET, bv Tender, for a term of Ten 7 °ear, fron' ichaelm, 1855, all those Messuages S carlled SOIJTHELE and part of BRUSH- S fa dF.A pring a Farm-house and outbuildings. about o.'l sares of Arable, Meadow, Pasture, and rd~i lsD,. now in the occupation of Mr. NATHANtIEL Pg! ;roiot tenant will be required to pay for wheat Thle g'rns. preparation for turnips, and un- ;.onl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTED, a SHOPMAN.-CHARLES BISNEY, HATTER, 61, High-street, Exeter. ILLUMINATION. HE Royal Gardens, Vauxhall, London, T-being closed for the season, places the large Stock of Lamps, Devices, Transparencies, Crystals, &c., at liberty. Artists sent to any distance to submit Drawings, Designs, and execute orders. Parties wishing to do their own Illuminationim, can be supplied with Larnps and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ULSI ER '1'h'llINING AINl) M)1 L 0 IOOLS IN CONNEXION WI'l'1I T1lEl C It U RiC II lE;DUCA'r`TN SOCIE'TV FOR 1IRELAND. IllHF, 1-ION. SECrZJNl'AlfIES BEG LEAVrEd Jaoklulaktly to itlnouliclt th iluwinitga oldit tnal siibscriptimistowvards the funeds of ttih ab ire Tasti.. tilt ion::- Lord Viscount 'empleton, . 5 0 0 Nober t Gordo in, ?? ?? ?? ?? 5 ) 1i. MtC. c I, M.P., ?? ?? 22 0 MIr's. WVighlt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYLITALIAN OPERA, CoVENT-GAR- RO A DEN.-1. JUbLIEN'S CONCERTS. NEXT MONDAY. M,. JULLIEN han the honour to announce that his ANNUAL SERIES of CONCERTS will commence onl MONDAY isext, Novtaibcr 5, 1955. ePDU It is indeed tlmot gratifying to M.Juilluientofind tha~t theroP larity of hue Asisial Enteriabnnieiit lios so ioacl increased r, year to ycor thatf the GraetdifiltYelli' th %V'ici lie flag ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRST MUN IC IPA L WARD. At a l UBLIC 31EETING of the ELECTOIIS, hell otl Tuesday thle 2;.a inst., il the CoUnCil ChamttbersS, at E'levets O'clock Sforcitool, Dlr iuElAS\ I) Proposed that IL. S. (PRIEVE, Esq., shoudI(I be re- elected one of the Cosneillors for this oarst, which motion ?? ,,scortled by JAxEvs GiAT, Ests., and unanitmously aigreed to by tie Meeting,. Wc, the Subsceibeis, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION, ON NERVOUS AZND OIlFE DISEaSES!!! Just Published, Twentieth Thousand, Price One Shii tree by post for eightecn Postage Stamlps, EALTH and HAPPINESS, the meatns by whil tif ?? be obtained, a Mtdioal Work, vwith observit:001 the treatment of nervous debility and indigestion, los of MR' tal and physical tone, arising from early indiscretion, U. By J. D. MORTON, CONSULPING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- ?? Harris begs to announce the opening of the Winter Saason, and the engagement of the following distinguished Artistes for the performance of the English Opera.-Mr. SIMS REEVES, Mr. WEISS, Mr AIANVERS, Mr FAR- QUEIARSON, Mdlle. JENNY BAUER, Madame WEISS. Oa THIS EVENING (Thursday), November 1, will be performed Bellini's Opera of LA SONNAMBULA.-Elvino, Mr Sims Reeves; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -P1RNCEI MJDERATTOR LAMPS.-New andl elegant designs in Bronze, Ormolu, and Bohemian .3 Glsa, are boihig reseivedl every week froma 11alrot and U.., ud other einiiest Frouch rinkoro. Fsmiljoo wanthin M-oerator or other Lrrmpg ar. ns'4t respeetfuly invited to moped the STOCj( now on hale at bYRNE and CO.ti, whiuh will be found the Lbrgeot in ~~he West Ridinrhe.OK owon, t YR Pure CO LZk OIL, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SINGLE COPY of any LONDON PAPER A of the current or back dates sent to every arofEngland, orabroad, onremitting Egiho fiieig stamps, post free, to WILLIAM THOMAS and Co., 19 to 21, Catherine-street, Strand. Papers sent second day at reduced price. SPECIAL OFFICE for all the FOREIGN NEWSPAPERS. ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in the English and foreign papers, without charge for translation. Nos. S and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .OTICE-A. B. SAVORY and SONS, and T. tb NCOX B ;VonY and Co., Silveremiths, Jewellers, and Watch. jw m lakecrs, bave UNITED their ESTABLISHMENTS in extensive Pro. as miacs, built lor the purpose, Nos. land 19, Corbilll, London, oppc. th, dite tbe Bank of England.-Deutaled lietaof price, Illustrated by en. G0o gravings, zratis and postgre feee. l F DENT, 61, Strand, and 34 and 35, oyal - . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 112EGuS 'TO IXM 0v Il[S F R 1 3 N D S B an(d tle Ptihlic, that le, ?? Opening his WHOLESALE IItl ANi) CAP WAREI`OllSE on or about 2rxl Novemober, at 35, ANN STRI'I;T. Belfast, 129th Oct.. 1855. 3061 WVIRE NETTING. Tro IORTTICU LTURIISTS, FARMERS, &c. LIII- SUIBSClRIDlER, IN lE RE URNING llsi LT sillor tlhuliki t ghis mllltyv lio I Friotols and CntiortOi~'i.;, i'ni* tlh' v oi'i 11);ii!e stl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T iOUSE. LONDON, OCToOBER 80, 1855. NOTIC i to MARINERS hav- g fiolI0 e by the Lords Commissiolonrs of the ,s,}tril'zl It~lSo en~eral information. !. rhe sae pg ii~F J HERBERT, Secretary, NOTICi TO MARiNERS. jjgttD REFUGE HARBIIOUR. uL rofthe Admialtity having directed that r .aoZis' c01nit d be pieced at the outer end of the ,5 lre l 90onl the North Breakwater of the t ,,;10110a hotr lchcsd. ...