... PROPOSED TESTIMONIAL.—We are glad to hear that the Blaina Church Congregation are desirous of ex- pressing the grateful sense which they entertain of the zealous, efficient, and affectionate services rendered du- ring the last five years, by their late much-beloved curate, the Rev. David Morgan, who is about to be li- censed to the curacy of St. David's, Merthyr. Tydvil— by presenting him with ...

Published: Saturday 01 December 1855
Newspaper: Monmouthshire Merlin
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 165 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... BUTCHERS' FEAST. On the night of -Wednesday, the 21st inst., the but- chers of the town, numbering about forty, were invited by Mr. W. Ford, grocer, tallow chandler, &c., to a sump- tuous supper, at the Griffin Inn, when the good things, provided in abundance, were creditable to the liberality and taste in catering of the worthy host, as well as the spirit of the entertainer. On the removal of ...

Published: Saturday 01 December 1855
Newspaper: Monmouthshire Merlin
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 898 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... SATURDAY, DECSAmSBS 1, 1855. THE official despatches of the week relating to military movements are limited to enclosures forwarded by General Codrington from Brigadier-General Spencer, detailing the proceedings of the British force at Kinburn, and from Lord George Paget, giving an account of the two long- since reported reconnaissances made by the allied cavalry from Eupatoria. An ...

Published: Saturday 01 December 1855
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 667 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 

NOTHING new from the seat of war. Such is likely to be the stereotyped announcement for the

... THE EXAMINER AND TIMES. M. MANCHESTER, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1855. SA'&TURtDAY, DECMUlBERi 1, 1855. NOTHiNG new from the seat of war. Such is likely to be the stereotyped announcement for the l J.IVLJUp UU VxJJaw winter. Sir WILarlA COODRuINGTON has assumed e the command of the troops, and Sir JAMES SiMPsQN I has received the congratulations of his old acquaint- 1 anuces at home. Sebastopol is ...

Published: Saturday 01 December 1855
Newspaper: Manchester Times
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4158 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... ASSOOIATION FOR THE PREVENTION OF I STEAM-BOILER EXPLOSIONS. .iOn Tuesday afternoon, the tirst anlnual meeting of the mem- as sin- bers of the Association for the Prevention of Steam-boiler ft Explosions, and for Effecting Economy in the Baising-and t of Use of Steam, wras held in the 13 Committee Room, within * etiac Lilly Manchester Town Hall. There was a somewhat numerous ft ~Ow. attendance ...

Published: Saturday 01 December 1855
Newspaper: Manchester Times
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4356 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... T H E W A tv. TI! EXPLOSION IN 'Hu' CRIMEAj_, ON NO'VEYiBEI? larr. he~ DESPAflTCH~ PFiOM- GlEN. CL'DRtINGILTn?; In , AVA DEAnanT')ilNTi, aVer. 29. is r1 Ialinjulre hias ibis day reoeiv' cl a dispatech and it enel~iicsili of which thle following are copies. ddeliissed to ivhis 'sirdship by General dijr iV. Cou riitcteo, Rep.: - Sansr ,o,aer. 17. *li Mv I Lu ?? ti'~ In lst., ahouilt three it.,. ...

Published: Saturday 01 December 1855
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4280 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... GOYTREY. HORSE STUBBING.- A brutal act of horse-stabbing was committed ill the above parish on the 26th instant. Wkile grazing in the field, the mare of a small farmer named John Edwards, who industriously earned an honest livelihood by his horse and cart, was stabbed by-some malicious miscieant on Monday night last. Several cuts were given to the poor animal. before she received the fatal one ...

Published: Saturday 01 December 1855
Newspaper: Monmouthshire Merlin
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 174 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... I I To TILE EDITOa o0 ThE DATLY NEWS. S61,-Having read in your paper of Tuesday last sn article bearing upon the case of Shepherd and Creswick e.Oonquest, relative to an action pending, in the matter of my adapted drama of Old Joe and Young Joe; without wishing to enter into any argaument as to the law of the case, I hae to request your kindners in permitting me to correct a few errors, fir ...

Published: Saturday 01 December 1855
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 756 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... COt RIS MARTIAL a court-martial, of which Captain Sir Thomas Mtalt- s! i.,,o Her Mlajesty's ship .Ercrlletea. weas Presi- ~ea~sbled on board the Slag-ship rictor y, on ! rt last, to try Mi- Jam~es Driver, Acting-Assis- ' Egiaeer. na->, of the first class, serving en board I- itajuoty's steamn gunboat .Halide, for having, on the ,,Q'October. disobeyed orders and behaved with die- t a:st his ...

Published: Saturday 01 December 1855
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1741 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... LATEIST NE WS. - I - 11- ?? I ? . I I ? I ??,11-1- ?? TI[E IXit!Titl AND SU'.MA.RINE TELE5GIIAPI.] GENERRL O.NiNROBERT..'i Iu,, ^lligecea i;aY jat bs ecolved th:et Gencral Caubo, l'i laa lft Copelnhagen for Fralce. ils visit as pr3rved most satisfactowy. FRAN5 CE. u P.xsiss, Fl°-\} IEvsEY InO.-The funds closed to- XV day as1. fiol.s_ -Vour-aud-a-half per cents., Oif. t( 80e.; ...

Published: Saturday 01 December 1855
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4234 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 

[No title]

... In consequence- of our limited space fbr the insertion, of matters of public importance; we shall in future confine ourselves, exclusively, to our first page for the insertion of advertisements; which, if intended for the succeeding Number, must reach us, at latest, by Wednesday afternoon; to ensure their appearance. ...


... LOCAI. FATAL ACCIDENT.—It is painful to observe that as a son, aged. 19 years, of David Wilhams; Heol- gerrig, was riding on the. mine incline* at Ply- mouth Works, on Tuesday- last, he ^aecidentally fell, and sustained such injuries that he died soon after. We understand lie had been looking for work in that neighbourhood. DEPARTED WoBTH.—A marble monument has! been erected 'in Ebenezer ...