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Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... IT I IN L r, I% V AOl(Pt NOVELTIES IN MILLINERY At 40. COaRN MAIMi0ET, for to I DERBY. sail llC. PHILLIPS respectfully informs the Ladies unt Alie .I of Derby and its vicinity, that his M ILLIINENR and is now in l.ON DON selecting the latest and most fashion- cre able NOVELTIES in MIILLINERY, &c. , which will be pre (ve READY FOR INSPECTION, der On O de de MONDAY, the 12th November, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A is -- .- - - II by TAMBERT'S AST'HMATIC BALSAM.-Truly Lc sa LJjefilcacious and pleasant, without conlining the Bowels, or Cc hit feing She fhead. Hr A few of the many thousand Terrtimaninis of cures of ASTHMAA, HrI uifl CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, COLDS, SHdORTNESS of BREATH, Cc two and all disorders ol the CHES21T and LUNGS, by taking ForS ,ros, LAU1BEI1T'S AsTnhMATIC BIALSAM. Whi :eei- Sufferera ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. SALE THIS DAY. S PONDON, NEAR DERBY. S HAY, INCALF COWS, CALVES, &C. R ESSRS. MOODY and NEWBOLD are favoured P yVL with instructions from Mr. HOLLOWAY (who is de- P dining dairfing), to SELL by AUCTION, on WED . a, NE SDAY, the 21st November, 1855, on the Premises, at & Spondon, ten very valuable INCALFI COWS, two Incalf Stirks, three yearling owr calves, three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... imPORTANT TO LADIES. CA ARIS wVOE STAYS and RIVAL COU- P TIlLE, 4s. 1 ;d. and Os, 6d. per Pair; one trialrequestedof these much admiredCo11SETS. GUPUIRE, MUSLIN, and IIONITON LACE COLLARS and SLl'EVES, A Splendid Choice of Elegant Patterns just purchased. 1 SILKS and IltISl1 POI.INS, Wil 'IThe best qualities at unusually low prices. IDA MILLINERY & MANTLES. the The S1IOW-ROOM during the month ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTISEIENT. 1 C TIIE INFIRMARY. 5 TO #Init DITOR or TilE teliy MERCURY. Sir-11l your paper of this week, I obierve a document pofessiog to emanate from the Board of the Derbyshire Isfirmary, having no signature but that of the Secretary. It is usual, I believe, in such cases for the chairman to sign Isis nase, but perhaps in this case that gentleman, whoever he vyas who drew up the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL, HOTEL, DERBJY. M S. CANTRILL begs respectfully to inform the M Nobility, Gentry, anoe ier Friends generally, that she has REMOVED from thu KiNG's HEAD HOTIL to the more extensive and commodious establishiment-the ROYAL HOYAEL, Mrs. CANTRIILL takes this opportunity of tendering her wi thanks to those with whose liberal patronage she has, for ei many years, been favoured; and trusts that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBYSHIRE1 GENERAL INFIRMARY. I OFFICE OF PHYSICIAN. A VACANCY being occasioned by the resignation of' ( Af Dr. ROOKE, one of the Physicians of this Institu- tion, CANDIDATES for the Office properly qualified, Se arc requested to send in their applications and diplomas B. to the Secretary, not later than 12 o'clock on MONDAY. Sc the 24th of December next. es The ELECTION will take place at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A DERBY NEw CHEESE FAIR. betU X OTICFE is hereby GIVEN, that this fair will ?? N b-~leld on FRIDAY, the 14th of December next, ino the FNIArI GATP, in the Borough of Derby. to which all persons tuay resort Toll pickage free. ROBT. PEGG, Town Hall, Derby, Nov. 27tb, 1855. Mayor. BjOROUGH OF DElIBY.-TEINIERS WANTED. h '10 EXCAVATORS, BR1ICKLAYERS, R JOINERS, AND PLUMBERS. CC r HL~ LOCAL' BOARD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARTRIDGE SHOOTING. ( R LA NDO SMITlH, GUN. PISTOL, and RIFLE i 0 -~MANUFACTURER. ter Guns Rlestocked and carefully Repaired in the first afli style of Workmanship, at the shortest notrice. oil Gun powder, Warterproof Caps, Chernically prepared too WAdding, Patent Wire and Universal Cartridges of the ED, best quality.Ca TIor he Sold, decided bargains, Second-hand Double ves and Single Guns and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .Y MESSRS. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. VALUABLE CARRIAGE HORSES AND RACKS. ESSRS. MOODY and NEWBOLD will SELL by iVIAUCTION, on FRIDAY, the 9th November, lgis at the KiNG's HEAD INNe, ink Derby. at One o'clock in the Afternoon, the following valuable CARRIAGE B HORSES and RACKS:- fo LOT. 1.-A Pair of Bay Carriage Horses, 15* hands, have been regularly driven together, in high condi- tion, and can be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. SALE THIS DAY. VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND, SUITABLE FOR BUILDING AND OTHER C PURPOSES, At Osmaston and Litchurchi, near Derby. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION. By Messrs. MOODY and NEWBOLD, At the ARBORETUM HOTEL, in Litchureb, on WEDNES- DAY, the 28th day of November, 1855, at Six o'clock in the Evening, in the following or such other Lots as may be announced at the time of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY JNO DOUGHTY. 81ARD)l.OW ANNUAL FAT STOCK SAI.E. TNO. DOUG HTY is favoured with instructions from : WJ JAMES SUTTON, Esq., Shardlow Hall, Derbyshire. to fi SELL by AUCTION. on MONDAY, November 19th. it 1855, 15 FAT IIHEIERS, 5 FAT COWS, I FAT BULLOCK, 138 FAT SHEEP, 13 FAT LAMBS, and 2 FAT PIGS. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock. _ Castle Donington, Oct. 31st, 1855. ROYAL, HOTEL, DERBY. 1 uI RS ...