... SKETCHES ON ITALY: ITS LAST REVOLUTION, ITS ACTUAL CONDITION, ITS TENDENCIES AND HOPES. London: Hamilton, Adams, and Co. 1856. It is not possible for any Englishman, whose happiness is secured by and based upon the fact of his being an inhabi- tant of a country whieh possesses liberal institutions, andE the utmost amount of freedom which is compatible with sepurity, to look with a cold and ...


... .7j- LI--R E - (FIRST ?? pfli&ngliahwomonauhe ?? not we are waaed,. 1!7wv B ?? ; :RuZia, whese book' has.achieved-so manjeditiolno. Ne ?? Ja ?? volume (if vtlumes may have such reionship) worthy of the oder; ; Our present lnglitshwoman has Mot -dwelt in: America, but has passed -pidiy through a cc ?? treak- of the States; etaing notes is she went, to be Converted by the gentle predssre cf ...


... f0C B CATHBDFA r Ang THsY TO BE REFORMED, OR Anw)LISHED ? ?? addrcsst'il to The ?? Hon. Sir George Grey, - rt., Secretary of Sf:te Joe the Home Jcpartnaent, ,eith ain Apledix -by Ce'meWt Xoody, Ma., paicr of srelve a J)o/5 l7yft21oxmn and CO., Lpondonor ge have no ?? tion of ever having unet with a poaphlet of 43 prO relatiiig to a matter of more im. Pa ice tholl that which is here handled, or ...

Picking from Punch

... VIicfti fromtU VUnc LDwORtATiON FOR Mn. B51iaoaT.-If anybody wiheB to kvois what the object of the war 14 he may be told that it ls to Compv the Czar to retrace his steppes. HonsnnsonD Tansvsuzs.-A Treasure of a Musband: Carrns the ?? ?? Of a Wife: Never asks for mone. Treasure of a Sos Hieas ?? in the ftndA reae Daughter s LooksB the same age as her mother-if any hng a ?? of a fSeigaht: Runs ...


... P'OETRIY. -YI'Tii iliL l S AND PAt AVAY. a A little blird brusltvd ruy w ?? 1by . A Twixt ?? level Streut nniI tile Ic:vel 81yY T'he level rouvs o house5 tall, ge Tie blank noon-soit on the level wall it And ,ItI that tlio little bird did say T Was Over the lhills aitd fitr avay.s dt A little bird sang behind my chair, thi YI-o0n tue level line of cornitelds fair. di ?? hcmotil green hce ...


... (From Le Follet.) Tir, wintry winds, which have now set in with rigour, have caused an increased display of warm out-door toilettes. Wadded manteaux and furs are indispensable. Cloth dresses are more than ever in demand; they are composed of a skirt, fastened round the waist by a buckle behind; the casaque has turned basques, in which are two pockets-one for the pocket-liandkerchief, the other ...


... THE MARTYRDOM OF BISHOPS RIDLEY AND LATIMER. I PATOOTED BY SIR GORBOE HAtTER, PAINTER IN OUDI NART TO HER MAJESTY, Sir George Hayter, it is clear, is not one of those who rest upon the laurels they have gained: cn the con - trary, he is one of those who regard past achievements - as pledges Of future successful exertions. D.tervedly Lhigh as the reputation of the painter of the Trial 'of Lsrd ...


... L ITERB TUBE. Zaidee. A Rosnaswe. By MAacokuaT OLIPILANT. Black ' wood and Sens..9 This tale has already appeared in the pages of b .Dlackwoo'rs magazine. it is far more worthy Eil beh reprint than most ot the productions which are take bc from the flowing stream of periodical literaturefo ve the purpose of crystalisation in a permanent form. th We should have been glad to see a rigid band ...


... COVENT-GARDEN The rival managers of the two great theatres carrying on a ort of war of squibs agin each r. neither of them, we should think, with much good to b, self or much injury to big adversary; andcertainl w very little entertainment to the public. Druyoly Wt believ4 was the aggressor; Mr. Charles 3 ftbe0, h begun by personsting the Great Wizard of the Nirtb , 4 giving ridictlout ...


... HUMIOROUS GATHERINGS. (From Penwc.) THE SQUADRlON OF LOVE. Buggested by the Lilt of Gun-boat' announced as in pro paration for the Baltic. T*e the Emoeror's bal anod the SAdmirl'sfe astes Fos surely so-ne klnd of a fete or a treat ?? be all that iE mneant by so chairming a fleet. Sea, first cOMO threc nymphs, who are dancing thi waters. h There's Doris, marmma of the fifty fair daughters, ...


... I - 1 , I .1 - . . - - - it This show was held on Monday and Tuesday, at the 1 13 Inseitution Hall, Fareham. The collection of Poultry i V was a splendid one, and the attendance of visitors from . n all parts, far and near, was very great. The Silver Cup tl was won by Mr. Rodbard, Langford, Bristol, who had no a less than seven prizes, ANWARD OF PRIZES. C Spanish.-Birds exceeding one year old. ...


... OF JEANNE D'ALBRET, QUEEN OF o ilWF NAVARRE. E if Jea011e D'Albree, Queen of Navarre. By v Bfl1A WALKEft FRtEER. In two vqlumes. a London: Hurst and Blackett. c Oe admirable Life of Marguerite d'Augou- e ,hich a short time since was given to the ii ° Miss Freer, induced a very large circle of I worl to hope that at no distant period the se ldcr uthoress would devote her pen to the ss:tiof of ...