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Advertisements & Notices

... 2%e Bsritu and Xerfh Amesrce-?5 I Mast rtcam-jacl;t The Copsiep drtos the attenion ofl t S WorA andf a4500n900 to GU V ?? 2d scrlioi, qf the Nioe ifere heafi Shdpieog Acet, whdeh Pa isayf; ei:- Thes O person eshall be entitled to carry in ary ship, or to requiree Tu the moaster or owner of any ship to carry therein, Jicuefortis, an Oil of Vitriol, Gunpowder, or any other goesa w~hieI the The J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRI-WEEKLY PUBLICATION LIVERPOOL MERCURY. Subscribers in Liverpool will have the LrIVt- POOL MEMOURY of MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY delivered to them on the mornings of publication at the following terms:- PAID IN ADVANCE. ON CREDIT. Per Year ?? 2ON. Od ?? 24. Od. HalfYear ?? ?? 129. Od. 12s. od. Quarter ?? 59. Od. 69. ad. The Subscription for the Stamped Edition of the LIVERPOOL MERCURY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ATU3RDAY EVENING CONCERTS. 1CION1CERT IIALL, LOtRD NELSON-STREET. On SATI7RDAY N'F a, the 24th instant, BENRY RUSSELL WI], OIVL. 111 EW ENTERtTAINMIENT, ENTITLED THlE FAR WVEST, Olt LIFE IN A-MERICA. 'To comlale-oe at Eight o'clock.-AdmISleiilt: Body, 3d. ; Side Galleries, 01I.; ItosceVed Seats, Is.; Platform Reserved Seats, 2s. FRENCH CLASSES.-French Classees, contdncted by Professor L. P. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRI-WEEKLY PUBLICATION OF THN LIVERPOOL MERCURY. Subscribers in Liverpool will have the LrwVxI- POOL MERCURY Of MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FPIDsy delivered to them oii the mornings of publication at the following terms:- PAID IN ADVANCE. O CREDIT. Per Year ?? 20s. Od ?? 24. Od. Half'Year ?? . Od. 12. Od. Quarter ?? 5s. Od. 6s. Od. The Subscriptioh for the Stamped Edition of the LIvERPOOL MERICURY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -;ISon' gtnnfber~ai' I THE ANCHOR SOCIETY. rr The ANN'IVERSARwY DINNER wills be held as usual, ESGIDAD the 13th instant, in the HALL of the ATHE. Dog OB STRE TB HOMAt[S eL°A°G, President.I fetuS estimate may be formed of the amount of good effeted' ,b Sc iety, when it is stated that during the past year 868 by ?? tDietreas, also 125 Poor Lying-in nome, have been itelieved, and 9 Boys placed in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IT I IN L r, I% V AOl(Pt NOVELTIES IN MILLINERY At 40. COaRN MAIMi0ET, for to I DERBY. sail llC. PHILLIPS respectfully informs the Ladies unt Alie .I of Derby and its vicinity, that his M ILLIINENR and is now in l.ON DON selecting the latest and most fashion- cre able NOVELTIES in MIILLINERY, &c. , which will be pre (ve READY FOR INSPECTION, der On O de de MONDAY, the 12th November, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T O~iN.GLSSE. -The COMMERCIAL PLATE CLAMCOMPANY, ager, CHARLEB 'EN 75,19, and 80, Pleet~etrseand for , Oxford.5i1r, to be the inae Noiiy tnd 7ubars, nd t n ey ofte the thf CHIMEYCONSLEand pIEII GLASS'~ rceinevy Lirmityaomtle; ocetr and pier3,185 table n eeYAL cla , OgraPdEPlA, CE. Th-QiDN a an beng anuaatlris, supo tolano l00 n a ne half the priceullY eharda Theg firrt qualiiy, andwarrantd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T OKINGLASES _The ComMERCIAL OOA PLioager, CHARLES i'LEAN. S,7. ad 5, Feetstext.ANd. ?? (note the Ron,. varlety of rstile; console, centre,, anD ier Theabsd wil e n tablee ahev l r _ o H A P P U I S' P ATE NTS6.- I GAS and DAYLIJGtT REFLCCTOR8 of eberig iossible dcrippion, and at all prig e. Ie operation at tbe Patdntee's iarebounen, 69, P peet straet. Masibatoryg 10t St. Marn-sa a i b rI~CUAR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOMBAY Direcot (to sail the 20th December). the. B clb Ate Abrdeen clipper CATUNI'GOf,100terrgley OMBAY Direct (to sail punctually lot January, last shippicg day 27 ib December), the splendid teak frigate-I At ahp HOIIGOM1ONT, Al1 for 13years, 962 tons register, lying In the ast nlulsDocks. 'Tbiefinle shphas magarlflcantiteoomsoda- tion for psesengers and will caurry an experienced surg. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Al CHINA. AUSTRALIA, and CAPE f D HcOPE.-W. 0. YOUN wldopthhefollowing fast- A I copper 8111PB at the dates nanied as nuder: 1p. _ s omns nders, Detation. Docks. To SeL =Wattenbscb1400 Ed. Kersting Nleltta ?? R. India.. Nov. 20 Winterthur_ 697 1. IReynolda ?? COlcutta ?? S [Me. 1s ?? . _ Shagha 'IO W.Indla.. 1ee. 12 claAheitta.. 5S 1. MlClellald.. ?? London ?? Nov.20 on Taylor.. 788 3. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~NOTICE TO MARINERS. BEAUMARIS BAY. 'RINITY HOUSE, LONDON, NOV. 27, 1865. Ills Corporation haying caused a Buoy, painted fliack, to be placed ol tho Ten Feet Bank, off the bentEcranCO to tholdonai Straits, bereof I7s hereby given, and that the said Buoy lies in 384 oCsv° Wator Spring Tides, with the following marks and Yv 'iS h natrseof ?? Maur, just itouch- Jb st p art of ffin Island t.. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5 TANTED, 1800 and 1000 on Securities of am- ' ple value, ro LEND, several Sums from 5200 to 600. Apply to J. T. Eoy=, Solicitor, Grey-street. sI ONEY TO LEND, viN., 1000, 800, 600, ;6600, and smaller Sums, if required, upon Land or ouses; tenemented property objected to. ApplytoTios. Wm. W m.FOBD, Solicitor, Bank Head House, iexham, sad Allendale Town. W ANTED, a SITUATION as Wet Nurse, by a ...