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... Tim: TItitN, FOR JANUIAIY. London: G'oonltbridgse 4 Sons. 'I'U appearance of a new illustrated monthly maga- zinc written, almost exclusively, by men whose ?? rary reptitation has yet to be establishied, is not of frequent occurrenco. 'he 'speculation is not one that should not readily be embarked in, and often fails even when supported by tile most unquestionable talent. The magazine which ...


... - ANTIsET CONCERT RoOMs-TiEl MElROANTILE CHORAL Ueezon.-Labt evening this society gave its second concert for the season, In the large:lEaU of this Institutiou belore a highly r~epecteble audience. On a former occa'ion when speaking ot this society, we stated that it was calculated to do much good, and would bc the meausofactively promulgating reflnedtate and combating with thit great and ...


... ZITERA TUBE. TiHic PSiRtie ColLLECTION ;- TIsa ArootBWT MlIX ?? iPtiLA-Nt). jidred bif Gwry,r Peotiit IL, D BHiA. V PJU..A., Voii. L (P~rial jro,` the Ssrtji for A; Preaer- valilm and jil.a eltqe of th jjjo4oti of Ireland-) It would L) hard to say in wliroh obaraef T this ?? of the anaient melodies of Ireland will be most prizid-wbather as a musical, a litlarsty or r aD tiu ia publication. In ...


... FASHION AND I) VARIETIES. THE COURT. WVINI)Sae, 'fucs'U Ur.-Tli Dukle of Cambridtzo (at- tended by Colowni TI'yvwht), atn the DJule of New- n'tile arrivel yosterday afternooln on a visit to her Majesty. 'The thininr party inculbhd the Dubhess of' Kent, the Princos Royal, the Dake of Cambridge, Prince E riest of Leiningvin, Prince Edward of Saxe Weimnnar, Duke otf Neweastib', Lady I'inly Howard ...


... SSELE CTEID1) POE'fTRY. TI 1' IIIiDEI WH1LA'T art thou buildill., buililig, So lofty to beoldll j'thl the silver luod the gildillt, The iv'b oy alnld the gold. And porpltvry colmiltis risttg ljike trees it, the forest old ? Wh1'I1y plice thy utinrble basements S eep lit the cold earth's veins And th! towcrs and windowl casements So higth o'er thte steeple fiaies; And why those ponderous ...


... WINTER TWILIGHT. Tre twilight of thle evoning is around mc. And I can feel that nighlt is (irawilig near, For now thei spirits of tile past surro'nd me, And whisper to me of thc lost ndl dear. Harlk ! I can hear thc tempest loudly weeping, As it goes wandering tlrnurh th branches sere Oh ! many a hitter thoulght Which haq been sleeping T'he storm awakens iln its wild career. Ov)er the tear-st ...


... F.ASIIION AND VARIEETIS. TIHE COURT. WINxISolI, SATURDnA.-Admiral Sir Edmund l vons snivel1 yesterday afternoon on a visit to her Ma- jesi v. rhe dinbmer pirty in the evening includei( the DuOchtsi of Kent, Viscount and Viscountess Palmer- ston, Viscount and Viscountess Hardinge, I.ady Fanny Homard, Baroness de Spetli, and Admiral Sir E. Lyons. The Queen and Prince, with thle Princess Alice, ...


... S ELECTED POETRY. LOVE AND IhOPE. NONE loves who does not wish fell fsil' .None wishes wlo Io hope will cherish The heart may love, wish, 10op) in vaila For ever seek, and ne'er obtain- Butt foml aspirings cannot perisih. What. if no tree its aid supplies To raise the iv.y upivard springing ? On Ceartd the Plant supinely) l;s; It lacketh strenigth iilolte to rise it climlbtth liot, Save ...


... (From Le Follet.) Tir, wintry winds, which have now set in with rigour, have caused an increased display of warm out-door toilettes. Wadded manteaux and furs are indispensable. Cloth dresses are more than ever in demand; they are composed of a skirt, fastened round the waist by a buckle behind; the casaque has turned basques, in which are two pockets-one for the pocket-liandkerchief, the other ...


... W A . ?? , * WINDSOR, lxA. B table'(4ibe 't accompanied by the Duke of lbarbr-1ge, and'attefnded byth Marchioness ofii Ir~ ld eir lleatt'ie liy'rg, dly ve out its os open carriage yesterdyy aiterlu)oon, and honloured sMr.' Ward, l.A.,I by visiting his studio at Upton..psork. Prirsoe Ernetst .,f Leinlugen leftithe ut~vsi for thei Contieatit :Prince Augustus-of Saxe Welmat arrived on a visit to ...


... FA&SROIABLE INZELLIGENCE. l WiuDSOR, JAN. 24.-The following visitors ar- rived In the after n :-The Princess Victoria Gauromma of coorg and Mrs. Drummond, General Count Aiphonso Del la Mar- mora, commnanding Sardinian Contingent in the Crimea, attended by his Aid,.de.Carnp Count Avet; the Earl atid Countess of nhaftesbury and Lady Victoria Ashley, Viscount Torrington, Lord Churchill, and ...


... mUSiC, &c. R0TUNDO.-MONS. J&LLIEtSg CoEtoaaus.--Tlle fifth and last of the Eeries of concerts announced by Mons. Jallien was given on Saturday evening. Accustomed as we are, and long have been, to witness crowded assemblages on occasions of great public attraction, we mnust say we have rarely seen col- leoted together an audience so densely thronged or comprising so large and brilliant an ...