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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBE1S AND AGENTS. 1rr beg to announce that WC have made evcry pos- ible arrangement for the carriage andl delivery of ur unstaesseped papers in the principal towns throughr ut Ulster, in order to meet the requirements of the ublic, and render the cost of our journal as cheap s it can practically be made, consistently wvith our lim to iurnish the earliest and best intelligence. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCATBERS AND AGENTS. WXE beg to announce that we have made everv1 pos- sible arrangement for the carriage aid deliver of our tiinstainije. papers in the princip)al towns throig1 - ont UIlster, in order to meet the requirementi of tile public, anid renider tile cost of our journal as cich ;p as it can practically be made, consistuiltly ith iur aim to furnish the earliest and best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ta nhtCb. W ANTED, A N U R S E R Y-l1 A I D.-NONE W need apply but thoic who have filled good si tations, aml can he wvell recoinmmcnded. Apply, A. B., Ntievs-Lette;' Office. 274 VV ANTED, A BUILDER TO TJNI)PER- \T TAKh, the ERIECI'ION ofi a CIII[RCII between Ri chili lI n P 1ortadlowvn, accorldin to Ia Plan and Spevilications lodgel with dI r. ALEX- ANDEII ANDFRSON, Anarea, Riclilill, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T E A. BEALE & EDWARDES ARM NOW OFFRItINO, At No. 104, Hi~qh Street, A VERY SUPERIOR TEA, At 3S ?? per lb., OF WHIICII TIIEY SOLICIT A TRIAL. 3000 PER.UVIAN GUANO. A S AGENTS OF T'mE PERUVIAN GO- rt VERINME:NI r for the Imp)rtation and Side of thid vi.thable, MANRITE, we think it rigiht, for the pot(eltiioll of consumners and r, spectablo dealeirs, to n~pr ise ?? tilat thle adlllt(erationt of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GU AN O. vPpER PERUVIAN GUANO, ;£10 Os. perTon. CIlIllAN GUANO, .. 9 0 do. MJANCHESTER ABATTOIR,Do., 7 10 do. GWO\AVN , PARKE, & CO., 9, Victoria Chambers, Belfast, January, 18s;. AenoY of the NATIONAL. PROVINCIAL .FIRE, AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPAYN. Ditto of BLACK BALL Australian and Ame- rican Packets. 328 BELFAST CEIMETERY, NIALLONE. N ORDER, TO SUPPLY THIl WORKING T Chsses with BURIAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OIJND, IN fA RAILWAY CARRIAGE, Ju oil tleC Belfalst andl Drlog-lledla L~ine, 111)nlt SatUIrdl, tie 26th of January, a SUMAI or MONEY. ThOe oJI.§r, by giving a satistlactory aCcoUnt, atnd Ia;Ina tie ex PeiseS Ofi advlerti-1'1111a11t, mnnV have it bvajpplyihng to tlt. Rov. SKEFFI NGTONTHilomp' SO.N, Tully, CIumolin, County An triimi. 3G0 Al 0 O) E It A T F' U r L A M P S, 25 1 it C1:NT BII:I.ONV ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO-11OBROXV EVENING. BELFAST YOUNG MEN'S C1IRJSTLAN ASSOCIATI'ON. pUBLIC LECTUJRE, ON SCIENCE AND ITRATURE; their Rolation to Itcli.c~ion By the Rev. WV. Al. PU.NSHON,,of' I~od,!& At Ialaf-pitst SEVEN o'clock, it, ttio ICIN)e I 1-ALL, ott the Evein~ig of TUESDAY', 21at1 il~. 'Tnom s ?? E-q., J. P., Prosidcrtt, ill tire trip;,. Tickets to 1b0 hal or the Biookselleri. 24t) T1lE BELFAST SABBATHf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. JOHN'S CHURCH SCHOOLS. hNONATIONS OF WORR, &C., FOR T3-lE .- BAZAAR, in Aid of the above School louges will be thankfully received by any of the followill, Ladies,viz.:_ Mrs. C. KNOX, Ratvenhill. 'U~rS W. ENYVARTr JUN. Whleatlield. 311s. F. H. I,E:WIS, Nettl(fiell. 'Mrs. LANYON, \Vellincton Place. Mrs. J. MAICAIJULEY, Royal Terrace. it Mrs. H. SEEDS, How i'd Street. Mi's. SEAVElR, -Mount ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS AND AGENTS. Wr beg to announce that we have madle every pos- sible arrangement for the carriage adll delivory of our 0 s11'iiaoiC palpers in the plrinipal to tllS l thl ill - out UsLter, in order to meet the requirements of the public, and render the cost of our journal as cheap as it can practically be made, consisteintly withl our ahi to furnish thie earliest ald best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISSIONS IN IRELAND. mIIE ANN'UkAl SE0RMONS IN AID OF THE r PRIMITIVE WESLEYAN NETHODIST MESIt)NO ARY SOC IETY will ?? be preachled in Stte soITEl'X'S CH-APE1, DONEGALL Pl ACE, e SUNDAtY, the 13th January. MIorning, Ten o cljck; Evenling, Seven o'clock. By the Rev. DAWSON D. HEATIER, D.D. The, PunLIC mEETING will be held on MON- PAY.1. the I 4th January, when the operations of the Society will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCB;BEBS AND AGENTS. WE beg to aunsounce that we have madile every pos- sible arrangement for thle carriage arild delivery of our lorstinmpe i pavoers in tile l principal tov icis thr ough - out Ulster, iui order to meet the requiremonts of tibe public, anld render the cost of our journal as cheap as it can practically be made, consistenily with our aim to 'urrishl the earliest aud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOWN AND CONNOR AND DROMORE CHURCH EDUCATION SOCIETY. rTHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS and frieuds of this Society wvill be held (God willin-), in the VICTORIA HALL, VICTORIA S; REET, on TIIURSDAY next, the 3rd Jam. 1856. GEORGE 11ACARTNEY, Esq., M.P., wvill Preside. Ak deputation from the Church Education Society for IrahInid. is expected to be present. The Right hon. 10jEll1 NAPIER, MI.P., ...