Advertisements & Notices

... EppUCTION IN THE PRICE OF THE LIVERPOOL MERCURy. EARLY DELIVERY t TO SUBSCRIBERS. irrnogements, which will be carried into effect tit e commencement of the New Year, have been M1ade for the regular delivery of the MERCURY (to Subscribers residing within four miles of the Liverpool Exchange) before half-past eight o'clock OD the mornings of publication. The delivery KW also extend to Waterleo, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L LTGA &c.M44 M l, : , ,LW,. a. (In ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?? free gadjr t tbat that thois Chompny dlslnc 19 so4denrteo i eetadt eltre uentbehing B ?? ase a nP3 had' plfee artne vrhy of thei prim ostas charg~ed.rl ?? epplicatlon.Lr.W~slteds 8E Estli texe glvinall evrth~ei Depreofent.ph8bnoriptiosWI o ene aeqtfreest yast. large ?? thoebdexactpten and primalhe 9 bout HrKEATRE ROYAL 'DRIURY4LANE. To the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TAXE THOSONand Co.'s, LONDON'IJNE~ VJofP'ACEETBUI'S-from London to INDICiaCelrl, cape of Good, Hope. and West Indies.-The olwn ueirfrt , cas SBII'S, prfeseting to Shippers WAndPaagr eial Ship. tn Captains.. ueLatlratioo. Dot.a Saiingo Stsaboul. 021 Smith ?? Calctutta F. lti..Jan.831 ?? 714 ?? CngsG-2,: ttpondon,. Jan. 10 photo t~lt ?? 0'9 oa`eIndia. Jan. 15 Louder 875 Eldd . Mu aurs nia..Jn.i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 51 jI bg gliction. PUBLIC SALE TO-MORROW OF AMLE (ARIES' STOCK AND UTENSILS, DI' SHOP DRAWERS, GASALIER, &u. .7.SRiPS. M'TEAR & KEMIPT will Sell, by Auction, in 1r>; Stirling's Road (corner of Taylor Street), on Vait~r, 18th Dec., at Twelve o'clock, the Whole STOCK d7%i( frtLSlLS, comprising an Assortment of Powder and Ykkarvr Bottles, Pill and Ointment Pots, Window Show BkWWi 1laema Syringe; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ¢gttis &c. WORKS PUBLISII13D BY IV. KENT & CO., 'I 51 and 52 Paternoster Role, London. EAUTIIULLY ILLUSTRATED WVORKS suitable B for ClIISTMAS, NEW\ YEAIR, and BIRTHDAY PRESENTS. The atteitiotl of the lleads of Families and others is parti- cularly directed to the following valuable and beautifully Illus- I trated Works: T The NATURAL 111ST)Itl OF THE FEATIEOED TRIBES. Imperial 8vo, 640 pages, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NE SEWSEA&ONS TEA,. . TE - FlNST NESOTED . OR . RIPE, PEKOE FLAVOUR, VERY CHOICE 4s. 4d. STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. EYRE & &OWPANY, A 43. WINE-STREET. [723 ftTAG HOTEL, HEOL - Y - FELIN, ABERDARE. WILLIAM WILLIAMS beg tto inform his Friendsiand the public getierally that he has EBEB`ILT Wie aboveteOtSE, ,here he lins excellent accommodation for all who may favour hi, with their patrornage. Fife ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lnourau Cmnpanizo B ofETROPOLITAN COUNTIES AND , GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 27, REGENT~STIEET, LONDON. CAPiI'TAL, £L100,000. TRIUSTEnS:- Right Hon. SPENCER H. WALPOLE, h.P. HENRY PETER FULLER, JIC. RICiHARDSPOONER, Esq., i E.,VANSITARIiT NEALE, Esq.' The Business of thi Soietyemnbraces Assurances upon Lives with or without Profitseon Joint Lives, and Survivorships. The Assurance of a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QOUTH -CAROLINA, BONDS. - The HALF-TL YH.ARLY DIVYIDEIND oin the above BONDS, negotiated by Jiessrs. PALMER, MACi(ILLOP, DENT, asid CO., duo oin tko 1st TI 0f Jauary ext, illbe PAID at theoir Counthig-house., on tha't BOI and evey ?? day except dturda), between thle hours pl of~levcu and Thre. The Coupons, It a list !in numerical Mine order, ust beleft twt clea days peviousy for xaminatioti. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. Lesses, Mr. E. r. SMITH. Acttng Manager, Mr. 0. MSATuEw. StaOe Masager, Mr. R. Roxt3Y. THIS El'ENING her Majesty's ervants Will perform the euc- cessful comic drama, USED UP. Characters by Messrs. C. Nathows, a. Roxby, Tilbury, and Yincent; Miss b. Olivcr and M9n. F. Matthews. To be. followed by the interlude of LITTLE TODDLEKINS, in which Mr. Charles Matthews will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... is DESIRABLE FREEHOLD COTTAGES, ie AND GARDEN GROUND, Id WELFORD, GLOUCESTERSHIRM, le S~fia ilesfrom Stratford-upon-Avon. O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, *e , 1 By W. LY:NE, At the Bell Inn, Welford, on Thursday the 3rd day of m January, 1856, at One o'clock in the afternoon (unless ly previously disposed of by private contract), subject to con- n- ditions to be then ?? these SEVEN COTTAGES r or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HARD TIM-ES, 'ANDi SHE 'WAY TO MEND ; ,. ?? H E . ?? ---i . ?? Just published- price ls,- : OW TO§SAhVE HALF YOUR CPaLS A. practical book ILdesigned for all who keep a. fire, for businese or pleasure. Bath Bluna and oGoldwln. London: Marlborough and Co,, Ave Maria-lane. Copies will be forwarded, froe, f-oany pacrti ot the Kingdom, on recelpt of is., in postage stamps. ?? Saturday, January 5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IITHOGRAPHY, CHI ENGRAVING, A COPPERP.A'I'E AND LET1ERPRlSS DAe PRINTING, &c. ET BEMROSE and SONS have fitted up their 1' WV N*wE and EXTENSIVE WonRisilors min with every convenience and appliance to enable them to Soc execute, ON THE PREMISES, work in all departments - of the above businesses, with EXCELLENCE, ECONOMY, HO and DISPATCH. AD LITHOGRAPHIC Circulars, Trade Notices, &c. (fac r ...