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Advertisements & Notices

... F U R S. ESSRS PRATT & KEITH invite attention to their stock El of Well Seasoned FURS, embracing every variety, from .LJ the most economical to the meat expensive Goods, in their pi Real SABLES. Fronch SABLES. present Real ERMINE. CHINCHILLA. Las KOLINSKIE, MINK. La SQUIRREL. MUSQUASH. Me German SABLE. British SABLE. Me In BOAS, MUFFS, GAUNTLETS, and CUFFS. Me 53, Union Street, Aberdeen. Me La ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'IIE SALE of FURNITURE in House, Oakshawbead, 1 I'aislcy, Advcrtised by Us to take place there on TUES- DAY, Gth November, is POSTPONED till further notice. n HUTCHISON & DIXON. 8 Virginia Street, Glasgow, Oct. 31, 1855. TOST, between Woodside Terrace and Foot of Buchanan 1 Sirect, a very Small GOLD GENEVA WATCU I, with Silver Dial. Whoever wvill return the same to Mr. Muirhead, Jeweller, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... opcmprtico for Aare.r TENEMENT IN LYNEDOCII STREET. UPSET PrW(' FUITIIEIl REDUCED) TO £1550. V IIE TENEMENT Forming Nos. 25 and 2G Lynedoch i Street waill be re exposed to Sale, by Public Rloup, with- in the Royal Exheange 'Sale toomtoine, of ednesday the 14th | ,day of Novemnber current, at Two o'clock Afternoon, at thle Re- duced Upset 1rice of £1550. Thle Rents are £44, £50, and o,5 5F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEE FOLLOWING AD DVERT ISEMEiVTS SEA CllED Us TOO LAT T FOR INSERTION IN OUR EARLY EDITION:- OUND, in West Regent Street, a NEWFOUNDLAND F PUP, from three to four months old. If not claimed within Eight Days will be sold to defray expenses. Apply at 102 West Nile Street. OST, a BLACK-FACED WEDDER, coming out of the L Cattle Market; Keeled on Tail and Shoulder; Tarred on Cheek. Whoever has got ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXTENSIVE AND AMAZINGLY CHEAP SALE OF DRAPERY AND FANCY GOODS. A NDERSON'S SUCCESSORS respectfully request thli A Customers, and the Public in general, to take speci;.i Notice of the following Extraor(Hnary Cheap Lots of Drapery and Fancy Goods, to be arranged for Sale on Monday, bil November, and during the remainder of the week, At Reallty Wonderful Prices. Fine Broad Black Cloth at 4s. Gd., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lialto bp Ii~rbaft larmlin. ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT. C ORRY & CO. of Belfast, being about to resign the Manu- 5 facture of A'ratedl Waters, are anxious to DISPOSE OF their CONCEIIN to a suitablel party. Their E:rated 13everages are considered to be the finest pro- dueed, and command a mnost extensive Sale. The Manufactory is fitted up with every requisite for carry- ing on at large Trade. Appl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIlAPELFIELD BLEXUHWORXS, BARRIIEAD. NO TI 0 E. TtE, SALE of the MACHiNERY, UTENSILS, and 1 I'ITI'INGS of this Work, advertised to take place on 'tesday, 6th Nov., 18 MEANTIME POSTPONED. C. R. BROWN & J, MACINI)OE, Auctioneers. SALE OF WOOD AT KIRtKTON, CARLUKE. ]j HIS Sale WILL M&T TAKE PLACE ou Saturday T the 10th instant, as Advertised. CaIrluke, Na November, 1855. T OST, sn WVednesday last ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM. lrIE LORD PROVOST basappointed THIS EVENING, X {FRIDAY) 2d Nov., for a PUBLIC MEETING atthe CITY HALL, on this important subject, and for the purpose of establishing a co-operation with other parts of the Empire. t Gentlemen forming a Deputation from the London Associa- tion will address the Meetinga The Hon. the Lord Provost will take the Chair at Eight f o'clock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F lRST MUNICIPAL DISTRICT. rromn the great amiount of support which has been tendered Icy thle Electors of the Ilistirct to MiI POBtERT ANDERISO)N, his Committee haove en tire confcctence tn Ills sueccoss, anta request act carly attenidarce of his tcippOrtetS ait the Polinicg Place Oil tlce Isoraing of Tuesday first, at S At..JAE LA BChimn November 2, 1S'1). FORt THlE R)ELIEF OF INI)IGENT OLD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L13 A N K 0 F L 0 N' 1) ( N. SIl: JOH N V 111.11 IS SH ELLEY, Dima., 71.1. NO0T IC E. X£5 PERl CENT. I N'TUIlPsT mit Claw oil O P D El'tOSMTPI, AOth 10 D~ays' Notico of Wit'hdrawalit. 17 MA'P11I'IPVIAl~ L Jun'., Manuager.- 'iThreadneedle street, Lmdaton, Novetmber 5, IS077. (5 OME1(CJAL BANK OIF SCOTL1AND. 'junl ANNUAL. IN GM-MAL ciiC11' 01 OP IMPI'PPtiS(l 'TH P ?? BNi t scopA~ND 111 bt e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRST MUN IC IPA L WARD. At a l UBLIC 31EETING of the ELECTOIIS, hell otl Tuesday thle 2;.a inst., il the CoUnCil ChamttbersS, at E'levets O'clock Sforcitool, Dlr iuElAS\ I) Proposed that IL. S. (PRIEVE, Esq., shoudI(I be re- elected one of the Cosneillors for this oarst, which motion ?? ,,scortled by JAxEvs GiAT, Ests., and unanitmously aigreed to by tie Meeting,. Wc, the Subsceibeis, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF W(OOD AT KIRKTON, CARLUKE. T is Sale WILL NO'T CAKE PLACE ou Saturday the 1 10th inst. as advertised. Carieke, 2d Novembtr, 1855. (JOlIN THOMSON left his house, 459 Gallowgatc, on 1st C October last, and has not siice been heard of. He is 36 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, dark curly hair, dark eyes, and sandy whiskers; walks very upright; has a large scar on front of right leg; ...